Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Sunday, August 5, 2012

120805 21:05 I wish for you
“Parenting, at its best, comes as naturally as laughter. It is automatic, involuntary, unconditional love.”
- Sally James

4 M gratitude, thanksgiving, love unending and most of all for playing mom, sister, brother, father, uncle, The Virgin Mary, God The Father/Mother and Holy Sprit yet best of all for simply being you at 11 years old, as you are now and being the emerald eyed Sphinx who when she speaks is all the energy of Love in The Universe.

of M being the best friend I’ve ever had and been held by in your gaze I see eternity  by you blest and best blest above all the Will Of God revealed in your generosity and refusal to be anything other than what you want or ought or will be for me forever.

of m as in M&m: my hope is that wherever you or I go forward together or apart in life or death from this date and time that I will be for others  what you have been for and to me so blessed among men I’ve never known such love as to hear your voice. Joy & Peace unending surpassing all understanding.


© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

120805 07:13 those I’ve loved
Of those I’ve loved most in retrospect seemed a reprise of Mom & Dad; stoic silent incapable of love for me or themselves. And so it follows I ran away oblivious of why. My fight to express my love made no impression.

But then I was a child empty inside and my plea for their love impossible since they loved not themselves just as I came to despise myself.

Of the several ideals regarding love published in The Bible, both books. Something I know not well but carry the thorns of their intention forward to dissolve in my tears or the moisture of my silent mouth. It is said that true love is to die for your friend. Since in God I recognize all as friends I became confused but never indifferent. When I am told I am inconvenient or simply a fool there are within me limits to my loyalty. I never struck a lover for any reason and know well the devil or evil within me potential to kill instead of love. I left.

Over time I’ve been held by gaze, arms or attention by love so real I could not then recognize or receive it. So caught up with the effort to transform stone into life, impossible, but worse not in my job description. And worst than that irreverent of their, the beloved of mine, to be exactly as they wished to be.

Could it be that they were actually my enemy of myself the cause of catastrophe?

As mentioned love is difficult and takes work without promise of desired results. Best engaged innocently without prejudice toward a union agreed upon.

I have given up attempting persuade those who take lives indiscriminately making enmity between all the members of our human family. Since by their behavior and choice; chose the easier and profitable killing of “our enemy.” Instead in love and curiosity choose to seek the why.

Metaphorically this sword of truth is now pounded into a plowshare. By both those I left and those who welcomed and loved exactly as I am and by what I define myself.

Let it be so for all humanity and those we choose to love as equals. I am uncertain what must be done to restrain or limit those who otherwise would destroy all life, or any life. I await the final Judgement confident of, if not heaven, a lesser hell than we now live in.

These are merely words. It is for truth, ours, theirs and all, we must be willing to live and/or die for. As for myself, having learned the meaning of death I now know better why to live; for why, what & Who.

Perhaps as M says: tolerance for now. My addendum: ideals later if there is to be a later?

© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

120805 15:44 immemorial time is

Before time was marked by clocks or measured by anything but sense, there were our fore bearers whose children we have become by adoption reaching into our generation soon to pass. I would ask of each and every now living Self what will we give forward of our lives and times? Those who by divine design replace us.

Recently pressed face to face with my expiration date the question I pose became simpler more obvious and urgent. In this experience I realized that I was less than a dust mote in the Universe save in the sense that I choose love and forgiveness instead of retaliation.

Not why me, but why not?

Thus did arise the truth of me reflected in those who sought to save me from sterility &/or death. It is not what we get but what we give that matters to infinity. And upon close examination they accepted my choice; “don’t do anything to me without a Do Not Resuscitate edict. Which, obviously, by law they must abide.

I’ve rehearsed my death by any or many means and measures: suicide, malevolent intent, fire, drowning and so on endlessly wondering what was beyond the final boundary between life and death.

In some small sense it is my personal legacy; a self foretelling prophecy without expectation of any profit or gratitude. Simply my choice in any moment to live or die . . . to be or not to be . . . from nothing to nothing instantly.

Of the many acts of violence seen none could possibly incarnate this more than to witness the death of a child: kicked, burned, beaten, raped and cut up into little pieces to hide the crime, shame and guilt.

Possibly worse to follow the fate of a similar child disappeared for the pleasure of another whose captive they became. My thesis is that we are all Children Of God regardless of age; both the rapist and the raped. And by choice I would minister to both in any capacity within me including the rapist choice to rape and/or kill me additionally. “Fools go in where Angels fear to tread.”? I’d love to meet the author of that for an inquisition.

How could I choose otherwise? I am nothing no hero but my sacrifice, the final publication of my intention, is not without significance since it is my life to give for another, a friend who in God is ignorant of being such or so.

Instinct is generally measured in simple terms: Flight or Fight. It follows that my “fight” is for both. A gesture and vote that there be love in the world . . . coupled with mercy, thanksgiving for the opportunity to be not greed, hate and avarice.

My life is no longer filled with resentment towards those who took my children, my wife, home, pets, cars or anything measurable since true wealth is fearless; the Self who knows what is enough.

And by this self definition do I depart from fear & the World as I would have it loving and accepting all that is given. I have struggled long enough to ride the dragon of my rage, knowing myself too well, it is easier to kill than love.

Two deaths never made a whole life possible. God doesn’t do revisions but is humble, wise, slow to anger -- does not preclude anger absolute -- merciful and forgiving -- YES!

Before the Judge I will be both foolish & wise, humiliated and humbled, this dust mote in time.

© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

120805 13:01 the all

120805 13:01

I can be and often am a jerk especially in public. A neglected child I’ve struggled to be accepted, loved and acknowledged as worthy of benign attention, if not love, at least acceptance. As something other than wallpaper or nothing at all -- not there.

Leaving the ER at 03:30 I chanced to remark to a male nurse; “We’ve all got to die sometime somehow” his reply was “I know I see it too often.” And this parting was after his reading me the riotous consequences of smoking cigarettes -- Stated in simple terms based upon his experience of attending whatever walks in the door 24/7/365. Stroke, hear attack, impotence, the list is endless the consequences of my malevolent and savage indifference to my self. And at that, amongst civilians I know too well the other deaths lingering for perhaps less than twenty years. About which I ask, would I be willing to endure?

In the company of humanity I’d rather be a nurse than anything else . . . by penchant, proclivity, inclination and nature I touch people. My understanding of this is dim yet I am gaining a sense of what M implied when she said, “you can heal” (people, myself, what?) and only years later when I requested amplification she said, “you will.”

We are all artist creating our Self and every moment in our life and death a self portrait. It is no longer a matter of belief or faith but experience graven in the stone of my self indifference. From pain, suffering, comes a new person. We are called to be the best we can be. While others neglect the call and thus die never having lived but merely exist inanimate. Or. Worse intoxicated with their deadly ideal of God idolatrous.

Accustomed to chaos, well versed and trained in it, as all are who are victims of PTSD not just the wars in foreign lands, or at home as first responders; but those who were neglected as children who become adults ignorant of their actual worth in God’s providence.

Using myself as an example, there have been many rites of passage -- on going -- continuing. And in writing this I am made aware that it has been, consciously or unconsciously, the choices I’ve made given what I received. The rock become a dove? I can change nothing within the Universe except myself.

I have listed many heroes/heroines in what I’ve written yet I am equally aware of many more, if not equal nearly so, who left their trials and confessions for us to learn: there is a sovereign estate within each of us untouchable by all pain and suffering. Unsought becomes the motive for avoidance and pain greater than any hell could ever be.

This concluded my time there; six hours of the staff’s patient endurance of my telling them that I too am a medico of sorts. Something I seldom do in any other circumstance. It is perhaps -- or do I now pray -- the last time I will pretend to be something or one ‘special.’ To myself I am essentially, if not quintessentially, indifferent no longer with a vengeance but acceptance and purpose.

The All, The I Am, what we occident call “God” is by any or many names the Servant King of all life. I am not sure I would want a being exclusively male so in my prayers I always include the feminine. Yes the best part of love is asexual and immaterial called friendship. And so find The All in all people.

My life willing and able to surrender itself to the inevitable at this moment.

© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved