Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Sunday, July 29, 2012

120729 1418 ID

I dislike putting my face anywhere the Republican National Committee can use it for examination. Their intent is decadent. As is apparent to any thinking person. Their purpose using Focus Groups on Facebook principally, and attempts to disqualify the poor who in general have no car thus requiring no identity card.

I know that Lincoln was liberal and that was then true of The Grand Old Party. So it was probably a Democrat, conservative then, who profited by the Civil War having Lincoln killed before prosecution.

Clinton played a role in the current collapse of monetary values: credit default swaps. But G. W. Bush et all finished us off . . .

. . . .Pause return 18:21 this date

I tire more deeply now bored playing with the pickpockets who take lives, homes, the rest and all of us for their pleasure. To relieve my boredom I return to the garden of quotes and therein discover that The All addressed them as well. Even though I am more comfortable there I still have a long longing to die and never be noticed despite my cute name borrowed and sullied by so many.

We legion: we PTSD are at the nexus of life and will if healed heal the world though dying itself by the depredations of goats.

Sometimes I see my virgin fertile womb like mind & soul seeded by various sundry words sought in my boredom writing about politicians, CEO and wannabe's.

That is when I found: "When moral courage feels that it is in the right, there is no personal daring of which it is incapable." - Leigh Hunt and I stopped to glean a deeper sense of the person who spoke those words then cutting & pasting them into my quote diary; near and dear and close to my Journal Files . . . directory, folder or whatever it is now called. Hunt also lost a child and drew compassion from the experience instead of psychotic rage. Bye-the-bye expect more of that since our leadership shows no empathy for we the PTSD. Instead they have stolen our Social Security and continue to give themselves congratulatory awards of greater salaries and benefits while denying ours.

All of this became my afternoon's reality as truth. I saw on http://www.thefreedictionary.com/
today's word: scarecrow + definition, and realized that though I'd found the stuffed toy across the street near the wonderful Hispanic Baptist church whose worship I so enjoy hearing in my crib -- the one I used to call 'clown' was in fact a scarecrow to celebrate All Saints Day & Halloween, Usage: She was determined, therefore, to contrive as lifelike a scarecrow as ever was seen … so that it should begin its sentinel's duty that very morning.

Made sense to me. I then changed my avatar on CultureBook http://www.dailyliteraryquote.com/daily-literary-quote-share.htm . . . same old man in Pie Town New Mexico but less identifiable.

Ignore me, I am nothing, it is you who must begin to heal yourselves as I did? Had a great deal of help from friends and God.

©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

120729 1141 coral snakes & goats

Given my former tinctures of paranoia regarding the THOUGHT POLICE, NSA, RNC, congress of baboons (now merely a herd of goats) Or the FBI who I believe assassinated Martin Luther King, Jr. True or untrue it no longer matters since like all institutions they remain sovereign unto themselves. And the deed is done; the prince of peace is slain. Google following my perusal of panties and adult women having sex with boys, etc. their principal claim to redemption being their advocacy of literacy and that is enough for me to forgive and use their services.

I simply no longer care since my sperm and marrow blood count, blood pressure and pleasures are accurately known and knowing this, and knowing that there is more invasiveness to come; so successful was Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden attack on the vanity of power at our expense -- do we soon expire becoming extinct.

I am no prophet simply an old and very sad man the loss of the Bride of My Youth, our children and the love affair I was too terrified of to continue.

No need to castrate myself since it no longer matters dying of old age and all the mysterious parts of the table of elements chemically added for profit by BIG AGRECULTURE, INC. Not to mention Exxon or GE. I think it no longer odd that they steal our money and lives and those of our children, our homes, cars, future, education; taught to perform vocational functions not to think -- since they Fucked The Pooch Big Time this time like last the last depression. Of course they lie cooking the books to legalize their theft. Speak to any average black woman, a parent alone, with several children in Englewood a section in Chicago or Darfur.

These remarks are motivated by the nicest thing I've ever heard. Upon entrance into hospice, last tour of duty and greeting a new medical staff member who looked oddly at me. I heard another beloved staff member say; "He's no ignorant Gringo." My memory was so overwhelmed I cannot accurately remember; did she say; "stupid, indifferent, selfish or egocentric?"

There is in our occidental tradition of death and resurrection -- only modestly different from the tradition of reincarnation -- a consequence that I know to be true; a separating of sheep's and goats. By nature I bless all I serve humbly regardless their choices in life since I no longer judge anyone even my brother who abused our father and stole my part of his estate. Stephen Norman Spratt is also called and introduces himself as Jack Spratt. My modest ambition is that if asked; are you Jack Spratt and he says yes. The person enquiring will fall down laughing because they'll remember him eternally as COMMANDER CHUCK E. CHEESE -- forgetting me.

I did not make him a goat. He did by choice, or Karma, or greed. I know he is a sexual predator and bigot having called my daughter a 'nigger' or something akin -- they had been best friends until then. How? Dad told me. I no longer wonder why she did not attend his wedding so near at the Navy War College in Newport Rhode Island.

I won't mind being buried alive with their, all the above assassin's, fecal matter in my mouth since they have already stolen our free will and ability to speak raping The Bill of Rights.

Instead I want to die consciously surrounded by coral snakes -- not goats. I have learned to die and am ambivalent about survival in this time and palace.

