Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Monday, June 25, 2012

120625 05:13

Creativity, finding a voice uniquely mine, previously seemed from beginning to this near end of me so impossible. It was like drowning in a deep stone lined well, more a grave. into which I was born or merely excreted; existing not living there—but there nonetheless.

Then I began to talk to myself about everything occasionally seeing the Moon in various phases; never the Sun. Not a complaint or Bitch Moan Wine = BMW, it was just me as I was. This figuratively is Rumi's voice, that I hear, my choice, my adoration, one I find more then prayerful or celebratory; a loving duet between two lovers the beloved loving The Beloved. Each praising the other--that's what I hear taste touch.

To Dance is best, to sing nearly so, to pray is absolute: meditation, contemplation, standing up in the reality of your truth surviving--and to care giving best prayer that is to me it is.

Never until now have I laughed and cried as much as I do. Yet in public I can and am, at times, The Angel of Death cool analytical, take my eyes out, indifferent apparently blind: no empathy.

This I see looking back at how I processed the rape of me. Sexual abuse is not exclusively penetrative but equally synonymous accomplished absent intention or malice by extreme views beaten mindlessly into you, me, us like a tortured puppy burned alive. . . .A kitten boiled in tar.

To be educated by rote is to be a pet or slave to others sense of Truth fixed and immutable.

What I know and experience now was self-derived. An education in how to think and discover; not vocational not why guilt and shame crippled.
To have Faith as I do is not exclusive for The Beloved but You equally that you live fully alive not merely exist as I did in that well with Jesus and Rumi & so many saints lovers and others nameless now prophets not profit obscene.

Be love be light be well


PS If you can't know that you are loved, and equal to holiness, whole, know that eventually you will know at the End. & then even then you will forgive the tautology ready to be taught that while a victim you thought you deserved it but didn't.

When the pupil is ready the Teacher will appear.

I know I know it's Buddhist but the Beloved speaks through all of us. Same message if only we listen we must eventually.

Amen again

120625 03:26

Are you a sad Bad boy?
Or girl?! A
Girly Bow Wow
Oh Boy so bad a girly you make or not
Why so Right here in the Wild West down south shoot out become up Left no more
Whatsit East park side view central Gringo replanted covered repatriated never cupolaed village city town bus with snow birds dropping like fleas White on rice gentrified 2nd best generic geriatric boogie board riding whatever vernacular stripping tassels twirling counter clock wise
Who me not Why me What not I got rights writ all over my body fairly girly boy I got fare to see who far I am before and after I bathe or void standing or siting or just a setting son boy oh sun girl which is are you sure?
Chrome in you nose bumpers for lips ears dangling Fling eyes terrified certified Brand Names praised I AM I exist and praised by Likes!# Social Media see my fellatio stud floating boats indiscriminate mm/BG/ff what is my business?
DA THOUGHT POLICE applauding voyeuristic manipulating conceits playing selves with
Me & She become celebrity in a owned bag industrial strength forever bag M&M&OKO boy legendary mindlessness a tincture of being right up left out and down Sumeria submersible land eating foul air secreting gigantic vanity mobiles sexting while driving unconscionably OGFU
Self of course you are what you say self righteous preached taught and amplified Facetious Book Goggled + down what is the other no more eclipsed riotously rich
See I write Spot runs righteous Not scat but speaking scatological rhythmical cutie words
Strophe forward Astrolabe up backside forward JC&M+Confusion square dancing hoedown in heaven a haven for sacred prayer dancing fully realized conscious holiness be praised forever more this time grown groaning in the place rooted for a while
See Dick Jane why irk the ire of those intellectuals filling their purses wearing five inch paternity high heels strut Spot sees doing barrel rolls eating children for fun
Holiness self proclaimed can never be trusted nothing is for naught but extrusions to process to nothingness