Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Monday, October 1, 2012

During this month plus eight days I will have lived upon this earth for seventy-two-years during which I have suffered the sinecure of politicians who pander my attention only when they need to get, or be,  reelected. At seventy-two-years-of-age I am all too well aware that they are thieves of my time, my life, enslaving me to their agenda.

Yet, that said, boldly, they are frauds since behind them are the truly powerful who finance their electioneering costs and to whom the elected are beholden, obscenely so, at my and our expense. Though as Advertised they promise an alterative between greed and generosity they are peas in a pod of addiction to power and molestation of the poor, the abused, raped and murdered -- There being no Justice in America. Why?

Why indeed would anyone want to live here? The streets of America are not paved with Gold. If anything it is a parking lot filled with pot holes, bridges that collapse from negligence, homes foreclosed owing pennies on the mortgage. 

All prior investment and faithful payments confiscated by banks who in their turn hoard the proceeds. Adding insult to injury they seem oblivious that real estate is an expression of a vibrant economy and the homes they hold hostage along with the funds to proceed towards a families education, retirement and burial are also held in abeyance. The value of money is exercised through circulation otherwise "In God We Trust" is blasphemy.

As a motto or icon it is idolatrous to imply that in fact we do, do we really?, trust God?

My father was a foolish man who I loved none the less. He believed in the Pyramids. Thinking that a razor blade placed within would sharpen it self. He like, all who purport to serve, are materialist believing only in that which they can own, taste, touch, smell believing that Greed is not only Good but God. Therefore thinking god, obviously, merely a nice idea for the masses; their slavery and control.

. . . let me for a moment digress and witness to the love of God in my life: I would not be writing this had I not seen the word "sinecure." To the average politician I could, and can be, dismissed as "Mentally Ill." Yet it is by these coincidents and sychronicities that God addresses my attention and with each passing day since I was kicked to the curb for giving Mesilla Valley Hospice every dollar and free hour at my disposal coupled with my prayers and sincerely humble good wishes for them and their future. 

I do now  address their abuse of me as a person, elderly, one of the very few men volunteers to serve their mandated requirement for volunteers period . . . if prosecuted or further persecuted I will defend my case by naming names and using them as witness for my defense. I can, by the power of love make them wish never to have been born and long for death yet in Hell unending and forever more.

My thesis applies equally to one an all who abuse the poor, making women breeding stock or as in the case of Mormonism: Stepford Wives; mindless slaves to men. And for the J. L. Gray employee who insists upon his right to inspect (read invade) my residence which he has control over monthly and add his sexual longing for me to suck his cock and/or have him sodomize me . . . well sorry, I'm not that sort of guy. I know love and admire the creator of this property who told me that I would never find housing within sixty miles of the village/town/city of my choice since J. L. Gray, like The Mesilla Valley Hospice would find me, for reasons unreasonable, inconvenient. I now consider both predators.

I will do no murder, however I will dismember your ego for you. The YOU being the authority and I being nothing but a soul in love with God, in whom I trust emphatically & immutably . . . and it though God that I understand the immorality and total absence of ethics manifest in America.

In an earnest sense I am your employer. Merely one of millions who will hold you accountable in life and death for the evil you do not just to me but all the others who wander the streets neglected; the homeless, the children without school, clothes or food. The veterans of Wars legendary reaching back to the Second World war whose security you have aborted to your greedy self-righteous pleasure. I am not mentally ill; you are. I bow, kneel, lay face down for no one but God who is the very ground you stand upon and the air you pollute, worse the water you defile in greed for more power.

Might is never right . . . please see http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Aggression

Based upon the mutilation of Iraq and intentions towards Iran. Add the ongoing debauchees of Afghanistan. I know the previous administration Republican and close with a quote from YOUR PROPHET:

"History teaches that wars begin when governments believe the price of aggression is cheap." 
--Ronald Reagan, Address to the nation from the White House (16 January 1984). . . . small wonder we have the poorest and most expensive Internet service in the world. Add to which the U.S. Congress & Senate voted to censure it. Why?

The rich enslave the poor stealing from them all their worldly goods to enslave them more. 
I am no slave, not even to God. . . .We are at war with ourselves and a house divided against it self cannot stand. I believe and have faith in Jesus' meaning that to love your enemy is not to become a victim of their evil.

121001 19:35 I don't want to live another day
©2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

fraud in America

Fraud confessed to, by me, is not an artistic device to grab your attention to the plight and suffering of we the: defrauded. 

Retired after forty-five years in subcontract/freelance service to The New York Times. I ran away from 'home' ashamed of the act abandoning my work of many years because the woman I ran away from was in anger: a terrorist. 

Very much like my mother, wives (2) and one I chose to live with as, in retrospect, an excuse to abandon the Bride of My Youth; the one I had loved since first sight; third grade, Old Greenwich Elementary School . . . in some sense our marriage seemed foreordained or fated to be: by God. 

Yet, first to last, from childhood until now I was victimized by the women in my life. By 'choice?' or 'chance?' or simply because I was addicted to abuse knowing nothing else and longing for more and more and more. However in the education I received at the hands of the women I loved and love still; and pray for daily . . . is worth every tear, every blow or what I know as the runes and ruins of my heart: wounded. 

The reason I write and considering the one I love & trust is God . . . formulating my sentence--this one--I remembered "Cast not your pearls before swine." 

Ah Ha! 

He, who ever he was inspired to write that knew the Politicians of their time, the Sanhedran, would destroy His opposition to their power. 

I am sincerely humiliated and ashamed to confess that I have plumbed the depths of myself. To the degree, extent and kind: I recognize evil with in me. The ability to rape, pillage and burn or merely to murder those who appose me. 

I have not done so. And never will. Being willing to die instead of kill another with my mind, soul or being.  Whatever it is than I am. That which--the Who--inspires me is nothing like me. 

Or at least I pray so--am I like Job? Am I being tested? Or am I merely myself an old man soon to die looking for a reason or excuse, to keep-keeping-on Living for another day. Another moment? A breathe away from ending it ever since I was born.

I found the first & last--at last--a home in New Mexico and second in finding a reason to keep-on-keeping on despite dying several times over once I arrived in Las Cruces. I began to post my experiences in hope that others like me would begin to fight back the issues and experiences that made them victims; like myself: the Powers that Be secular pretending to be benign.

Combined between, initially: Care2, Facebook, then Google and My Opera . . . now my true home for writing for writers Culture Book. The first two and last sites do not provide any measure for counting the number of "hits" = people who have read or viewed my words and images. My estimates without verification are that between 10,000 and 20,000 people world wide have "hit" my sites lending me a sense of accomplishment; not for myself but for those of who are in reality victims of abuse.

My personal truths have informed me that, for the major part, what I experienced as abuse was in fact teaching me to survive in a world committing suicide. 

My parents were the first authority, as an infant, I was abandoned in so many ways it is ridiculous to detail them. Yet there were personal examples of hospitality by Jews that hammered home the reality of love. Love expressed in foreign ways yet being highly intuitive I knew love when experienced and seeing it incarnate. 

Fundamentally, by root and growth, then and now, I am Christian near death having come to the simple declaration: "If you wear a cross be prepared to die on it." 

The Cross is not decoration for me. It is a portal, statement, symbol, of intention, dedication and willingness to follow the person destroyed upon it. Jesus was not murdered by Jews but the Sanhedrin who ruled Israel then: spiritually and politically.

Though, first to last, I've never had a quibble with homosexuality. Nonetheless I've been viticmized by a man who fathered children and the decided he liked living with a man instead of his family. 

Some think me handsome, but by neglect and the utter absence of love, I take my appearance as nothing worthy of attention; somewhat akin to what I write and or photograph. The man I fear is hitting on me sexually.

I follow acidulously Jesus' direction to pray for my enemies. Those I currently pray for are: The J.L.Gray Co., Messila Valley Hospice and the entire Government of the United States.

Today was unique. I am elderly and destitute and too preoccupied with the man who promised to throw me into the street. The homosexual manager, who promising to leave was made assitant manager and I am a prisioner in my apartment because of him. There is a community here terrified of him, some do not feel that way and they curry favor with a two faced evil man who abuses the edlerly as did Hospice to and for whom I gave everything I had and they kicked me to the curb. I did not protest or dispute their right to expunge me from something or someplace a Ioved. . . .

I could and will go futher if in the presence of authority I can trust. Not just leagally but intuitively. I am more than I seem to be to myself since it seems God loves me unreasonably. If this is so I must speak for the poor, the meek, the widows and orphans and not the sleek fat cats who rule America and New Mexico and abuse the elderly. The woman who saved my life said rape and abuse are the same, the impact on our lives never ends -- it is a form of grief -- the one who passed away is myself. And I grieve for my three children, the women I've loved who never loved me the father and his second-son who stole my enhirtance . . . no wonder I don't care to live or die in America . . . yet unlike the people I canvas in the streets none want to vote or trust either the Government or the Medical Business Incorproated agains us. 

In closing I will lend you my coviction that Culture Book is a better home than Google, Facebook, Care2 or Intentions and I will give when I can a few dollars to keep it alive as I do Wikipedia and NPR ignorning those theives named in priority J. L. Gary, Mesillia Valley Hospice, Republicans, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney and few individuals who are very fortunate that I left instead of tearing their hearts from their chests as They Did Jesus, as, and or like, we all: victims of authority. 

121001 18:20 He's gone. I am free from the prison of my apartment. No longer have to avoid seeing him to receive charity adminstered or denied by him: $300.00 in poverty for utilitie bills; I'd rather die than kill him merely by looking into his lying eyes. . . . I'll go hungery first.

The more laws and order are made prominent, the more thieves and robbers there will be. -Lao Tzu

121001 16:04 fraud in America
©2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

if I have no compassion for my self the soul of me i am a fraud/hypocrite/bigot and so for me to be real and in love with myself I must love all others including those who steal, rape, mutilate me in torture as did the ones beloved of my heart

some of us are prey and others predators its the nature of existence yet i sense our redeemer lives in each of us not merely creatures created as wolves, badgers, frogs who would become princes or princesses since our redeemer is period no menses


maybe not

to have menses means giving birth it is natural and nothing natural mean or benign is to be despised but
why oh why dear sweat Jesus the Scorpion riding my frog back across the stream did Aesop say you stung me to death and both of us drown in M?

if i lose her as if i can lose myself impossible there is no dominion in death thank you muchly Dylan and Byron and and and and all those who wrote they love across the midnight of my unknowing becoming the lights pin pricks of my self loathing keeping me alive in my mother's womb for as she said and she should know she was there in Christ Hospital doing the doing done to me to give me birth enormous was I? she never said but the pain must by her lights be have been continuous until her dying in a nylon night gown smoking a Camel Cigarette the plaque stopped her brain instantly how do i know Janina my sister told me so

I am in anguish for my beloved may leave me behind and i will die with her yet i do each time we part and am resurrected each time we meet and strange creatures we are lamb/lion combined or merely feathered laughing dragons flying about belching love and of James Agee and Walker Evans and the three of them together in bed or did James stand aside watching while Walker did Mrs. Agree oh sugar i should have spelled it: agee oh gleam i'm just a guy with a maid her knowing me to death never parted should she touch me as she touches KoKo or as i touch Annie that's obscene jack a 4some versus a 3some and you are just a one woman guy?Q ! watasha matter 4 ju are U some freak? i am not allowed to draw the sword of myself from the sheath without tasting blood sometimes maybe yes obedience before love but otherwise look out jack the giant killer doesn't need to cut just to look and you're horse meat no longer running freee across the desert that once was grass lands and you will freaking love it. Justice Clarence for life Thomas I'll always think LONG DONG SILVER do me a favor and kill me using the Russian Mafia or any other lunatic like you to do the deed and save me the Walmart shopping bag and the maintenance man the trouble of flushing me away and carrying these words of my love for you out to the dumpster

121001 04:19 compassion

well well about wells mom used to bring home kittens she always loved cats as I do the difference is that the cats well that's another facet of the possible stories spun or woven from all the things I notice and annotate dangerous to associate with me since I am deadly to cohabitation with anything or one save maybe mabe not cats or kittens or snakes. well mom brought home the kitten/kittens and mama lu put them in a burlap sack and drown them inside the cistern it still worked when I was five or fifty when going back to the only other home i'd ever had my heart lays lies resides in Ripley Ohio and U wanna know something out of all the negatives on silver made with my beloved Hasselblads in Ripley in my urgency to get away from Rosemary's rage before i snapped and simply beat her to death saving her life and mine in the process her birthday is the day after or before yesterday tomorrow sometime soon the card is beside me not addressed no stamp maybe i should do as M says and just leave the woman alone? . . . still in my haste to escape her or my death I was lead to the one box with the Ripley negatives and will scan them sometime before I die and share them maybe perhaps not and like me into the dumpster i use as a trampoline in the dark wearing my underpants barking at the moon . . . i will go away leaving you in the hell America has become for mere greed

between sadist and masochist are light years yet i am neither and both all in one package and can pop the pimple on the horses posterior it really more fun then kicking a judge supreme or superiors sit down if I have reverence it is for the creator not the fools who attempt to adjudicate what is leftover making it curious spurious supercilious shit.

"Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love." --Albert Einstein

"Mortal lovers must not try to remain at the first step; for lasting passion is the dream of a harlot and from it we wake in despair." --C S Lewis 
. . . on or from the soon too soon 4 me to disappear iGoogle I open my days with

"The first among mankind will always be those who make something imperishable out of a sheet of paper, a canvas, a piece of marble, or a few sounds." --Alfred de Vigny, Stello from CulturalBook__ Click to Join Literary Society invite your friends and while U'r @ it stick your "Like" somewhere the sun don't shine.

. . . & the colored girls go Boop de Boop in time all the politicians and "Justice Clarence Thomas" will be in bronze forgotten beneath all the pigeon droppings drooping in wilted ignorance since the Chinese who own us now won't care a fig or fart or mustard seed who the F you thought you were when "alive" and so seriously self important worshiping commas and words to the extent of killing one little girl whose father impregnated her with an AIDS baby . . . and oh boy that sweet white boy Romney won't have a chance to avoid my poison pen i've only begun kill me now.

Experience is the only thing that brings knowledge.
L. Frank Baum (1856-1919) Discuss 

a little later on . . . coffee and such maybe some oat meal to buffer the coffee & cigarettes. . . .
I don't like what my thoughts imply since God is more real to me than I am to myself. But! That said I must say it: we are lambs lead to slaughter by piss ants who pretend to be Lions. After years of loving Jesus, the one in my dreams, the one found wandering in the desert to be baptized by water and the holy spirit and the God of whom my only fear is that God will never speak to me again; like mom, rosemary, susan, carol, M did do will do because they can by choice accident disease or merely dying of old age . . . U know we do wear out? It's is the contract, fine print. . . . Once a priest always a priest . . . once a whore always a whore . . . but like Jesus I consort with whores because ultimately they have children who need to be feed and love just as much as I do God. Intelligence and knowledge do not and never will supplant wisdom and as for i and old man longing to die and leave hell for ever I will say again Politicians are intelligent whores addicted to 'power' and self important to the degree, extend and kind as a thirteen year old pregnant runaway used as an ashtray controlled and manipulated by a pimp. The John and The Primp are complicit and thus guilty of crimes against not merely the child but equally so towards all mankind therefore should be considered despicable, armed and dangerous and should be restrained . . . I do not condone murder or killing of any kind save to feed the people . . . I'm just fine living on Pinto Beans; God being more obvious within the poor: we share and collaborate and tolerate all sorts and conditions

be well all of us and dear sweet beloved Jesus be kind and bless us all . . . more love please
. . . is it not the many Saviors amongst us now and what about all the others the black, yellow, red and beautiful Tellez girls too is not Christ in them two? Where ever two or more are gathered . . . He was, is, will always be God the one assassinated As for Mohammad I will only remind you of this He died in his sleep not naked upon a Cross emblematic of humiliated self and resurrection/incarnation/reincarnation

121001 06:30 final - final
©2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

white and sick of it

A Tar Baby, without naming names I'd like to talk a bit about being White. Or as my beloved friend Omar Bradley explained to me; as being a "Honkie." 

I am deeply ashamed of being white. More so now; during the Presidential Elections with Uncle Tom on the Supreme Court. 

U see MR. AMERICA i don't have to hurt you to take you apart. There are no fat, skinny, or Middle Weight white boys I won't mess with. The Robber Barons were chastised and never got over it. THEY the 1% bought off the Uncle Tom pretending to be generous when actually they were bought off selling their children for a fist full of money honey.  

. . . and where, oh Dear God is Anita Hill when I need her?

What I adore about writing, aside from the joy of doing it; however well or poorly I do. Is simply that I no longer have to make my living from standing in wait to serve the vanity of what are essentially puppets of the Rich. Being paid to be objectively indifferent to, the swill, the sewer, of no-speak coming out of politician's mouths.

This polemic is without hope of apology. 

I changed during a wedding I volunteered to photograph. Never thinking that I might, in the gesture, have humiliated someone I presumed need me to cover that cost. 

Somewhere before or after the New Testament Reading of: 1 Corinthians 13 I began to weep uncontrollably. Not sob. Just weep. And since I'd promised the Groom or Best Man, brothers it seems . . . or maybe it was the Maid of Honor, or Bride, or another of the four sisters there that I would step forward with my kerchief should the Kleenex become sodden and therefore useless.

I am not a wannabe gangster like the kids and men I see with kerchiefs wrapped over the heads or tied 'gang' style around their foreheads to stop the sweat from stinging their eyes. Being White, I am a gangster in disguise. 

Once a sophist, always a sophist. 

Once a priest, always a priest. http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/Once+a+priest,+always+a+priest

The soul's vocation is not made; it is born at birth and trained by first: the small community of a family, no matter how dysfunctional. The the Public School, not matter how dysfunctional. And then the higher levels of education. 

Unavoidable do to the culture of lies we are schooled in. 

Finicalness by . . . U got it . . . old white men with ill gotten gains from usury . . . or what dad loved, admired and advocated: "the sweat of other men's brows!"

I am an anomaly. A kid educated in the Greenwich Connecticut Public School System where it was not allowed: the teaching of certain things, topics and subjects inimical to the 'system' of lies or merely those who profited from the deaths of others for little pay and 'patriotism' to attempt to destroy other young women and men that we might more fully rape their natural resources for profit and fun. 

A doctor is, a doctor in all practice or experience; neither an entertainer like Sammie Davis or Miles Davis or Mile's wife . . . there is so much I could say and/or do but choose not to because, because, because; simply stated I am a sovereign self as all life is created not made. 

The unexamined life is unworthy of living. This life, the one who or what writes, was kept enthralled by women starting with my mother and ending with M . . . women/girls, men/boys you are on your own dime; rescue yourselves.

Neither God nor Jesus nor i will do it for you . . . free will is the nature of creation and the Creator.

120930 22:49 regrets mr president

Preemptive forgiveness to the woman/man/teenager texting/sexting who renders me dead or merely quadriplegic.

Shiver my timbers. Being a freebooter I know a fellow pirate when I see's em. And like the Drug Lords I can, may or might torture you for my amusement before killing you three or four hours later. 


Because I am bored; and I can. 

I was turned inside out during Ray & Bert's, 1st to get married daughter's, wedding. 

I, to myself, am not this body, these thoughts, this name, those things I was told as a child and I will come back if you kill me just like Jesus . . . maybe, maybe not "I" will be a Black Jewish or Coptic lesbian pregnant with a rapist child who will be born with a crack cocaine addition and AIDS. 

I tried the "privileged white boy from Greenwich Connecticut United States of America routine." It didn't/doesn't work for me. I can watch you die and feel nothing. Not because I feel nothing. It is only that I know what it is to be helpless and have no reason to be alive.

No go to, stay for, return or hold my breath for an hour and suffocate or like the Tibetan Buddhist Nuns am willing to douse myself in gasoline and self-immolate for a cause.

These are only words. Yet I actually kiss the naked feet of Jesus covered in urine and feces, you see He was God and remains God though thought dead. And the sentiment of diapers is inappropriate. 

. . . however, in that i am nothing and you are U, it is appropriate for you to redeem yourself through experiment. Name your poison or addiction: money, sex, death, rock-n'-roll, gangsta rap, hip hop, power politics fame and acclaim etc. I see you naked and your soul as well since at Ray and Bert's show I was turned inside out and became more real to me than at any other moment in my consciousness. And I will never again ask a woman to love me because I love them just the way they are. That's the way God loves me and i love God.

u can't con a con 

any more than I can convince M that I love her and not because of projection or transference. I stopped being a child filled with longings of any kind, to love and be loved in return, to heal someone who, like the Good Eagle Scout I am not, didn't want to cross that street. Not there, Not then and had having no intention of going backwards or forwards because I wanted to be needed or praised. Or worse: Loved. 

Why should I acknowledge a person of any gender, gender proclivities or preferences, race, creed ambition or none? Other than to be just like the Author of All Life willing to watch as U destroy the USA all the rest of the 'world' helpless to change you or your perceived self-ordained, by 'Divine Right to be, or not to be whatever you think it is that is best for you. 

You can dress a pig up in Armani suits, hundred of them plus thousands of Doctoral Degrees and yet the pig remains a pig eating everything in sight oblivious that it too goes to the slaughter house or is hung up to bleed out; part and parcel of the food chain. 

Don't listen to me: A Dead Man talking and walking to his death, soon. Executed by the State & Church & Life . . . i am no longer ashamed to say God Bless You Father for uttering nonsense as I drag my chains without or with courage to meet my end. Ignorant of what's on the other side of my departure. Leave taking of Hell.

Being irradiated is sickening. The alternative. THE BIG ONE. Is quicker and vaporized you don't feel a thing. Who would want to make love possible in a world that still has "Justice?," an eye for an eye?

& Dear Uncle Tomas kiss my library card. You can take that to your next opinion detailing why selfishness is better than generosity. 


please . . . the thought of you there makes me ill. As for myself i ain't for sale; not even to God.

121001 01:02 Bargain Basement Sale: Ethics and Morals CHEAP!
©2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved