Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

120711 1255 beloved

. . . you know who you are I don't not fully

It is an education of sorts evolutionary this collecting of quotes. From near birth to near death I have had words stuck in my craw nettlesome not lamented but there memorable as a pebble in my sandal or thorns in paws both or all four feet

in times of deepest despair seldom I seek the consolation of those whose agony vastly greater than mine survived the next breath dawn drawing nigh to eternity I am succored and held in the arms of the beloved warmed pacific . . . .

His anecdotes are 'casual' only in appearance; Montaigne writes: 'Neither my anecdotes nor my quotations are always employed simply as examples, for authority, or for ornament . .They often carry, off the subject under discussion, the seed of a richer and more daring matter, and they resonate obliquely with a more delicate tone,' Michel de Montagne, Essais Pléiade, Paris (ed.A.Thibaudet) 1937, Bk.1,ch.40 p.252

. . . a discovered friend brother playmate he Michel de Montagne frequently sought collecting quotes . . . "I have gathered a garland of other men’s flowers, and nothing is mine but the cord that binds them."

of these friends and their flowers I sometimes weep others laugh and then grow and inch larger
this heart seeking to be large enough to contain the smallest part God's love for all of us gathered

© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

PS "Absence from those we love is self from self - a deadly banishment."
--William Shakespeare (1564-1616)