©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

120729 0827 seek

it is silly to applaud prayer
since it is intended to invoke
the origin of us our evolution
& creation are not mutually
exclusive but attributable
to the same source and where
did creation come from? Who

Seek not the one great love you long for
become it and give it to everyone without
expectation for the gift's gratuity

I am amused by my misunderstandings since they are constant companions in the rock polisher of my mind. Becoming not gems but pebbles still fraught with imperfections.

I have no memory of dying; entering the common democracy of death wherein all conceits finally fall away. However I am curious about the many near death experiences leaving me alive.

Of the 6 & 60 Million I wonder why and what became of them after death by any reason, measure or kind.  Of Jews I know better their hearts than their laws finding in commentaries fictional or poetic more about God than what Jesus died to change.

Also by this curiosity I know Roman Catholicism better by priest and sisters/brothers religious than by Popes. Think not mass or mask but what truth lies behind the myths. Think Jesus entering His Mothers womb daily hour by hour all across the world. Think not of pleasure but of Joy!

Not your Bag or Thing? Well then children enter the soul within; discover not the mother or father or biological family of origin but the origin of the soul inhabiting your life. Feel the pain and fear, the suffering ignored or drugged with pleasures or addictions and finally know joy and love endless not orgasmic.

How do I know this? I see and feel and think and intuit the presence of who saved me clearly day by day and long to go towards the source more day by day.

Grow where you are planted as I have from Jesus my root but as mere water moving into the trunk and limbs this tree of life I see others of different definitions and discover not only tolerance but reverence for all life.

Be well be Adored remain silent i understand

© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

120728 22:14 meaning

I see so deeply within myself.
Not needing my eyes, I can see everything clearly.
Why would I want to bother my eyes again
Now that I see the world through His eyes? --Rumi

The problem of my photographic career soon announced itself in the nascent days and months of working as photojournalist. Initially my vision/version of things was informed by a need to see things in an 'artistic, musical or sculptural' way. Meaning I had a preconceived set of notions into which I framed the action before me. Frame in this photographic case is significant since we as still photographer capture life within a single still frame excluding all else. And in the days of chemical versus digital there were no proofs until the entire process was completed. Pass/Fail

The shift became apparent soon after realizing that truth is stranger than fiction: my preconceived ideation advancing not the object/subject before me but my ego. Greedy for acknowledgement that I was worth attention or at least some small affirmation that I had value. I can be a vicious and rude person a defect I bridle with difficulty. Humility arose in the recognition that there was before me a truth I was employed to record. Thus the essence of my philosophy of truth became to be neutral and see what happened.

My initial intention was to write about what Rumi said " . . see the world though His eyes?" In once sense, to me profoundly so, he speaks of the concept and meaning of 'God.' Though in writing the previous sentence I recalled: 1 Corinthians 13, in which a mirror is mentioned coupled with the seeing of a child becoming fully mature. Without boast I've had many "Zen" moments the epiphany of being one thing exiting as another being. Simultaneously given my experience of such prior moment definitude knowing I "had it in the can, that's a wrap" I could quit the chaos and go home my assignment competed.

I fell blind when Randy, my son, was diagnosed and intuitively I knew he was to die. A witness to his sister's birth and obvious to me death soon arriving thereafter . . . about which I could not impose or inflict upon her mother . . . remaining silent. Brief aside I in old age know that forever have I treated women as God/Goddess based upon my lifelong estrangement from women. I was and remain a persistent little bastard and curious to boot. In my own way I skated through Johanna's birth brief life and death in custodial care; she had no brain beyond a wafer thin tissue lining her skull.

Whether recording light falling upon a child skipping rope or the numinous; there are two consciousness' observing one another and as Jung famously said that which sees is altered by the seen. Of the several attempts at a short story or novel I became conscious that the effort created characters who in turn created significant influence upon me attempting to depict their activities advancing the story line.

I am fascinated by warriors of the oriental military arts and use, for my own sense of what I'd do if confronted with threat or harm -- a relatively common experience since with a camera in hand I am savage -- a personal conviction that barking dogs are not my problem but the silent ones are.

Intellect is admirable but the other three functions desirable when confronted with death or God.

That is my summation of admiration for Rumi since he knew better God in real life than has ever been articulated via any other source of communication I know of. Inappropriate but I will confess I learned early on that the cartoon or graphic novel rendering of the Bible gave me a deeper sense then the reading of it. The process of my education is eclectic and various to a ridiculous extent.

This, what I've written is not about me, but you becoming we conscious, mindful and fearless in the this now chaos.

Curiosity is a form of greed but unlike addiction; unfulfilled; a vast emptiness it can be fulfilled as is obvious to me via Rumi's poetry. There is only one God known by various names and definitions knowable only when face to face. All institutions begin with an epiphany then die by attrition the greed of the administrators to protect the truth fixed and immutable. God is, to me very mutable and fluid, a comedian and dancer.

You can know and own everything material but if you do not know your soul you have nothing and fear the loss of that.

PS 120729 05:28

Upon arising I fell to wondering abut what I wrote above and looking at the environment of this new day yet to arise saw:

"I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong." --Abraham Lincoln

He is the first I understood as utterly self derived by educating himself and being what he was & remains; glorious.

The He of Rumi's reference is the final Judge of souls measured by things and those who in giving grow evermore to spill out the love received.


© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved