Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

we live?

We live in a one legged world in which man plants one foot on the ground the other upon women beneath his other foot. 

© 2013 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

love @ any time . . . @ any age

. . . is an inevitable energy, sidereal, attacking unexpectedly stealth quiet in
a whisper become typhoon

Least I bore you, lending information you might wish not have heard . . . I will natter on regardless since it is love: what’s about. That which we all have genius for tho for most it is smoldering ignored within our hearts.

The Interlocutor seems to be playing a role saying, “eejit boy dance!” I lurch about spanking my hip with tambourine feet tattooed taping frantically twirling my cane propelled about as a helium filled balloon flapping across the stage.

Contrary to all former drama/traumas this has, within and about, a sense of quiet reverence even—awe. On both, or all three parts—the narrative characters within at play. Of course obviously I speak only for myself. She, as I informed her, is free to dispose of me upon next sight, shooting me if so inclined; my “Audition.” While The Interlocutor simply smiles silently—chortling—or what? Out of sight—off stage behind the curtains . . . from which, at times, I sense a Shepard’s Crook about to appear yanking me away.

Ain’t no Knight in Shinning Armor about to rescue the damsel in, or about to be, distressed . . . perhaps merely a dragon dressed in motley bells jangling on my claws.

My concern:
I sense myself, internally, too intense, as recently annotated “ferocious,” but that may be merely vanity; and an exclusively a male ideation. Reminding me that women have always been the creators of civilization and the vessels from which life is reproduced.

Ricocheting through my mind: licit, illicit, elicit and what has happened: M gave me life and P let me out of my grave . . . and open ended rut . . . no pun intended but, god help me, I just adore playing with words!

Writing has become a way of making the invisible real—silence audible . . . and at the moment I am squashed with the sense of precisely how much, why, what and whom I love. . . .where, near, far or invisible

. . . my vote is always towards love incarnate

130515 05:57 MDT love @ any time . . .
© 2013 by Jack Spratt—All Rights Reserved

tides of time

Adversarial i’ve been near eternally measuring the dragon within become intercessional. Stood on my keel upright the sea sucked from beneath me in Hatteras. Then floated by High Moon Tide. Woe turned weal astonished. Drown in profound gratitude.

A child of my time, in love with the entire pallet of vocabulary, vernacular, as well the King James of Willy Shakes; Hip Hopping in his. Afeard of myself no longer, as always a fool, for love. The tides of time by language defining what it is to live free at last. The pearl inside born of grit nurtured by slander as well as affirmations symbiotic. Greedy Needy for the latter but of the former able to subsist hard scrabble.

Too long ago to accurately remember, the periodicity and number of my prayers for Randy; my long dead son, dying at 10 years-of-age. Remembering only several details burned into my mind through touch, my hand upon his sweaty sleeping head. The wounds of my grief are healed; no longer stabbing the suppuration’s as I did, but now celebrate that they ever were, briefly, mine to steward.

Immeasurable: the height, width, breadth, depth of love—God actually. Within all my searching, finding threads of inspiration: within the voices of others. Absent my former fear they were the enemy opposition and our imagined dialogs a collective monolog. Chagrined, now my sense that they too where singing similar psalms differently to the same interlocutor.

The peace I know is possible by dialog with “Had She Said Yes” saying yes to my sincerely articulated yes to her; as and where she is. We are two time zones away from one another, for now. As we spoke last evening she began to slumber compelling memories of Randy, Johanna, Jodi all missing now . . . odd or not I thought I am both lover and father to her submerging into sleep . . . possibly defining my relationship as even keeled as it is since were she my daughter I would pray for her best but do so in any case emergent between us.

Obviously my feelings, thoughts, intuition and sense are beyond the boundaries defining appropriate relationship between two people of consenting age and mutual consent. By abstract or experience I could define and/or argue the issue in many ways. Such concerns are trivial to me having incorporated my conclusions regarding the numinous speaking through many disciplines. My sense is: love transcends all boundaries, time, this world we inhabit and all prejudicial definitions regarding gender associations.

Does my mind and soul reside in a different time zone? Yes. Of course. I speak from my dreams of time before time was measurable. And I pray I am wrong, since I sense equally, that there will be a time when time will be forgotten.

Thus this intercession for us; we all the community and family of life.

- Irena Sendler
"Every child saved with my help and the help of all the wonderful secret messengers, who today are no longer living, is the justification of my existence on this earth, and not a title to glory." http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Wikiquote:Quote_of_the_day/May#15

To close: I sense the child within the all of a woman, men as well tho men bore me generally remaining children growing old, not up, then dying. My concern regarding abortion is that we must weigh both the mother and child lending an understanding the both may be lost in law. My sense regarding the Law of Love is: Free Will. Add: I was followed by another child one year after my birth: aborted. And then later on did father a child with another woman: aborted. It follows that my concerns are well informed by experience and weighted towards the freedom of choice. Least we further enslave women who absent equality will leave us dancing upon one foot.

. . . add, please: The keeper is kept.

Muse: flame, fuel, combustion firing the wick I am.

130515 01:29 MDT tides of time
© 2013 by Jack Spratt—All Rights Reserved