Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Sunday, June 24, 2012

120624 02:48

There's time Then there are times I don't wa'na live
The blues done come and got me

& I can't pass through walls like I did before I just splatter against them A gray moth greasy smear on the front of a Greyhound Bus baked on

Ain't nothing to see

Nothing to hear


Just me gone Zero

What are the Blues?

Honey I ain't Black I'm the Heart of Darkness personified & black as the night on night The Night of Eternity Not a star in sight Never is Never was Never wa'na be anything Not even Love

Nothing at all again or ever was Black Hole Reality


Don't wana go on Jesus come get me Please Dear God I've had enough smothered dead by indifference THEY, Inc. Win I lose The ones with THE MONEY HONEY done raped me then my children then slayed me dead after eating my children

All dead for All time

The last time I saw Jesus I was driving North Bound on Route 95 somewhere around Essex Connecticut surrounded by assholes driving SUV s front to back side to side couldn't stop go forward and I cried Keep you cool bro there's nowhere to go You're on your own & He left me Last Time & I still cry whenever whatever all the time alone on the front of a Greyhound Bus in Tuscon midnight left behind the bald light of day the 5th of July




I don't wannabe nice just me eschew obfuscation OFU! amen 

120623 07:10

Ideologies by their nature tend to be obsessional leading to bigotry. This I know from self examination and redemption to a greater & more universal truth. . . . a sunrise after the darkest night.

In perfect honesty transparently rendered my roots are christian meaning Jesus is my primary entry point to The All via either Catholicism or Protestantism. For both venues I owe a debt of gratitude. Yet in time I’ve become conversant with all religions commonly available and some that are not. It followed from my baptism, Methodist, in time and turn I became Baptist (American Convention) then Episcopal and nominally Catholic through work as a photojournalist for various local and national Catholic newspapers or agencies.

The latter made available to me a scholarship for a three year course of study entitled: “The Spirituality of Christian Leadership”: one night a week plus six retreats per year. There I came to know better and not fear Catholicism plus deep insights into the lives of the Saints. Then by extrapolation the saints among us now both and/or all definitions, traditions, boundless inclusive of and superseding definitions save one: self-derived and/or inspired. So, in some profound sense, if I must define myself to those who would be intimate with me; I am not religious or spiritual but inclusive of all of the above and more. Deriving inspiration—the in breathing of what I call God via a plethora of disciplines without prejudice or bigotry or slavery even to God.

If I am a ‘slave’ it is to your freedom and liberty to join the chorus of our species’ will to Love. And thence to make love possible for all of us instead of hatred and greed or destruction ownership and death. To this end I remain an adherent to Islam, Buddhism and Taoism. Never a “True Believer” in the sense manifest in Eric Hoffer’s definition of the term I retain a fundamental to my life Faith in God. The Who all prophets came to proclaim, manifest and publish.

Faith is much better than belief. Belief is when someone else does the thinking.”
---R. Buckminster Fuller who also said: "In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete."

Please forgive my trespass I have no intention of leading you, anyone, or myself astray; yet it is my apprehension and conviction that we must enter a universal dialog sans power, greed, profit that we as a species survive in peace before the death of our planet home. It may already be too late since we are at 3 Billion over capacity now and growing hourly.

With apology I am conversant with the two diametrically apposed wisdom traditions: one most often followed is to accept the love and grace speaking though the mouths of many who proclaim nothing beyond their small following in life leaving in peace and tranquility. The other is more difficult, for me defined by those who are assassinated or killed, advocates for all mankind in their lives cut short. They are many yet few well known unpublished other than as statistics assassinated by Institutions: Religious, Governmental or Incorporated for Profit.

I know Jesus by his first name, the latter “Christ” or anointed with oil came after His departure by any means prophecies notwithstanding. As for myself I am nothing. At very best imperfect. My Messianic Complex excoriated gibbeted and evaporated long ago. But We need a new One and I sense it must be us since we are the body of God, God’s Church, Temple, Mosque, and/or wherever the rest of us assemble to worship and reverence The Great I Am to whom we must eventually in life or death submit. Whether we believe have faith or do not.

I do not weep now but laugh remembering the origins of my baptism The Wesley Brothers preaching beneath trees in factories wherever with no birds to light upon their shoulders as St. Francis by legend did.

My peace I give you
or at the very least
an aid to you in finding
your own in a time of chaos
suffering & what seemingly must
end in the death of our home and us.

. . . the nature of love; acceptance of everything divine and obnoxious within us individually
Next is the nature of Free Will: it is choice to be, or not to be, loving, merciful, empathetic deliberate assertive proactive versus reactive, responsible, honest and to participate

& last since the end is nearer than I know for us do no harm for any reason
it being far too easy to kill instead of love. . . .

Only Breath
Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu
Buddhist, sufi, or zen. Not any religion
or cultural system. I am not from the East
or the West, not out of the ocean or up
from the ground, not natural or ethereal, not
composed of elements at all. I do not exist,
am not an entity in this world or in the next,
did not descend from Adam and Eve or any
origin story. My place is placeless, a trace
of the traceless. Neither body or soul.
I belong to the beloved, have seen the two
worlds as one and that one call to and know,
first, last, outer, inner, only that
breath breathing human being. --Rumi

Preface 120623 11:30

Of, for, by choice, I am astonished at my ignorance in these times; the end game of my life. I have no excuse now since the fear I knew from infancy onward of being tested and found unworthy of life itself is healed. Healing is not absolute nor redemption absolution or atonement but a process, one that I intuit sense think and feel will proceed after my demise; such is the nature of my faith: universal.

If I am constrained by the defensive walls constructed to protect me from all hazard real or imagined by my hands not alone they are dissolved. I was once told I could or would or might heal. Initially it seemed that I was to heal myself. Later on I asked again what I was to do and/or could I really heal not others or myself but simply whatever came down the pike or such as was provided me to do. At the moment flickering across the screen of my consciousness are the 6 Million & the 60 Million slain for the gratification of an ideology. That was then, this is now, and within me and all of us is the treasure that will keep us in peace or merely health for which we are 90% responsible.

My ignorance is huge, vast beyond any ability I have fill regardless how much I do to amend the vacuum http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/History+of+Earth