Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Friday, August 24, 2012

*Sedition is [by law] an illegal action inciting resistance to lawful authority and tending to cause the disruption or overthrow of the government 

*Treason is [noun] A crime that undermines the offender's government, Disloyalty by virtue of subversive behavior or An act of deliberate betrayal "a long record of crimes"

*Crime is (criminal law) an act punishable by law; usually considered an evil act or An evil act not necessarily punishable by law "crimes of the heart"

All children are guilty of idolatry deeming their parents god(s). Then in adulthood keeping their childish perceptions similarly of those who purport/pretend to rule or represent them by religion or secular governance. Thus retaining their helpless dependency and infantile ways; slave to either or both cases in all the ages of humans. 

To my sadness sometimes horror the best minds of any, but particularly our time, are devoted to lies called advertising. Manipulating by any means and measures the consumption of dreck or merely useless shit. Regarding products I have little quibble yet do protest its use and abuse when selling politicians particularly. Since, covertly both enterprises research the buttons to push inciting choice to their vested private and secret intentions. Which in my judgement is criminal, sedition against and treason upon the Commonwealth of life. . . .Children are easily deceived and taken advantage of.

What one does by choice or chance becomes causal to all. For example leadership for its own profit demonstrates sanction for all leadership to copy, mimic and/or incarnate crimes against nature. 

e.g. cause war unreasonably or falsely declared. 

i.e. America incorporated with the various allies invasion of the sovereign states of Iraq and Afghanistan and now threats of other states private, corporate or merely the entire world hanging in the balance between wellness and being expunged: all life plus the habitat extinct.

In and of myself I have no answers. Had I one I would keep my mouth shut since a single governance or religion is death to individual fee will and choice: Evil. Instead I advocate or preach tolerance and practice what I teach by example everywhere and all the time; without exception even towards those who would and can imprison, assassinate, or dismiss by claiming me mentally ill. None of which troubles me since in the sanctity of my consciousness/self/soul I am by trust/faith appraised of its continence. Not me alone for we are legion: the poor, the meek who will inherit what's left the end of all wars. 

The tide of life seems at lunar low and frozen there unknowing the incoming or continual out flowing of time, tide, seasons; reasons to continue living at all. Not me alone but all of us.

I am conservative, or conservator, of an energy, or self, sovereign to me. Yet acknowledged by most, if not all, the poor of the world. Among whom I consider myself a nonentity. And wish to remain that way. 

We must do for ourselves what law, science or religion cannot do for us; govern the small footprint in time eternal or merely now, equivalent, life by creation or evolution; imposed what we live and die for.

Though 'Christian,' knowing Jesus, only by that name, I embrace those who refused to name their sources of wisdom occidental or oriental or whither they expected to be in death.

* --according to WordWeb Pro; a superlative on-line dictionary free to try in nascent form http://wordweb.info/free/

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© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

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