Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Monday, September 17, 2012

Wobbling away from our only source of light the Sun marching south days growing short by degrees measured by the Organ Mountains; my sundial reminding me that this, our star, is but one of trillions dotting the night skies soon comes the Winter Solstice. 

That who and which created it all is available should only we ask and more than a few have. Their prayerful questions answered in what they left for us to read of their quests. I a lonely old man came to this place a broken toy of fear and now is courageous by the agency of those who have become my community of friends.

No. I am not a member of The Chamber of Commerce. If anything publicly I am an anti-booster since there are too many Gringos, of which I am one, the problem, not a solution for this is an arid high desert land and the water is disappearing. Once measured and treasured by those who farm this fertile land by millions of gallons it is now metered out by the teacup. 

The what and why I write is to promote your fracking the bed rock of your Self to find the unending spring of pure water within.

This land so violently sculpted long before we were people created to inhabit this planet so delightfully and purposefully poised near but not to close to our star one of trillions having the only water we know of have a place for US within infinity should we kill our home this blue nest glowing in the dark. 

I write these humble words leaving a trace upon the endless night; a trail for not you but those who follow to find a higher consciousness like those who had no language. I or you can understand recorded on rocks. Emigrants like me they left their marks upon the land they never owned but celebrated driven from by new emigrants who like myself came to realize that this wobbling planet is not mortgageable.

Owning nothing except my Self I remain at peace. From time to time recognizing the end of my time on earth is close. Returning to the source of living waters discovered by fracking my life. After many fears, tears and laughter I know the living waters as black as the night flooded with stars clearly seen here in this enchanted land raised closer to heaven than most habitations this high across the world. Add to which; Southern New Mexico has the highest virgin birth rate in the world: female lizards capable of reproduction without male involvement. 

I am not oblivious to the protests around the world. Overt actions and behaviors invite violent reaction; what I advocate is covert, underground, with and transmissible from person to person in private. 

This is a journal, the original form and derivation of a "Blog" = web log. By nature and necessity discursive and not a legitimate form for essays. Essentially without agenda and thus meandering from idea to inspiration and back. Keeping a personal journal is one way of listening to yourself: fear, joy, thoughts, feelings, sense, intuition; finding yourself introvert/extrovert etc. Independent of any other authority = finding sanity in an age of insanity.

All the great teachers taught up-front-and-persona; face-to-face; accountable to jeers and legitimate questions from their audience. Lacking that live classroom but having free access to the greatest teaching venue since the Gutenberg Bible (intentionally I've left out radio, television and film since each has in turn become a cyclone of mercantile intent; or merely lead the best minds of our age to lie about the merits of products which we essentially do not need.) My sense is that the various mediums available to us are not trustworthy since in order to operate they must bow to advertisers who by nature tend to censure in favor of private vested interest therefore everything is tainted with cupidity. This is due to many factors and my intent is not to render history since like nature it cannot be changed or healed.

I have been intentionally real, revelatory -- to some -- in excess using street language. I believe the young have a vested interest when this generation is dead and buried. 

You can be healed of the deepest secrets that govern what you fear; or fear to do. It is safe and transparently honest to keep this motto: Do no harm. And you will not defame, kill, maim, rape or steal; for it against your true nature: proactive. All man's laws are reactive; after the crime not before. To take one person's life for taking another person's life is revenge. Reverting to an 'eye-for-eye' leaving the entire world blind.

I think-feel-sense-intuit that you are the pearl of great value. Metaphorically the formation of a pearl, biologically, is a protection against pain; a minute invading parasite in the fleshly part of an oyster. I ask you to consider the experience of abuse, rape, thoughts and emotional being equally difficult to recover from. As well are extreme religious, political, value ideals. These and more can be brought into balance without losing the pearl . . . which for me; in time became the cause of my wholeness or merely being a real person fully alive versus merely existing like the living dead, not zombies but all other people who simply occupy space and time until they actually die of boredom or addiction to substances that anesthetize them in avoidance of the pain within.

What we hate, love and desire owns us; possesses and enslaves us until death. If, as I do, love God however, I have a friend for eternity and a love given returned unconditionally magnified; "the eye of needle" become the entire vault of heaven how and after now. 

120917 07:22 a place for US
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved