Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Saturday, October 6, 2012

To speak, or remain silent, while in the presence of any, or all life, is a rending of my soul.

For some it is obvious that I can love them and never see them again. While others I would, of or by, my own volition tear them limb from limb. Or merely feed them bits and pieces of themselves bite by bite. And like the Drug Lords of Ciudad Juarez take hours to make you wish to have never been born. They who live by usury, prostitution of others, enslavement of any kind, dismemberment to hide their victims remains are eternally damned by their own deeds; conscious or unconscious choice. It takes violence to know it in others and respond appropriately.

I am to you merely another litter of pink ham on tasteless Wonder Bread stale, easily broken or crumbled apart: my cat, my car, my computers and cameras stolen. All evidence buried or burned beyond recognition.

However at the time of your death by violence, disease or old age: you and your family--forward and backward--throughout all time will stand for your crime before the Judge.

And I, as a mere child of God, as you are, may, or may not, stand in testament for mercy or argue that you will never die; but incinerate--and return to do it all over again. Your mother, father, brothers and sisters, your children, your pets all of them will die before your witness begging to be allowed to end the pain. Then you. And I, this fabbly, old soon to die, white man, will tell you: I know how to pray for mercy; or that I be taken instead. Not my beloved, my beloved child or beloved pet.

Nothing. No amount of money. No stature, acclaim, political posture or pose, holy office, celebrity or fame will save you. You would do well to remember there are no secrets from God.

And though I seem normal, I would advise you keep clear. Though I am old and now nearly weak as I was an infant; my prayers for you can and will destroy you as well or heal.

Though I know by experience this is God’s employ at the end of what you call ‘life.’ I equally know this is our home, our planet, our nest, it is soon to end. This is known to me, not from God exclusively; but from ordinary folk of all persuasions and origins. It is not so much that they fear or anticipate the ending as much as no longer feeling it worthy to vote, living or seeking medical aid from an industry exclusively devoted to profit. Shielded by politicians, lawyers, insurance executives and their minions devoted to white collar crime.

Worse: they seem disinterested in anything save entertainment essentially devoted to violence. To me, in my thinking-sensing-feeling-intuition, functional and perceptive level of being conscious. Ethical and moral: this equally applies to all who purport (pretend) to be in authority over any and or all life. These signs of the times are omens of terror, fear beyond imagining, weakness and helplessness.

Do I know helplessness. Or do i not? In and through the my near death and deaths of my children?

I speak exclusively for myself. If you wish to speak with God you must ask and be answered by God yourself. Or listen closely to the pleas of those you rape before beheading or merely torture for your pleasure to divert you from being bored. A live action video game.

Just to prove I am human and care for current affairs. I took a woman neighbor to dinner, she asked, and I care enough for her, and her poet son, known only by his published writing, to do so.

The restaurant was bereft of patrons. And as I am wont to do, I struck up conversation with the wait staff. He from Hatch, New Mexico and his fiance. Towards the end I asked who he would vote for--a personally important issue to me for a host of reasons I’ll leave to your imagining. Not the least of which did I stand in defence of America and know many wounded, returned ignored veterans and their friends dead. All we who fought or stood ready, from beginning to end, that this be a free country democratic. “

in that we can throw the bums out slightly retarded by compare to what I am told is the Parliamentary way. Meaning when the government becomes inoperative the various participants are thrown out of office. The bums are thrown out of the game.
are their employers are we not? If not? Why not?

In closing I lead him further, a journalist I am practiced in the presence of all those who purport to be superior beings or Masters of the Universe. . . .A very good old Tom Wolfe coined phrase. I knew your lover and loved her well but had another agenda to attend to . . .

The young man, a student at NMSU, wanting to become, either a civil or electrical engineer, said when prompted; “Obama?” Momentary silence.

Or Romney?; “He is not Christian!” . . . All the rich white residents in Hatch, they run the town and enslave the people to their agenda, especially the women who knowingly allow themselves to be Stepford wives. Are all Mormons.

Regardless the fact that Mitt Romney obviously wants to pretend to be president, like the last Republican, for or despite his father’s life accomplishments, while allowing a savage barbaric person who is mostly concerned about sheltering selfishness lead.

The Mormons are not reasonable people. They give lip service to Jesus while practicing obscene rituals in robes using mystical, magical, symbols. Allowing only allow fellow initiates (no females allowed) to to participate. Add to which they run/rule Las Vegas in contravention of their own espoused avoidance of gambling . . . I have further proofs that will go to Heaven or Hell with me.

A brief aside: What is impermissible in most monistic theologies is divination; since once proven profitable it becomes a cult or an addiction vacating all conscious thought; a dependence an addiction.

I once thought Dick Cheney was a boy who would torture small animals with fire or tar; kittens and puppies for example.

Let us take solitaire, or gin rummy. Both games taught to me by my mother. With very strict rules. As is true of most games.
Especially playing against Mom and she was very clever. Cards were once thought to represent the will of God, or Gods. Used primitively as illustrations of holiness. Evolving from books to decks then too colored windows used to inform those who could not read what Moses or Jesus or God was all about.

I think most bankers, stock brokers, commodity dealers are gamblers who cheat; longing to cover their crimes like the Drug Lords in Ciudad Juarez -- what goes around, comes around. Leaders who pretend to be, or want to be “Leaders,” simply for the title and not the -- Before God Truth-- responsibility; will cheat you out of your false teeth or panties every time.

Not to be mysterious, to you, or myself, I know Obama from first hand witness those he helped: the poor. Mr. Romney sent most of the available jobs off shore with his money hidden in false accounts unaccountable like Dick Cheney. In general I vote the person tusting no slogans or theatrical performances . . . like lies advertised. Advertising financed by wealthy individuals with holier than thou agendas. Making the ‘elected’ dependent upon the wealthy then dictated to what the wealthy want in turn financed by fleecing the poor with obscene covert interest rates, confiscation of property nearly all paid with no recourse or appeal. These people are now dictating their agenda not merely lobbying for it. The final secular judge, the supreme court is now loaded with conservatives placed there by the last incompetent Republican fool.

Suck it up. Get over it. The Industrial Age is dead. The manufacturing jobs causing the destruction of the American family and farm, the harmony of small town life are now both a ruin. Think robotics and the prostitution of our parents to the manufacturers and bankers around the Great Depression.

In my reading of the Bible I came to sense God never intended for us to build churches or temples but ourselves into vessels of love. All current and/or dominant religions worship and believe, have faith in the same God why should we be killing one another over property? Only the arrogant or ignorant idolize buildings like the World Trade Towers a concentration camp of thousands prostituted to the Great God Mammon.

A clever foe would attack what we deem most holy with our own resources and cause America to implode at little to no cost to the foe. Or cause the principal controllers of The City of Peace, Jerusalem to attack and thus destroy not just the false president, presiding secular ruler of Iran, but all his population as well. What part of our Lord Jesus Christ’s message to “love your enemy” dying to make his point, did you or do you not understand? Who or what are the suicidal maniacs

. . . more on these issues at another time; I make no threats only promises and would or will die for my honor to deliver them.

This is the information age. Meaning garbage in garbage out. Meaning essentially if you do not know how to operate a computer beyond turning it on or off you are infantile.

To me Bill Gates and wife, the richest people, in the world are frauds, in so many ways I doubt that I’ll waste my allotted space on Google to enunciate. They know they have disabled original thinking and the creative property of minds that they could not comprehend in a trillion years. Yet hold more power than most nations monetarily. Gates, himself, a clever businessman invented  nothing but stole for pennies what became trillions an operating system called CPM and by finding the talent also stolen, the idea from Steve Jobs of using a graphical interface called a GUI to operate what otherwise demanded a command line to do anything with. Unlike Henry Ford, Gates is no prophet, he is an theif and asshole.

So help me God. If I am wrong in what I’ve written, let me see no light, no dawn, kill me now or hold me captive to Alzheimer's, Parkinson, MS, Lou Gehrig or what killed Woody Guthrie. Make it so I cannot eat, or drink, and starve to death very slowly or merely let me linger for eternity in Hell bereft of your beloved voice. My only abiding fear of You my beloved Friend.

I curse no one, they curse themselves.


PS  Bye-the-Bye:
Solitaire played with Las Vegas rules, under constant vigilance, meaning get out of the house or I’ll break your face than your fingers; one by one . . . Then your wife and children, their and your mothers, fathers, uncles and aunts: Kapish? Well now if you really want to play solitaire you will soon discover the odds are against you and you can or may continue to play fascinated by the cards endless variations; the combinations thereof. And for a time forget you are you but floating somewhere in the Milky Way or beyond.

Whoever I am I haven’t yet begun to sing, sign or say, pray or write my love of/for and trust in God.

121006 00:17 to speak or remain silent
©2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved