Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Thursday, May 16, 2013

lust the nomenclature of

Nomenclature changes with use and abuse. The face of love becomes available when we love ourselves unconditionally as we are--passion transmuted to compassion. Want transfigured by need; satisfied by sufficiency.

Eternally young by nature, and choice, I remain growing older day-by-day, wondering, if while they who love me now as I am, will accept the actual eccentricities I incarnate. Or will I, as I’ve done in the past hide behind ‘normalcy’ reflecting that which seems expected of me: going-along-to-get-along?

Love is not a prison unless you are addicted to the idea or idol of it. Discernment or divination offers answers that we can say yes or no to. Neither Gospel or Fate. My sense (looking back with inconvenient memory) is that I was suffocated by a sense I had no right to live. Yet now am at peace, confident of what is to come regardless the odds against tomorrow, for you, for me, for us. We all and the nest, this planet we, for now, call home.

Barring a rogue asteroid, Escalade or rhinoceros . . . maybe losing my short term memory, evaporating, demented, will I know, or care? I am willing to gamble the greatest investment I have, myself, not confident as those who stack the cards in their favor. Who know of Whom and to Whom I speak, but by all portents, omens and clues seems the direction of integration to what formerly was inconceivable to me.


More complete.


More so than ever before or I’d any prospect of ever entertaining.

Beguiled by Gideon and his choice making process/prospects, I am wandering between another game and tilt; the pinball I play daily, collecting quotes, discovering:

- Fay Weldon
"If you put a woman in a man's position, she will be more efficient, but no more kind."
"There was no such thing as defeat if you didn't accept it."

. . . what in the name of all good, not subject to rust or moth, no decay, am I to do with THAT?

Opening the scar tissue healing of last evenings conversation and confidence with P.


Oh yes!

I did say; “we must be real.” Wherein all previous experience, unreality ruled, and I ran-away. Suicide being the only alternative. Never occurred to me to kill the adversary. Though in other regards I’d deadened myself to endure—long—long—time before.

I am confident there are other issues yet to announce themselves but this choice and behavior is/was the nexus of my immobility prior. Mother trained me well, with the impossible tuition, of and how to face God. The School of Hard Knocks magna cum laudemagnacumlaudi. Of Presidents, Popes, Bishops, Cardinals Managing Editors, or my father for that matter; all pussy cats by compare.

But! Oh Dear God! Of wives, lovers, transient desired women have I otherwise despaired!

Not a dark room floor covered in marblesbut one large glass ball covered in grease barefoot do I traverse these next days . . . do I have the courage of which I so easily speak?

Like Bojangles with optional cymbals strapped to my knees hurdy-gurdy invited to dance I stand breathless with anticipation the switch; It’s SHOWTIME— YOU'RE ON!

Coiled pot, or thrown clay, upon the potter’s wheel, I am gyrating upward a new vessel. Cracked again or What?

The dragon within wants/needs another to dance with.

Laughter! I’m an eejit hopelessly in love with life.

"Love is rarer than genius itself. And friendship is rarer than love." - Charles Peguy

PS In lucid transparency, it now seems true, I've known not how to ask for, or express love before; what is already in my heart . . . "Not to ask is not be denied." - John Dryden

. . . Reality TV? What is love, truth, meaning, value . . . more in the latter future bro/brodettes

"This above all: to thine own self be true. " - William Shakespeare

130516 MDT 10:28 nomenclature of lust
© 2013 by Jack Spratt—All Rights Reserved

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