Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Miscreants beggared me, voiding (in) my cupped hands; once adequately filled sufficiently for sustenance. Not that I object. But for others, who’s lives ended prematurely for want of medical attention, or suicide, etc. . . especially those homeless now. I belabor the issue.

And even now of my father, years afterward, I would say; “Thank You!” Even though I suspect he thought - No! I know - he presumed me insane. And for whom I suspect his misunderstanding of my avidity; seeking love from someone who knew nothing of it, save a slogan on a brand of toilet paper or lurid novel. . . . the dart of his disdain and dismissal, nominal melioration, with his last breathe given on a borrowed cellular telephone.

Death holds no fear for me, but dying slowly - by attrition, does. A moment ago I called to assess the feasibility of visiting a friend who had so lingered for near a year or more in my attention. Sadly. No longer allowed to visit save at risk of meeting the person responsible for my absence, I hopped around one foot to another too long.

Nothing, and no one, is lost within all the universe; save being for me a page, no, a large swath torn from the cyclorama of my psyche in the ordinary of my life; mourned. Scarred, healed, I struggle on.

My intention, before the news, just received, to share what small sanity I possess, attributable to the kindness of strangers. In her case, became an intimate confidant and friend. What saved me from shredding from sole to hair follicle the one who dismissed me!? A Sufi once spoke of crossing the chasm upon a thread but now sensed, as on thin air. Again, in her case, her last words to me, our fingers intertwined; “Keep the Faith . . . . “ and I will, as I’ve done, but to not one - but The All, the author of all prophets, my apprehension of what they sought.

My point? Kindness is something free and easily given; a word, smile, gesture or the mere; “I see you!” In passing, brief of long. It may be the only kindness, as in my case I’d ever known. Best: a touch.

For now.


Riot in words, she collected quotes as well. The blossoms of those who cared to give their best - themselves - remembering there is no love in a clenched fist.

. . . if nothing else, prayer, like kindness, changes the giver of it eternally.

Be well.

PS In the name of greed, America’s current religion, murder is committed daily.

20130316 11:34 miscreants
© 2013 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

2nd Thought(s)

We mass men, all sentient life, among us there seem a preponderance of people, in America at least, who, in masturbatory self-aggrandizement, now maunder their meaningless thoughts via text or voice on portable devices while driving intoxicated as legends in their own minds. Addicted in conceit. Indifferent to all life otherwise. . . and of those who cannot, pilot grocery carts hazarding the isles of Wally World. Eschewed for employee policies and attempting control of the earth.

Then too, tutti, is commercial broadcast television. A high-colonic, infusing then sucking out everything: self, time, imagination, joy and originality.

No wonder we are factory farmed by greeders fanatic for our material wealth, mental and physical health; tracked and/or infused with spurious, specious, mystery chemicals of unknown consequence - present in all rampage killers; an after-fact regardless of armament.

Better for me to await the crematoria sucking my thumb, fetal, in the corner silent? I seem more often now to leap off the edge of our known universe attempting flight, soaring not plummeting.

My 2nd thought(s) are regarding the previous post ‘bemused’ and what it might mean to greeders whose sole entertainment is the serial abuse of all life for their pleasure and profit. Not ‘evil’ but anti-life, at least the lives of others. Being, at one time or another - subject/object - of all the addictions I can imagine, brief or long, I empathize with those possessed.



In the interest of full disclosure, a confession: In recent memory there was a young man expelling sounds musical, as welcome as Fox TV News, which also was polluting the silence of the men’s locker room. I turned to a fellow senior and commented that posterior insertion seemed appropriate.

When you run over me with your vanity, please kill me, do not instead, leave me quadriplegic and unable to remember ever having lived otherwise.

Remember, please, the self defined “MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE” gambled away the world’s economy for which there is no absolution save, insertion of red hot pennies, endless, until expiration or explosion. . . . thus ending their bottomless avarice.


. . . no, Virginia, I am not a nice person; I subscribe and prescribe: “An eye for an eye leaves everybody blind.” - Mahatma (Mohandas K.) Gandhi

. . . However imagination affords me a laugh or two. The illustration used without permission but in gratitude, no gratuity, for: http://www.brainpickings.org/

130316 0850 2nd thought(s)
© 2013 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved


Bemused, at times, remembering, unamused & clinical; this light dimly glowing in the dark of eternity will soon be snuffed out. But the light, soon to come, dawn, will also be gone; itself blown away; consumed; out. Recycled, not here, but beyond the beyond; my current reach - for now.

Awakened the debate that if we be “The Church.” One and each, coupled with all of us together, sans boundaries, then we must of need be ‘god’ - by particle - not whole. The vision has seldom visited me, but well remembered for when it came, never left, but remained asleep, awakened now and again.

The motto of those who clone animals; “Replica not Resurrection.” Reminds me of He who said He would come again! In part or whole? And in what measure or means would time, intervening, have varied Him?

He is my root, from which I have sprung. Yet in all my wandering - wondering - curiosity I find the spirit of inquiry in many, who amongst us all, few, give meaning instead of taking it; freedom not slavery.

Enkindled by whom or what. . . .


Why not!

Did not the light enkindled, consciousness, come from friend not foe. Neither anthropomorphic nor knowable as such: thing or energy but both; extrinsic and intrinsic?

For which from beginning to end and returned? Recycled!? Be celebrated in life; and the absence of it!

Speaking solely, i can participate and be responsible only for myself, altering nothing but submitting to the inevitable. . .singing for others who betimes listen for truth

“When to the heart of man
 Was it ever less than a treason
 To go with the drift of things,
 To yield with a grace to reason,
 And bow and accept the end
 Of a love or a season?”
—  Robert Frost

130316 06:29 bemused
© 2013 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved