Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Monday, October 1, 2012

if I have no compassion for my self the soul of me i am a fraud/hypocrite/bigot and so for me to be real and in love with myself I must love all others including those who steal, rape, mutilate me in torture as did the ones beloved of my heart

some of us are prey and others predators its the nature of existence yet i sense our redeemer lives in each of us not merely creatures created as wolves, badgers, frogs who would become princes or princesses since our redeemer is period no menses


maybe not

to have menses means giving birth it is natural and nothing natural mean or benign is to be despised but
why oh why dear sweat Jesus the Scorpion riding my frog back across the stream did Aesop say you stung me to death and both of us drown in M?

if i lose her as if i can lose myself impossible there is no dominion in death thank you muchly Dylan and Byron and and and and all those who wrote they love across the midnight of my unknowing becoming the lights pin pricks of my self loathing keeping me alive in my mother's womb for as she said and she should know she was there in Christ Hospital doing the doing done to me to give me birth enormous was I? she never said but the pain must by her lights be have been continuous until her dying in a nylon night gown smoking a Camel Cigarette the plaque stopped her brain instantly how do i know Janina my sister told me so

I am in anguish for my beloved may leave me behind and i will die with her yet i do each time we part and am resurrected each time we meet and strange creatures we are lamb/lion combined or merely feathered laughing dragons flying about belching love and of James Agee and Walker Evans and the three of them together in bed or did James stand aside watching while Walker did Mrs. Agree oh sugar i should have spelled it: agee oh gleam i'm just a guy with a maid her knowing me to death never parted should she touch me as she touches KoKo or as i touch Annie that's obscene jack a 4some versus a 3some and you are just a one woman guy?Q ! watasha matter 4 ju are U some freak? i am not allowed to draw the sword of myself from the sheath without tasting blood sometimes maybe yes obedience before love but otherwise look out jack the giant killer doesn't need to cut just to look and you're horse meat no longer running freee across the desert that once was grass lands and you will freaking love it. Justice Clarence for life Thomas I'll always think LONG DONG SILVER do me a favor and kill me using the Russian Mafia or any other lunatic like you to do the deed and save me the Walmart shopping bag and the maintenance man the trouble of flushing me away and carrying these words of my love for you out to the dumpster

121001 04:19 compassion

well well about wells mom used to bring home kittens she always loved cats as I do the difference is that the cats well that's another facet of the possible stories spun or woven from all the things I notice and annotate dangerous to associate with me since I am deadly to cohabitation with anything or one save maybe mabe not cats or kittens or snakes. well mom brought home the kitten/kittens and mama lu put them in a burlap sack and drown them inside the cistern it still worked when I was five or fifty when going back to the only other home i'd ever had my heart lays lies resides in Ripley Ohio and U wanna know something out of all the negatives on silver made with my beloved Hasselblads in Ripley in my urgency to get away from Rosemary's rage before i snapped and simply beat her to death saving her life and mine in the process her birthday is the day after or before yesterday tomorrow sometime soon the card is beside me not addressed no stamp maybe i should do as M says and just leave the woman alone? . . . still in my haste to escape her or my death I was lead to the one box with the Ripley negatives and will scan them sometime before I die and share them maybe perhaps not and like me into the dumpster i use as a trampoline in the dark wearing my underpants barking at the moon . . . i will go away leaving you in the hell America has become for mere greed

between sadist and masochist are light years yet i am neither and both all in one package and can pop the pimple on the horses posterior it really more fun then kicking a judge supreme or superiors sit down if I have reverence it is for the creator not the fools who attempt to adjudicate what is leftover making it curious spurious supercilious shit.

"Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love." --Albert Einstein

"Mortal lovers must not try to remain at the first step; for lasting passion is the dream of a harlot and from it we wake in despair." --C S Lewis 
. . . on or from the soon too soon 4 me to disappear iGoogle I open my days with

"The first among mankind will always be those who make something imperishable out of a sheet of paper, a canvas, a piece of marble, or a few sounds." --Alfred de Vigny, Stello from CulturalBook__ Click to Join Literary Society invite your friends and while U'r @ it stick your "Like" somewhere the sun don't shine.

. . . & the colored girls go Boop de Boop in time all the politicians and "Justice Clarence Thomas" will be in bronze forgotten beneath all the pigeon droppings drooping in wilted ignorance since the Chinese who own us now won't care a fig or fart or mustard seed who the F you thought you were when "alive" and so seriously self important worshiping commas and words to the extent of killing one little girl whose father impregnated her with an AIDS baby . . . and oh boy that sweet white boy Romney won't have a chance to avoid my poison pen i've only begun kill me now.

Experience is the only thing that brings knowledge.
L. Frank Baum (1856-1919) Discuss 

a little later on . . . coffee and such maybe some oat meal to buffer the coffee & cigarettes. . . .
I don't like what my thoughts imply since God is more real to me than I am to myself. But! That said I must say it: we are lambs lead to slaughter by piss ants who pretend to be Lions. After years of loving Jesus, the one in my dreams, the one found wandering in the desert to be baptized by water and the holy spirit and the God of whom my only fear is that God will never speak to me again; like mom, rosemary, susan, carol, M did do will do because they can by choice accident disease or merely dying of old age . . . U know we do wear out? It's is the contract, fine print. . . . Once a priest always a priest . . . once a whore always a whore . . . but like Jesus I consort with whores because ultimately they have children who need to be feed and love just as much as I do God. Intelligence and knowledge do not and never will supplant wisdom and as for i and old man longing to die and leave hell for ever I will say again Politicians are intelligent whores addicted to 'power' and self important to the degree, extend and kind as a thirteen year old pregnant runaway used as an ashtray controlled and manipulated by a pimp. The John and The Primp are complicit and thus guilty of crimes against not merely the child but equally so towards all mankind therefore should be considered despicable, armed and dangerous and should be restrained . . . I do not condone murder or killing of any kind save to feed the people . . . I'm just fine living on Pinto Beans; God being more obvious within the poor: we share and collaborate and tolerate all sorts and conditions

be well all of us and dear sweet beloved Jesus be kind and bless us all . . . more love please
. . . is it not the many Saviors amongst us now and what about all the others the black, yellow, red and beautiful Tellez girls too is not Christ in them two? Where ever two or more are gathered . . . He was, is, will always be God the one assassinated As for Mohammad I will only remind you of this He died in his sleep not naked upon a Cross emblematic of humiliated self and resurrection/incarnation/reincarnation

121001 06:30 final - final
©2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

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