Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Friday, August 24, 2012

4 slugs randomly placed before he hit the floor
she a mother alone with two daughters holding
a gun an adult mother alone.
The masculinity of women blows me away &
now I understand men better we're all pussy boys
born between piss and shit Endlessly seeking
affirmation worth or unworthiness being

As told to me by the Empress of my adoration and trust.

The mother heard the front door of her home being forced open, her daughters slept innocent the invasion, barefoot the mother in nightgown reached into her bedside drawer and withdrew a faithful companion not a bible but a gun standing at the head of her stairs watched as he, a large Black Man ascended towards her unarmed saying, "you ain't gonna shoot me" smiling and didn't advance further not walking down but sailing 4 slugs randomly placed no longer a man or alive collapsing a heap of dead meat on the floor below.

boys you better watch your sit down a new age  dawning Not just your 6 but all 360 up down and sideways spherical God's a woman black as black on a starless midnight larger than the Universe and we's just children playing in her sand box a dream.

Suddenly a reprise of all the movies with men heroic runs through my memory banks which to choose? The answer just be yourself boy you had the course the training in chaos.

When I woke up a few minutes ago asleep from after dinner until then I wondered how to say what I'm saying now Women's suffrage isn't the issue it's how they suffer us and why? Better the right and left hand joined than walking one legged forever.
"Women may be the one group that grows more radical with age." --Gloria Steinem
misquoted to my love as "savage" versus 'radical' she replied "not savage!" Explains a lot of me to me a dead man born walking and talking.

M went on to detail the difference between friend and confidant, she's too fabulous to be my oracle alone. Seems the difference between friend and confidant is the total sharing we have verses someone who bitches moans and wines not the car but someone who just gossips being in and of themselves unreal. Then saying, M that is, she was trained in 1st offenders, i imagined little boys trying to be what they though manly was.

I have several muses now enlisted to check me out restrain me from going to far my ribald irreverent language. No bodies complained yet but then I'm very careful about the women I ask.

Quotes from my notes, dialog with one:

Think andys got his own woman on pinbook so I'm free meet you there in
an hour. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

dear sweet Isis from Osiris lamentably i received this note only now 120824 06:17 MDT & thus have missed our assignation however i in reply will say this: All men regardless of age remain children until they reach The Age of TRUE Majority wherein they through full investment have plumbed the psyche of the woman lived with and ostensibly love . . . be well Empress of my soul

I am not comfortable sharing this with you and pray it causes no problem with the women in my life but then I'm sacrificial when it comes to Love. It seems now what i'm all about: the process of, as Anais Nin reports:

"There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."

To enter the arena of God one must enter the center within your heart. . . .there's nothing to fear
. . . am i ever jealous the love God has for others?
expect more violence than you or i can now imagine. We can heal from rape but not either side of murder or merely being dicked around by little boys who never grow up
& for me writing is to leave my mark, dark across the breast of night

120824 2327 she
© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

it's my fault, kill and eat me, or eat me & kill me in the process

Creation, is a myth, woman came first then man . . . needing nothing more than The Emerald Eyes laughing in affirmation . . . man from women came. Then in time men in jealousy changed everything by fraud, lies, bait & switch. The most colossal con game in eternity.

KISS IT! Keep it Simple STUPID! switch every male role to female. But not Jesus

Digression but related -- profoundly. Working in a hospice clinic we become rapidly acquainted, then friends intimate with one another in crisis and never speak the world S. L. O. W. for it elicits chaos like: What an infant left in a plain brown shopping bag, remember those, left in the middle of I95 or 5 from slumber drugged head popped like a grape under the wheels of whatever . . . I'd say SUV but you know I despise them dear vanity mobiles. Kiss my library card, most highly valued plastic in my wallet, the price of vanity is $10,000 average to the CEO of whoever whatever vehicle; name it.

I've more important whales to fry than politicians who like me are merely sprats; forage fish. Who unlike the All of Us who linger blind to our slavery to any everything mostly egos and fear. Wonder why there's no jobs and the jobs that are suck the life out'ta your soul? Ask me, I once had, on paper $1,250,000 inherited gone now, no longer important. My point is that I am as responsible for your homeless hopelessness as any CEO stock speculator President Clinton Bush Cheney arrogant richly rich unworthy the shit it would take to bury their ashes as anything especially "Public Servants" who . . . . well you know my Snarks by now:  

So it's my fault, kill and eat me, or eat me & kill me in the process. In my death let me forgive & bless you your trespass and being lead into perdition in the Cardinal Sin of murder. What I Jack The Giant Killer do with words indiscriminate; a myth as much as Jack Sprat(t) could eat no fat etc. Better yet do my baby half brother first since he stole my due portion of dad's estate he's a hoarder porcine to boot and not insignificantly now has only one testicle as I do now. Retribution? Maybe!

An ass hole is an ass hole by any other name, badge or rank; and bad religious people are the worst, just like me. That said I see Cheney sodomizing the Statue of Liberty actually or merely in my dreams but no where near as bad as his (imaginary?) torture of kittens and puppies putting firecracker in their anus' watching them twitch and writhe at the insertion and then disappearing in a pink mist.

I am, by name, associated with shame indelible. My paternal grandmother gave me, pointedly and specifically, a clipping from The New York Herald Tribune dated sometime around 1922. Detailing a hack politician under the Tammany Hall administration. Democrat by the way. In which, it said, he & wife were haunted by two deranged poor employed to follow then reciting the "Jack Spratt could eat no fat.." implying that he was stealing alms from the poor under his charge. There home was the current site of The New York Stock Exchange . . . i've been told there's a model of the manse -- that is all, stand at ease, but for a moment. Smoke if ya got'tem or not.

The article went on to say another Spratt, on Long Island, had an enormous estate with slaves; you know people of color chopped off toes, whipped; their children sold as produce etc. Dad's wife Georgia was a Family Tree Nut who claimed legacy association with the DAR. I loved to bate her with Marion Anderson's story to shame her pride.

And finally, at least regarding The Name, Spratt or Spratt or Sproat; it is derived from Norse. An adjective or noun meaning something fucking awful; dad died before the translation was proffered. In any or all cases I am the only legitimate Jack amongst those I know of. "Jack" is not a name but a nickname for John or Jacob -- and you can do anything with that you little wish full heart can think of.

I was given a break during the 19' something, something recession in Rhode Island; part time work at full guild pay sans retirement or health insurance. Typical of management greedy to the last. I was then asked if I wanted to return on staff? No. In reply I said, "What you really need for equal rights is a black Jewish woman pregnant consumed with AIDS." The guy who asked had previously told me, as a retired Seal he'd done  halo drops into North Korea and/or China: solo. Maybe, Maybe not, he was, as dad was fond of saying to and about me; "You're as full of shit as The Christmas Goose!" Wisdom being the ability to discern bullshit from sincerity somewhat akin to why I say politicians fart through their mouths. At the point of my demure they then asked me to work nights. The bride of my youth fucked that up by telling them that in no way was I to work nights since she had training to attend leaving me at home to baby sit our daughter. They never asked me back and my humiliation remains one of the reasons that I'm going to take her name off my will, subsequently expunging both adopted daughter and my granddaughter. Fuck Em'

I'll close with another anecdote -- what I lost in my mutilated yet deathless prose poetry or simply gaga over my mind -- there is a Certified Nursing Assistant (nurses are the grunts of the for profit or not for profit medical biz) by name Estella who when queried why she did the work said; "I once wanted to be a nun but fell in love instead and married" -- you see I wondered about her working two jobs, both medical. It is she who said of me "he's no stupid Gringo" -- another story or one I've already used and/or abused. I became curious about the diapers in all images of Jesus on the Cross and asked her who cleans up when someone passes? "I do."

Knowing the ass holes who run this country, overtly and covertly, are just as into power as the Roman's. I intuited that Jesus was humiliated naked pissed and shat himself on the cross to which she said sincerely, "Thank You."

To be touched by the grace of Jesus is both joy and terror, since, I have faith that He invented tough love. The soul fled we clean the remains; the last gesture of love. For the living I've done the same. And will gladly do it endlessly with humility for their gifts to me.

PS Always watch were the money goes and warfare amongst the siblings.

120824 15:49 confidant
© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

*Sedition is [by law] an illegal action inciting resistance to lawful authority and tending to cause the disruption or overthrow of the government 

*Treason is [noun] A crime that undermines the offender's government, Disloyalty by virtue of subversive behavior or An act of deliberate betrayal "a long record of crimes"

*Crime is (criminal law) an act punishable by law; usually considered an evil act or An evil act not necessarily punishable by law "crimes of the heart"

All children are guilty of idolatry deeming their parents god(s). Then in adulthood keeping their childish perceptions similarly of those who purport/pretend to rule or represent them by religion or secular governance. Thus retaining their helpless dependency and infantile ways; slave to either or both cases in all the ages of humans. 

To my sadness sometimes horror the best minds of any, but particularly our time, are devoted to lies called advertising. Manipulating by any means and measures the consumption of dreck or merely useless shit. Regarding products I have little quibble yet do protest its use and abuse when selling politicians particularly. Since, covertly both enterprises research the buttons to push inciting choice to their vested private and secret intentions. Which in my judgement is criminal, sedition against and treason upon the Commonwealth of life. . . .Children are easily deceived and taken advantage of.

What one does by choice or chance becomes causal to all. For example leadership for its own profit demonstrates sanction for all leadership to copy, mimic and/or incarnate crimes against nature. 

e.g. cause war unreasonably or falsely declared. 

i.e. America incorporated with the various allies invasion of the sovereign states of Iraq and Afghanistan and now threats of other states private, corporate or merely the entire world hanging in the balance between wellness and being expunged: all life plus the habitat extinct.

In and of myself I have no answers. Had I one I would keep my mouth shut since a single governance or religion is death to individual fee will and choice: Evil. Instead I advocate or preach tolerance and practice what I teach by example everywhere and all the time; without exception even towards those who would and can imprison, assassinate, or dismiss by claiming me mentally ill. None of which troubles me since in the sanctity of my consciousness/self/soul I am by trust/faith appraised of its continence. Not me alone for we are legion: the poor, the meek who will inherit what's left the end of all wars. 

The tide of life seems at lunar low and frozen there unknowing the incoming or continual out flowing of time, tide, seasons; reasons to continue living at all. Not me alone but all of us.

I am conservative, or conservator, of an energy, or self, sovereign to me. Yet acknowledged by most, if not all, the poor of the world. Among whom I consider myself a nonentity. And wish to remain that way. 

We must do for ourselves what law, science or religion cannot do for us; govern the small footprint in time eternal or merely now, equivalent, life by creation or evolution; imposed what we live and die for.

Though 'Christian,' knowing Jesus, only by that name, I embrace those who refused to name their sources of wisdom occidental or oriental or whither they expected to be in death.

* --according to WordWeb Pro; a superlative on-line dictionary free to try in nascent form http://wordweb.info/free/

120824 0632 sedition
© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

10% is good as far as it goes your mind however has vastly more
& given that we collectively or individually are using less then the
millionth part as we are taught by those who covertly rule over
us as per their conscious/unconscious intention design/desire to
fleece then dick, eating us to their profit -- Hadn't intended
this a poem or at the very least in poetic form so I may at will
change format capriciously.

. . . My point dear reader is that a child born with a golden spoon in its mouth versus one fed with mud will, obviously, know nothing of the others experience and therefore expect of the mud eater to sacrifice his/her life to feeding the indifferent non feeling lacking any empathy child born with the golden spoon Anything and/or all it desires claiming a divine right to do so That is their nurture nature and the origin of "only the strong survive" a generalization the "Divine Right of Kings" their succession. I have no fear in proclaiming my personal conclusions since for the greater part the "King" have enabled the sucking you hollow by amusements beguiling to into allowing them to suck you hollow of both mind and self; what is in other times and places called a "soul." Otherwise why would the few spend so much value/currency stolen from you to convince you to vote for anyone or thing?

Since few -- read -- vacated by The World Wide Web. In THE KING OR KING'S COLLECTIVE INCORPORATED concern the Internet has become a treat to their bottom line; your slavish addiction to all they propose for your health & welfare or well being. The Commonwealth of all life. . . .Disappeared by smoke and fun house mirror distortions, perversions, lies, miscounting, psychological manipulations or merely secretly pick pocketing the amulets and fetishes: homes, cars, energy, children's health and education their futures any and all things a parents should, may or can be responsible for.

 Watch as they slowly smother it with censorship first for 'intellectual property concerns' the showing, for profit, of pornographic violence inherently obscene, lacking any HAPPY ENDING! But the indiscriminate genocide/holocaust of all deemed degenerate, or enemy, mostly the poor; who in desperate need of potable water, general health concerns for their children, arable land, etc. -- by -- implication are about to invade your crib, rape you, your wife, the eat or kidnap for slavery your children -- then steal your life via sadistic lengthy torture.


Exactly what the Kings are about 24/7/365 or 366 on leap years. . . .DOING IT TO YOU!?
. . . or merely doing you all the time for the past eight to ten thousand years.

Well remembered: a reply to a contributor to Screw Magazine published in Playboy: "Fuck you Very Much." What I recommend you write or type in the blank 'WRITE IN OPTION' on any or all ballots offered to indicate your precise edict/verdict/opinion their intentions and behaviors to date.

In my conviction television is both an enema & an evacuation device. Filling you with, variously, what ever they wish you infused with: Lies mostly. The potential is endless & absolutely bizarre. Think terminal orgasm since in your addicted drug addled state of mind it will be momentarily celestial ecstasy!

Google's Chrome browser coupled with Wikipedia can inform you better than anything else. It is quick and constantly policed for fraud, unlike television, lacking any income from vested private interest. Keep it simple; look up simple words at first: love, democracy, greed, hoarding, oligarchy, tyranny blending them with notes taken from your personal life's experience from stem to stern this ship of state or canoe of one afloat in eternity.

Think for yourself. Live free or die. Ignore all else including me who writes the diatribe doing no harm but publishing mere conjecture freely on what remains free of The World Wide Web. Forget not the free access of Public Libraries administered by people fiercely independent knowing the meaning of free speech & intellectual property

Don't be well, be better, taking responsibility; participating in what you want from life.

120824 0340 10%
© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

. . just fucking with U . .

true of me are many things false and true measured or treasured variously by differing scales perceptions and the truths of others who by rights granted in science or creation or the creation of science have in equal measure rights inherent and granted by the nature of truth indifferent

by what means or measures perceptions or treasury are we collectively in life before or after now this moment in eternity to express explain the abstract issue of size whale to a sprat who both living in water know nothing of air in which birds who eat sprats and whales equally but how could it be that a bird would eat a whale? Or anything create a worm ant or God indifferent

that the issue isn't it the difference between apprehend understand convict judge and execute a will to be or not to be anything especially freedom or wills being in any given moment to kill or give birth to itself or another replica loosely closely lovingly or otherwise hated indifferent 

Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are part of nature and therefore part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.
--Max Planck

do you get my drift point truth or myth joke sincerity and if so by what measure or means? be careful now since as journeyman author photographer poet boy man or father am eclectic of truths with which to beguile you to sleep prayer contemplation meditation the subject object of existence or God indifferent
just fucking with U

I think we delight to praise what we enjoy because the praise not merely expresses but completes the enjoyment; it is its appointed consummation.
--C. S. Lewis
dog chasing night finding day playful too
moon bright male
sun being dim female
half moon half day

neither either/or but and/both

120823 22:56 true of
© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved