Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Thursday, May 16, 2013


My ignorance races beyond grasp unable to grow vast enough to catch it up and know the all or why of it.

Perhaps merely an old persons game, this pin cushion of beans or sand, stuck through with the common pins of quotes; glistening, well worn—smooth as frogs toes.

Marry your best friend. I do not say that lightly. Really, truly find the strongest, happiest friendship in the person you fall in love with. Someone who speaks highly of you. Someone you can laugh with. The kind of laughs that make your belly ache, and your nose snort. The embarrassing, earnest, healing kind of laughs. Wit is important. Life is too short not to love someone who lets you be a fool with them. Make sure they are somebody who lets you cry, too. Despair will come. Find someone that you want to be there with you through those times. Most importantly, marry the one that makes passion, love, and madness combine and course through you. A love that will never dilute – even when the waters get deep, and dark.”
. . . discovered just now @ http://weseekjoy.blogspot.no/

Stunned to discover the above. Reminded my perception nominally remains influenced by my father’s estimate of competition, fame and acclaim; celebrity as success and wealth . . . at least that was the measure of I remember from infancy onward, now hearing music differently than what he implied or bribed. Conscious he left me only words at death: “goodbye.”

We both left penniless by the true gangsters bankers and Wall Street speculators, politicians stuffing their yaps with lifelong security while stealing ours; leaving veterans to sleep under bridges . . . and on . . . and so on.

Usury as wonderful for serial rapist and pickpockets collectivized at 1%. Think not of Drug Lords in Juarez but of the Belt Way humping you naked—they in business suits.

In Public and plain sight.

But—i digress. My intention not lost but distracted by entering, momentarily, into the carnival menagerie freak show kiddy porn propaganda presented as news when actually infotainment wall-to-ceaseless-wall noise partizan for power and control. A centrifuge spinning out our souls, home, education, health and pennies. To me a tsunami of dreck.

I do not disapprove of profit but 66 2/3rds a bit much, much less taking entire nations hostage. Had I my mother’s bequest it would have given me a diet of something other than beans and rice. My father’s would have provided me with a life of quiet dissipation, or so I once thought prior to being where I am happily impoverished yet rich in friends.

Bereft my father’s attitudes and perceptions of what is good and holy I sense for myself what is appropriate and good for all the rest of us. We 99%.

I have yet to write any where near what I long for: Poetry. That impossible, to me thing, like music was made, the language of God’s Lullaby.

If coin be wealth, as words are to me, then I am armpit deep in them. Girding my loins to move forward. Gaining an education. And for now profoundly grateful for N’tima’s words (above) a balm upon my temerity and bewildering ignorance.

130516 MDT 14:07 racing
© 2013 by Jack Spratt—All Rights Reserved

lust the nomenclature of

Nomenclature changes with use and abuse. The face of love becomes available when we love ourselves unconditionally as we are--passion transmuted to compassion. Want transfigured by need; satisfied by sufficiency.

Eternally young by nature, and choice, I remain growing older day-by-day, wondering, if while they who love me now as I am, will accept the actual eccentricities I incarnate. Or will I, as I’ve done in the past hide behind ‘normalcy’ reflecting that which seems expected of me: going-along-to-get-along?

Love is not a prison unless you are addicted to the idea or idol of it. Discernment or divination offers answers that we can say yes or no to. Neither Gospel or Fate. My sense (looking back with inconvenient memory) is that I was suffocated by a sense I had no right to live. Yet now am at peace, confident of what is to come regardless the odds against tomorrow, for you, for me, for us. We all and the nest, this planet we, for now, call home.

Barring a rogue asteroid, Escalade or rhinoceros . . . maybe losing my short term memory, evaporating, demented, will I know, or care? I am willing to gamble the greatest investment I have, myself, not confident as those who stack the cards in their favor. Who know of Whom and to Whom I speak, but by all portents, omens and clues seems the direction of integration to what formerly was inconceivable to me.


More complete.


More so than ever before or I’d any prospect of ever entertaining.

Beguiled by Gideon and his choice making process/prospects, I am wandering between another game and tilt; the pinball I play daily, collecting quotes, discovering:

- Fay Weldon
"If you put a woman in a man's position, she will be more efficient, but no more kind."
"There was no such thing as defeat if you didn't accept it."

. . . what in the name of all good, not subject to rust or moth, no decay, am I to do with THAT?

Opening the scar tissue healing of last evenings conversation and confidence with P.


Oh yes!

I did say; “we must be real.” Wherein all previous experience, unreality ruled, and I ran-away. Suicide being the only alternative. Never occurred to me to kill the adversary. Though in other regards I’d deadened myself to endure—long—long—time before.

I am confident there are other issues yet to announce themselves but this choice and behavior is/was the nexus of my immobility prior. Mother trained me well, with the impossible tuition, of and how to face God. The School of Hard Knocks magna cum laudemagnacumlaudi. Of Presidents, Popes, Bishops, Cardinals Managing Editors, or my father for that matter; all pussy cats by compare.

But! Oh Dear God! Of wives, lovers, transient desired women have I otherwise despaired!

Not a dark room floor covered in marblesbut one large glass ball covered in grease barefoot do I traverse these next days . . . do I have the courage of which I so easily speak?

Like Bojangles with optional cymbals strapped to my knees hurdy-gurdy invited to dance I stand breathless with anticipation the switch; It’s SHOWTIME— YOU'RE ON!

Coiled pot, or thrown clay, upon the potter’s wheel, I am gyrating upward a new vessel. Cracked again or What?

The dragon within wants/needs another to dance with.

Laughter! I’m an eejit hopelessly in love with life.

"Love is rarer than genius itself. And friendship is rarer than love." - Charles Peguy

PS In lucid transparency, it now seems true, I've known not how to ask for, or express love before; what is already in my heart . . . "Not to ask is not be denied." - John Dryden

. . . Reality TV? What is love, truth, meaning, value . . . more in the latter future bro/brodettes

"This above all: to thine own self be true. " - William Shakespeare

130516 MDT 10:28 nomenclature of lust
© 2013 by Jack Spratt—All Rights Reserved

across all time

Across all time things are said differently indicating a common thread of wisdom. Recently it occurred to me that plagiarism is possible, if not probable, yet a thought well said is mine. Admire not the author but the spirit in which the author speaks; inspired commonly by The Author of All Life. Who spoke and speaks now. Doing no harm.

If we begin with certainties, we shall end in doubts; if we begin with doubts, and are patient, we shall end in certainties.” - Marcus Aurelius

My near fatal flaw seems to have been being intimidated by my Self. Preconditions and conditional love. The internal yawing rictus of need/want, what is the difference? Where does the tide turn between?

Only we in/on our absolute bottom line: living/dying, can know by experiece indwelling—real. At the moment I am aware of those raped, women and men, who will forever be changed by chance or choice: agression or hapenstance. Then too hasten to add the children born of addiction and AIDS, poverty, naked and alone crying bereft. Those disappeared: torn asunder buried in anonymous fields at sea . . . the prisoners of ideals. It takes more courage to live than die.

To find within the resourse to take the next breathe. The harm carried forward become disease suffocating and preconditioning, staining all opporutnity to remember kindness received and given forward.

Many voices, creeds, colors, times, before said and walked, drown in greed for safety. . . .Did I mention “genders” or gender proclivities? Without equality for women we will never be whole. For myself, add what I suggest for you, no love is ill between any combination of gender—love trumps all. Absent that we have no life and no love at all. What we layup or loose within the court of our opinion is what we fear in ourselves. Cruelty is infectious.

Amazed. I realize in being willing to give anything asked of me by either M or P, am saying yes; as if The Interlocutor had asked. Such, it seems, for now, the nature of love sacrificial. Relationship of any kind is heroic as is celibacy. Absent concord disaster.

Most publish to persuade while I do so to share the questions we must collectively answer; with the crystal and pearl within: unique, explicit. Either way, together or apart, the songs we sing are always a duet—new psalms . . . all life, in its cycles, are the same entities bearing similar spirits but differently costumed. Listen to yourself not me.

A spicule of snark:
"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessing; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries." (Churchill) . . . could it be that we, in concord, can find collaboration?

An afterthought; There is about this, and within me, a sense of inevitability like death, or birth yet like orgasm must be expressed. Helplessly enthralled by joy.

"It behoved that there should be sin — but all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well." ~ Julian of Norwich (her famous visions occurred on 13 May 1373)

130516 MDT 07:14 across all time
© 2013 by Jack Spratt—All Rights Reserved


Wellness is a process, not product bought, but earned by personal effort, aided via a number of resources. There’s times when I realize I’m not THERE yet. Rills of concern and sometimes terror, occasionally, fill my consciousness; slumping into the ground face first suffering the twitches, writhing, slings, arrows and vicissitudes doubtful I’ll ever arise.

Within this instance, rare, I began with the love of a beloved to name and see the face of myself as a boy crying gasping for air, longing to be loved, affirmed, assured. Not abandoned or ridiculed. Worse: punished for my request; simply love me, see me as I am.

Instead of being pushed off the precipice into oblivion, I am already walking on air, better able to inhabit the future since she filled the hole of despair within me with assurance. I’ve worn out the word “astonishment” there being no superlatives describing my sense of surprise; absent face time yet. For near a year we’ve been apart “Had She Said Yes” to my ejaculatory; “TAKE ME WITH YOU!”

At each turning, reversal, somersault, landing on our feet, we move towards one another more whispering within ‘yes’ becoming Lauder/louder the path mutually defined. Life and Love seem also a process renewed; frequently worked upon. An activity, love being a verb, stasis is not an option, but a living death. Everything otherwise seems ‘normal’ but it is not, since the players implode. Walking about in a dream playing prescribed roles, pretending not living.

You, me, we, all are in process. And I for one doubt that it ends in death. Ain’t nothing special in me just a sense, thought, feeling and intuition; there is more, much more. Personally, while writing this, as it flows from me, remembering my surrender to other authors, their intentions and conclusions. The narrative with a happy ending!?

Now is eternity and we scribes scribbling across it imagining what the vastness is with the narrow stylus of consciousness. Metaphorically it doesn’t work for my sense the vastness so near, but a glow worm in all the dark is close but no cigar; neither milk and cookies nor happy ending. Just awe filled reverent acceptance. Mindful consciousness is investiture in the present leaving the past and future to triviality. Now is the only thing we can change. Equivocation is not an option nor is killing the adversary since in the act we become averse to ourselves.

Implosion. Taking the agenda for our rule thus becoming the intention of conflict frozen.

I have no sure or certain, no fixed apprehension, yet remain convicted that a forgiving merciful love is present in all time and in all people. Specific these moments even when I face down giving up. My faith, experiential, cloaks me invisibly forgotten and naked I disremember it at times refound.

I suggest you sincerely seek to see what you are looking at with the eyes of your heart. Comprehending there is no floatation device, no ship of state or religion established, that will forestall change, save your choice to be brave, adapt, improvise, prevail: make up your mind and live your choice proudly.

Me thinks myself grotesque yet my love and the interlocutor seem to see me differently as I am.
. . . to both I submit.

Even a weed seen uniquely can be lovely.
Beloved omit yourself only if it your last choice.

Whatever is in any way beautiful hath its source of beauty in itself, and is complete in itself; praise forms no part of it. So it is none the worse nor the better for being praised.” - Marcus Aurelius

To close: Of M, should she ask, I would give any part or all of me. Realizing now that my prior equivocation simply means that being imperfect I must go forward learning to love the all of myself better. Giving it all to The Interlocutor; my guiding light acknowledged and followed seeking more

130516 05:44 healing
© 2013 by Jack Spratt—All Rights Reserved