Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Sunday, September 16, 2012


i bore myself looking at yesterday and tomorrow is tinny a trifle
now however is another thing this day altogether celestial no YAWN!
newly minted coin of the realm embossed with clouds distant galaxies
rushing away in glee and the cosmos is the only company store in sight

i no longer mourn yesterdays lost/loss no waste of life being in the pressure
cooker of life as then lived proves redemption a greater gift than all
the time before time began

120919 08:52 YAWN!
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

if i laugh at the transition between rigor and rigor mortis/it is my sense of life's earnestness/
nothing and none ill spent/and my laughter is delight the flight/of soul's towards heaven sent/all without exception/those who sinned/and those who didn't/it never was in my job description to judge/their lives as sinless or sinners/revealed/shared/confessed

she died the Thursday before/that evening I'd left checking on her/i felt something eminent/but instead of touching her to take her temperature/or bless her with my love/expressed though having/
fed her for she could not/i instead fled towards my crib/the day exhausting spent speeding behind me/
then the Monday of distracter/storms of chaos & rage/i listened and then sought where I am/at this now moment my truth/she the Valenitine sans Saint/just a commerical day of excess chocolate and meaningless paper wasted on sentiments not our own/the flesh of dead trees used to be filters for/air and water/needful for life since we breath and are mostly water/ 

how do you measure a day?/treasure it or meter it out in chores/tasks assigned to you by your employment/in nature or kind or degree/for me the day has no clock/not a check-in-out factory/my time is 24/7/365/eternity all rolled into milliseconds/will heaven be like a high school reunion with/
lovers wives wannabe's/could have been's/will they be as i see myself now in the mirror shaving/peaks and valleys of age beneath gray hair/or with the be the ideal i first saw looking into their eyes and at/their posteriors measuring their feasibility?

4M&M&m the latter didn't know it was time to move on anyway. . . .Seanna gone/
returning to Heaven/home & peace @ last

120916 09:10 high school reunion
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

You gots ta get up quick to catch god in the act of creation

At least I do since I've nothing better to do except:

If I laugh at myself & i do it's because I love you

Who is You?

Well Kiddies I'll tell you because; I love you because you are You. And what I'm about to write is a game changer; not my game or your game, but THE GAME we play called "Life." 

Everything in "Life" -- hereafter referred to as 'life' -- is an illusion. Obviously we are born, have life and then have 'nothing' in death. Are we agreed? Of course not! 

"When the going gets rough, the tough get going."

We, of need, best be very careful because if you attempt to change someone with aggression the response !IS AGGREESION! in defense of fixed, frozen, ideals. You can alternatively change them with laughter, or love; or Both. 

We are all actors who think we own the stage, the theater, the audience and the parking lot and so on. In my reality I'm just another 'wet back' emigrant. And ICE means, at least to me: IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: like sudden death beneath the wheels of a gigantic Sports Utilities Vehicle with THE BOSS driving and texting/sexting/talking or whatever on two cellular telephones while steering with their elbows and watching Fox TV infomercial misnamed as NEWS! . . .Oh sweet Jesus driving a Go Cart please let them kill me instead of leaving me a quadriplegic for the rest of my life -- WHAT LIFE?

Do I define life in a fixed way? Of course not since I see God every where watching the THE BIG SHOW!
And I don't think god likes it, but cannot definitively prove it: the like, dislike or bemusement. Well actually could we say AMUSMENT?

As soon as we are born the education begins. By the biological authors of our 'life' we are taught how to cope with THE BIG SHOW called life. At least the best their disability, dysfunction, prejudice, bigotry, fear, terror that we will be sexual before a certain age . . . i won't bore you since the list is quite long. Did I list enough for you to apprehend that you were once fertile ground now plowed and planted with nonsense? . . . ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME!

And all of this happens before Ur in pre-school. Thereafter the maladjustment begins in earnest -- not Ernest the kid sitting behind you tweaking your ears with spitballs. Vocational School: any school that tells you what to do for the rest of your "life." School Vacation is when you learn what you really want to do in LIFE. And this is where and when all my mistakes began: I began to think; 'dear god please be real. . . .' Latter on I had another rouge thought; 'i must grow large enough to receive the love of god. . '

God really isn't a vocation, or job description you can go the CVS Pharmacy and get behind the counter compounding prescriptions. You need to be a very rich and sadistic Drug Lord to do that.

What is the operative word? Rich? Powerful? Important? Memorable? Commendable? in what you want to be when you GROW UP!

Do Not Smoke in the bathtub! It might become your instant crematoria now that we seek energy independence making the Middle East very unhappy since we don't want to play the petrochemical game any more. You are not even safe expelling gas orally or though your posterior near an open flame. Death by Atomic Power is actually kind of sweet and slow; you lose your hair, bones become sponges and so on. The cure is worse. 

Gas is cleaner but getting it and moving it is a problem. I had intended to talk about 'natural' gas but my attention was diverted by those very large trucks lumbering through the night to deliver what you need to motivate your average ginormous SUV so you can go to the battery store and get more energy for your average vibrator . . . while of course telling Marge and Jane which brand last the most orgasms . . . I'm not a 'bad' person and did not learn this in school just my jocular imagination . . . I've seen gasoline tanker trucks stopped at traffic lights outside schools and wondered what would happen if it exploded? Would Exxon then become the most wanted terrorist in the world?

The really interesting thing about power, as demonstrated by behavior, is that it tends to advertise itself as competent. Richly rewarding itself in self-congratulatory excess taxing the electorate and receiving graft to legislate more theft. Public Education is a fraud as is No Child Left Behind since neither teach the art of thinking for yourself. 

This time of chaos and anxiety is neither recession or depression it is merely an adjustment. To what? If I said collaboration I'd set up a howl . . . well . . . actually screams of protest. A tsunami of Slogans pressing automatically implanted words learned in Vocational School.

I'm running out of space. I'll need to make this a serial story or very long parable of what it seems is possible. I have no answers for anyone but myself. My intentions are not  subversiveness nor treason but an appeal to the genius of you loving your Self.

If I have answers for my self? Where did they come from? Actually when I look back I realize that all my dreams have come true.

Change is natural and part of creation to fight change is to kill your Self.

120916 03:05 catch god in the ACT!
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved