Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Monday, October 1, 2012

During this month plus eight days I will have lived upon this earth for seventy-two-years during which I have suffered the sinecure of politicians who pander my attention only when they need to get, or be,  reelected. At seventy-two-years-of-age I am all too well aware that they are thieves of my time, my life, enslaving me to their agenda.

Yet, that said, boldly, they are frauds since behind them are the truly powerful who finance their electioneering costs and to whom the elected are beholden, obscenely so, at my and our expense. Though as Advertised they promise an alterative between greed and generosity they are peas in a pod of addiction to power and molestation of the poor, the abused, raped and murdered -- There being no Justice in America. Why?

Why indeed would anyone want to live here? The streets of America are not paved with Gold. If anything it is a parking lot filled with pot holes, bridges that collapse from negligence, homes foreclosed owing pennies on the mortgage. 

All prior investment and faithful payments confiscated by banks who in their turn hoard the proceeds. Adding insult to injury they seem oblivious that real estate is an expression of a vibrant economy and the homes they hold hostage along with the funds to proceed towards a families education, retirement and burial are also held in abeyance. The value of money is exercised through circulation otherwise "In God We Trust" is blasphemy.

As a motto or icon it is idolatrous to imply that in fact we do, do we really?, trust God?

My father was a foolish man who I loved none the less. He believed in the Pyramids. Thinking that a razor blade placed within would sharpen it self. He like, all who purport to serve, are materialist believing only in that which they can own, taste, touch, smell believing that Greed is not only Good but God. Therefore thinking god, obviously, merely a nice idea for the masses; their slavery and control.

. . . let me for a moment digress and witness to the love of God in my life: I would not be writing this had I not seen the word "sinecure." To the average politician I could, and can be, dismissed as "Mentally Ill." Yet it is by these coincidents and sychronicities that God addresses my attention and with each passing day since I was kicked to the curb for giving Mesilla Valley Hospice every dollar and free hour at my disposal coupled with my prayers and sincerely humble good wishes for them and their future. 

I do now  address their abuse of me as a person, elderly, one of the very few men volunteers to serve their mandated requirement for volunteers period . . . if prosecuted or further persecuted I will defend my case by naming names and using them as witness for my defense. I can, by the power of love make them wish never to have been born and long for death yet in Hell unending and forever more.

My thesis applies equally to one an all who abuse the poor, making women breeding stock or as in the case of Mormonism: Stepford Wives; mindless slaves to men. And for the J. L. Gray employee who insists upon his right to inspect (read invade) my residence which he has control over monthly and add his sexual longing for me to suck his cock and/or have him sodomize me . . . well sorry, I'm not that sort of guy. I know love and admire the creator of this property who told me that I would never find housing within sixty miles of the village/town/city of my choice since J. L. Gray, like The Mesilla Valley Hospice would find me, for reasons unreasonable, inconvenient. I now consider both predators.

I will do no murder, however I will dismember your ego for you. The YOU being the authority and I being nothing but a soul in love with God, in whom I trust emphatically & immutably . . . and it though God that I understand the immorality and total absence of ethics manifest in America.

In an earnest sense I am your employer. Merely one of millions who will hold you accountable in life and death for the evil you do not just to me but all the others who wander the streets neglected; the homeless, the children without school, clothes or food. The veterans of Wars legendary reaching back to the Second World war whose security you have aborted to your greedy self-righteous pleasure. I am not mentally ill; you are. I bow, kneel, lay face down for no one but God who is the very ground you stand upon and the air you pollute, worse the water you defile in greed for more power.

Might is never right . . . please see http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Aggression

Based upon the mutilation of Iraq and intentions towards Iran. Add the ongoing debauchees of Afghanistan. I know the previous administration Republican and close with a quote from YOUR PROPHET:

"History teaches that wars begin when governments believe the price of aggression is cheap." 
--Ronald Reagan, Address to the nation from the White House (16 January 1984). . . . small wonder we have the poorest and most expensive Internet service in the world. Add to which the U.S. Congress & Senate voted to censure it. Why?

The rich enslave the poor stealing from them all their worldly goods to enslave them more. 
I am no slave, not even to God. . . .We are at war with ourselves and a house divided against it self cannot stand. I believe and have faith in Jesus' meaning that to love your enemy is not to become a victim of their evil.

121001 19:35 I don't want to live another day
©2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

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