Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Sunday, July 15, 2012

illustration from http://www.famousquotesandauthors.com/random_quotes.html random choice this date's collection

120715 09:44 self revelation inappropriately so

Attending Sexual Additioniction Anonymous; There are several groups of approximately the same name and intention; National. If not listed in the telephone book your location use the web or ask around. For God's sake don't be shy. I was at first.

I came to know a man slightly senior to me trained in social work with a minor in psychology He was forever hitting me up for free rides, here & there hither & yon, a real pain in the sit down He shared that he had a girl friend wheelchair bound with MS in rapid state of decline – the eventual end is slow I know because I have another friend having the same problem, genetic predisposition, I'd lent aid to his dying brother. 

In time one is unable to swallow, there are many things worse than death MS is the lesser than Parkinson's or Alzheimers; a slow shutdown of a once viable life starving to or suffocating slowly to death.

In any case after elaborate arrangements, I helped him move, he arranged for this woman to be nearby for regular fellatio . . . I still pray for them both. Though since our banishment from The Garden of Eden for eating the fruit of judgment good &/or evil. . . . or merely Bad. It may well be that she adored him and merely gave him blow jobs as a tip for the groceries he brought her; I was the chauffeur and never saw her save through his witness.

My lifelong study of my suicide was/is/attended by a fetish for feminine underclothes slippery panties principally but bras and slips will do pantyhose never. Once knew a recently divorced black woman who allowed me to play with hers while wearing them – but she called the “drawers' – just to jerk my chain, promising deep throat. Never happened but she would call me once in a great while seeking a hook up that also never happened lamentably.

Even Kurt Vonnegut mentioned them, panties, with an illustration in, Breakfast of Champions. My point is that once initiated they remain barely contained constrained or controllable . . . 

(brief aside Word Web, Websters, Oxford and American Heritage . . . Tom Wolf's preference Carol his former lover then mine told me so . . . Google's Chrome Dictionary is gonna eat you all alive; faster than http://www.thefreedictionary.com/: deeper but slower i.e. idée fixe: a fixed idea; obsession – Think Tea Party, Milt Romney, conservatism, greed is good, selfishness more better or lunatic fundamentalist Islam or Christian, having your fathers baby no abortions by rapist allowed sniper shot the Gynecologist use women as breeding stock cannon fodder for useless war at least profitable to the Military Industrial Complex Eisenhower mentioned before leaving office Foreign Aid bibs to dictators who promise rape of profitable natural resources. . . .) Oh yes and that Atlas Shrugged is a novel by Ayn Rand a Russian and guiding light to the glitterati, inc. our slave masters the bastards and bitches who own everything included my body but not my soul . . . by poll amongst those who know: United Heath Care a medical insurance company has a woman Chief Executive Officer compensated annually $103,000 + stock options and bonuses extra. AARP one of their largest customers. Had learned she had any part in denying my son or daughter health care . . . well I won't go into detail . . . what the fuck why not: I'd reach down her throat drawing her sphincter over her head and laugh watching her suffocating while prodding her with my AARP card. She wants not ever to see us the people she fleeces preferring instead locked gate communities and resorts where us tar babies can't get in since it costs $5,000 a day. Bye-the-Bye million has six zeros, had to look it upon, on Google of course my new primary browser Chrome, other wise I'd have expired from a nose bleed in their rarefied stratosphere.
Take an executive to lunch and eat him/her alive. . . .Merely a metaphor please Mr. Thought Police man drooling with thoughts of terrorist acts, sedition or treason. Since those good Patriot Act (s) by Howdy Dowdy & Uncle Bob left the stage a shambles another asshole waiting in the wings to 'make it better' Preemptive Strikes & Torture, Inc.

"A republican government is slow to move, yet when once in motion, its momentum becomes irresistible." -- Thomas Jefferson 
(1743-1826), US Founding Father, drafted the Declaration of Independence, 3rd US President

. . . I won't get paid for my endorsement by choice. That said I consider books erotic licking smelling fondling them and the oracle librarians their panties too, my mind wanders the cosmology in wonder at the meanings of words throughout recorded and before history. Those small innocuous characters coupling into new potentials. 

Fuck you Discovery & Chase, Inc. the most important card in my now raped wallet is my library card:)

Theology is the study and commentary on the existence and attributes of God or gods, and of how God or those gods relate to the world and, especially, to human existence and religious thought; more generally, it is the study of religious faith, practice, and experience, or of spirituality. It is sometimes contrasted with religious studies: theology is understood as the study of religion from an internal perspective (e.g., a perspective of commitment to that religion), and religious studies as the study of religion from an external (e.g., a secular) perspective.

Calvin's magnum opus
The opening chapter of the Institutes is perhaps the best known, in which Calvin presents the basic plan of the book. There are two general subjects to be examined: the creator, and his creatures. Above all, the book concerns the knowledge of God the Creator; but "as it is in the creation of man that the divine perfections are best displayed", there also is an examination of what can be known about humankind. After all, it is mankind's knowledge of God and of what He requires of his creatures, that is overall the issue of concern for a book of theology. In the first chapter, these two issues are considered together, to show what God has to do with mankind (and other creatures), and especially, how knowing God is connected with human knowledge.

To pursue that explanation of the relationship between God and man, Calvin adopts a traditional structure of Christian instruction used in Western Christianity, by arranging the material according to the plan of the Apostles' Creed. First the knowledge of God is considered as knowledge of the Father, the creator, provider and sustainer. Then it is examined how the Son reveals the Father, as only God is able to reveal God. And finally, the third section of the Institutes describes the work of the Holy Spirit, who raised Christ from the dead, and who comes from the Father and the Son to affect a union in the Church through faith in Jesus Christ, with God, forever.

If you hear someone repeat the same ideation or phrase expecting different results ignore them they are – insane.

Forgive me my trespass or infliction on your attention but I simply must explain my current totem not fetish: Commander Stephen Norman Spratt, my erstwhile half brother also known as Commander Chuck E. Cheese what the fuck did you do to dad that made him cry while telling me you'd get his inheritance since I made no children to receive his bequest a certainly not “that nigger child {my adopted daughter} He, sobbing now, said you pissant had helped him once? A dictated script you brain washed into him promising to throw his person bodily out of your care taking?

Did he ever tell you why I called him Hawk?

Unlike the Lamb/Lion I am the Dove/Hawk and I will eat you alive and shit you out at an appropriate altitude you to know & remember the punch line: 

“. . don't shit me now Hawk!”

Now when you speak before real men they will collapse laughing at you as I do now.


Did you know that like Dragons of yore this Hawk farts flames? That's a good thing Stephen you'll be a cinder before you hit the ground.

© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

120715 02:22 knowing

knowing more the unknown
humbles one to listen quietly learning
better the pronouncements of the Other
in silence is wisdom learned we arrive we live
& die merely one of trillions grains of sand within the hourglass passing

120715 06:41 knowing more

Memory serves me too well at times places blur worn smooth by a river of time
In a rare spontaneity my bride still after so many years lent down preparing to fellate me
Rarer she seemed to be willing to not just lick but suck fully an arrival from me.

Roaring up beside Lisa a rescue gaff rigged sloop came Gill Thorpe in his very powerful swift noise maker. I dropped my cap and she with aplomb straighten up

Hello Gill!

Mr. Thorpe was upper middle class a Drug Store owner beautiful wife and children living on Wickford Harbor Where there was a motive to 'improve' certain publicly held property a dock for commercial purposes He had once spoken to both of us saying “I don't like swimming in myself” He had lain down in front of enormous dump trucks to prevent the carnage to his not view but septic tank making it impossible to swim of a morning his exercise at home No other pool possible if so he'd had one.

I rarely forget context and behavior names often especially if ancillary to my narrative fall by the wayside Yet I remember faces and his daughter beloved of Randy . . . I measure my life by his death the before during and after . . . beautiful like her mother she was Randy's favorite babysitter . . . there was then a younger brother a family gorgeous posterity iconic.

Where are we now woven into a tapestry debt the whole Nine Yards standing above us hoarding everything required to survive Money become meaningless all told swimming in an universe of effluent Monetary values meaningless when not circulated politically neutered and we the slaves considering change of any kind to acquire pennies “In God We Trust” become a lie

Generosity like life is its own reward So too greed true not expansive but devalued and murder to boot suffocating in pennies valueless those who “In God We Trust” experiential real

Long curious “The whole nine yards” Caring capacity of an average dump truck became the roaring 40s latitude returning clipper ships sailed beneath waves full standing every sail drawing for speed – Typhoon – The men required to reef the sails off watch drown in their bunks & I with love imagine them and their ghost ships still sailing still beneath the brine

© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved