Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

120117 02:24

Wikipedia will black out globally its English Pages in protest of SOPA & PIPA.

When I had--before theft by politicians, bankers, stock brokers incorporated--money. I gave three hundred dollars to Wikipedia as an investment in our collective future. I do not regret this gesture despite now being dependent upon the charity of others to eat. Just yesterday I discovered a recipe using pinto beans in lieu of meat for hamburgers and meatloaf. I am not ashamed to be a member of The Third World. If anything my new citizenship has proven to be a blessing whose value is immeasurable revealing the nature and origin of addiction and greed.

As an adolescent I considered automobiles manufactured in Germany has being enshrouded in the flesh of dead Jews. Like the lamp shades the Nazis were so fond of.

Now, as I dodge SUVs driven by people speaking on cellular telephones, I think of them as being cloaked in the bleeding bodies of mutilated/dead combatants coupled with the 1.5 million or more civilian Iraqis slain by the previous administration--now seeking to recapture the White House.

Given the infantile posturing and playground rhetoric witness the current “Race to The White House.” I wonder if it is not time for a change; a clean sweep. A retroactive revocation of all rights and privileges secretly codified to and for, as Mark Twain called it; “It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native criminal class except Congress.”

Historically the number of “Leaders” worth the scratch required to bury their ashes can be counted on the fingers of one hand. My protest is not limited to Howdy Doody & Uncle Bob of “Shock & Awe”fame--I did donate fifty dollars to the current resident leader of The School for Terrorism.

No my concern is for the return of the Inquisition & Dark Ages.

Surely this cannot be the will of the people; to have our right to free speech gagged and uncensored access to an education taken away exclusively for the profit of the 1%. Between the electorate and politicians the disconnect is obscene.

120118 07:46

"There is no greater crime than to stand between a man and his development; to take any law or institution and put it around him like a collar, and fasten it there, so that as he grows and enlarges, he presses against it till he suffocates and dies." --Henry Ward Beecher

First discovered quote within my morning ritual of collecting them. Then as I plowed forward I discovered that the question I ask of myself: "To speak or remain silent?" was answered clearly. I am not nearly as learned as I would have myself be and I seek wisdom not knowledge. Where East meets West seems to be the boundary between the simple joy of creation as it is and will be or to act assertively to alter the course of history.

I am not suggesting anything by way a prophecy since my sense of that activity is more in line with biblical prophets than those who predict the end of the world. Which bye-the-bye is inevitable: organic or physics. If I must define what I'm about it is advocacy and intercession for all life.

My perception and thinking is largely a product of information available, in milliseconds, via the Internet. I am able to process the contrasts between ideologies with comparable speed intuitively. Intellectually I do love even those who would assassinate me, or us as the case may be. We are using the lesser parts, plus or minus a few points of 10% our abilities. Anything that would limit, censor, inhibit, our growth is inimical to healing, redemption or the unfolding of consciousness. My sense is that the most revered in history were in essence teachers. Their intention clearly that we become the best possible person we are able to be . . . in the gem of our being, soul, self, unique and glorious. Anything less seems to be criminal. Oddly I recall at this point the phrase, "The first shall be last and the last first."

In closing I remind you that beneath the exterior of all things is an essence beyond definition. What about the future and the children? Are we educating the world that graft, greed, dominance, power and force are good. Or are we educating the world to be the future as they would have it when we leave. The former will leave the earth barren, the latter, an incandescent blaze.