Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Saturday, June 23, 2012

120623 04:13

m&m chronicles

in you/You're presence I feel that we've met before time began and a longing to chronicle some part of heaven's being a reality in a telling of us M&me or M&M you me god in dance somehow greater than the stars in their courses and over leaping all analogies similes a rhythm greater in silence heard

that little hesitancy pregnant pause between the intention and actual parting acknowledging the inevitability that we this time we must leave one another again again again knowing that though apart we are process of something beyond being anything beginning ending becoming again somehow from somewhere comes the idea thought or reality a rule of thirds pre everything knowable event horizon again

as if we'd never met meeting again altered states expanding sober I sense what my daughter the one living not speaking or seeking told me long ago when I met her impregnator for the first time she suggested having been wait staff that I leave no less than 20% gratuity and ever since it has been my rule of thumb regardless the quality of attention This you too do being like them we observers of the humans we serve knowing them different not sheep or goat lion or lamb but those who take and those who give

in this we become one momentarily and then pass through each other becoming someone else then parting our sacred dance always partners together or apart at the moment there is a single note chiming and beneath that a clock ticking but all mine this night turning day I have no mechanical clocks Precious to me this silence measured and treasured forever more to be in the presence The circle of prophets dancing together while we all life beneath them destroy ourselves and the world There is a place for us We all life extinct too soon All were pearls of Great Value

I'd had not a clue that you were reading my 'stuff' fluff nonsense ecstatic conjecture this sweat of blood and tears running from me like a typhoon rain erupting from within No More nearly passing thought the orifice of my being for now this man sagging in wattles wrinkles and warts Who for You would always be as beautiful as can be in homage to Yours To Me A mirror in which I see within the Green Growing Glowing Emerald eyes I see me adoring you mute blind diminutive shrinking to nothingness eclipsed drown in Love we becoming a river of Stars more extant then The Milky Way above us in dance yants single of purpose

wherever two or more gathered will god be there in without names proclaimed If there is any sadness it is knowing that the trillionth part of our knowing together or apart is more than most with their ten percent using of life and love for which we now live in this time never ending


a prayer poem for us & US & WE ALL

120621 07:00 sparkles

For Betsy:

sometimes mostly always awakening I sense sparklers inserted ignited orifically no body part harmed or despised all adored sparkles dancing in my eyes hair aflame with impelled compulsion to write No chore Not knowing how but why to author anything my delight lately discovered realized

of course but then the idea/ideal of poetry never occurred to me until a certain someone not known before but seen a peer from high school commented . . . you know it is 'like' . . . to be liked at least once in a while Women are vastly superior compared fabulous to men in that they themselves feel and say “OUCH!” or “WOW!” Least once-in-awhile & she her WOW! Times THREE times over that ignited this not immortal but molested 'prose poetry'?

who me?
how now!
from slumbered indifference

--C. P. Scott
Television? The word is half Latin and half Greek. No good can come of it.”

-- C. P. Snow
"No one is fit to be trusted with power. ... No one. ... Any man who has lived at all knows the follies and wickedness he's capable of. ... And if he does know it, he knows also that neither he nor any man ought to be allowed to decide a single human fate."