Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

it is neither you or i but we collectively souls as dust motes
collaborative become the scour of oblivion & indifference
made bright small we remain the laving & seasoning transform
ignorance into wisdom a dark band bright the bands of Saturn

120807 12:40  © 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved


120807 08:39 thoughts random

My faith that all have a genius is self derived. Based upon experience; encounters with thousands of people. It is not a theology that I can justified without reference to St. Ignatius learned by his 18th Annotation. At that I remained ignorant for years after the course until I discovered that was why I love fencing with Jesuits, it was because of Him. 

For clarity I should confess I am not religious but belong to God who is no more religious than I.
In some sense I find the terms religious and spiritual vague, pretentious and egocentric.

My sense is that God is indwelling, inherent to all life: stones, trees, dogs and me/you/us/all. The genius of God cannot be taught but discovered within. . . . the mustard seed and parable regarding "the pearl of great value" seem appropriate in this context representing what is within us. For myself I judge all religions moribund, about but not God. Selling a Brand Name not enabling but disabling. More about it self than the children of God who is called by many other names yet reams essential to all.

Once discovered there is a sovereignty unassailable by any threat or fear. That was my quest and conquest of the child I was; abused beyond all understanding. That was until I began to understand my hammering wasn't being between a hard place and a rock but instead the forging of my sword of truth now reformed into a plow shear. With which I furrow fertile soil those who I intuit can be saved. Not for of from the grief I sense in all religions that war -- continue to break: "Do no Murder."

We then become for ourselves the great thing God intended without rank, badge, or symbol of any kind . . . what I sense T. S. Elliot implied in "The Waste Land." . . . we return to the beginning utterly and irrevocably changed for the better. A new being no longer of or for the common life we lived. 
A victim of no one and nothing. For myself I began to see that instead of punishment for something I did or did not do it was an expression of the abused parent who was raised by unusual and extreme beliefs: greed, misunderstanding, ignorance, the absence of mercy -- the laundry list is endless and unique to your circumstance. Nature & God do no revisions; it is we who must respond, act and participate responsibly doing no harm. In a sense taking our gifts and using them to applaud the gift of life. Time is precious.

Some choose silence and joy others to give of themselves until emptied, yet, so oddly refilled with an increased capacity to give more and in growth become ever lager. A vessel to receive the love inherent to all Peoples, our legacy in life and death, growth and joy never ending. Those who stand in silent wait and prayer also serve.

As my enemy self I discovered the need to accept all of me, not just the goody-two-shoes parts. Even my rude irreverence towards all that superficially seemed good within or without. This obviously to me now meant my hypocrisies & bigotries, slogans & idolatries upon which my ego was founded or merely the foundation of my excuse for living. 

From here and now and forward I know the difference between pleasure and joy. To me only the dead in life, or living dead, seek pleasure instead of joy eternal.  And no one not even God can give you that you must seek it for your self. Yet God answers prayer and will assist if asked; forget all that crap about things, you are a person not a thing.

Of talent all have one or many and must choose to use it however they may or can. The only competition worthy of a soul is with it self. All else is foolishness, a competition with an illusion; for none can aspire to the heights of yourself as you are and can.

The word "more" best describes the greed of those without; regardless the size of their bank account or accomplishments worn as faux authority. Always empty.

Yet in the presence of love, another name for God a servant King, more is better since it means you've emptied all reserves for others.

If by God's will I am allowed to live longer than this day I will attempt to furrow you farther.

I am nothing yet remain astonished that there are answers to my query: "why?"

God bless us all, those who hoard, and those who give, we remain one family in life and death; we belong to one another.

© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

Our days as they are
they who study law study not in vain the perversion of it for profit
the credo of baboons 

120807 06:29 © 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

Thrice is he arm'd that hath his quarrel just, And he but naked, though lock'd up in steel, Whose conscience with injustice is corrupted. —William Shakespeare (1564-1616)

Angelou has described William Shakespeare as a strong influence on her life and works, especially his identification with marginalized people, writing "Shakespeare was a black woman"

between her
wide spread nubile
thighs panting awaiting fecund 
the new lubricious born eternity head breaching
from all sacrificial loves of my life birthing 
me anew born man
with all my love 4
you ever more
i's open now
thou all art the author of me

120807 04:44 © 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

The All being of course invisible
at times I wonder why I write if not
to wall paper the invisible bright of course
scribbling myself anonymous 
adlibbing doodling noodling
sighing in the night of course 
seeking the I am within weeping
coursing here & there nightly
dreaming of course the stars
leaves of the tree of life

© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved 23:02 120806