Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Friday, June 15, 2012

120615 12:03

We who live lives in our minds hearts consciousness unified eventually succumb to the Creator of the creator in us Finally seduced irrevocably by loving attention and kindness we die in obscurity and at times perchance to be discovered self aborted then prized as The Caged Birds who sang retrospectively now awarded obscenely by those whose only creation was greed hoarded everything except a self bereft of a live lived for others creativity so joyous that lives endlessly martyred would arise from death endlessly resurrected to do it again for joy the agony of love and divinity of these moments of silence in which God speaks to us.
Divinity must in some sense look like me lusting for the young mother whose beauty is astonishing, the child begot, the mother of the begotten, and the begetter all vessel who in origin three dolls within dolls not wooden but whole fecund lubricious flesh and then I recognize myself as both a lusty old goat and one who would give his eyes, mind, sexuality, everything for them to be well.


Perhaps but the words come easily the death actual painfully bereft finally forsaken in departure choose to affirm the divinity of those left behind to carry on and on in life or living death?

To posit a thesis in the sanctuary of your Self and falling exhausted have it answered in such exquisite explosive logic is had I were I otherwise would terrify previously yet it did/done time and again when I fell humiliated into my personal well of hell again to climb to die so many times & be resurrected is to know in death the true value of life lived in nearly any mean or measure still a treasure but it is Okay to die Life has become unlivable the world pillaged, looted, burned and raped for the benefit for a few. Those friends of mine are no fiends or candidates for exorcism so I pity them their self abortion not by election but genetic The inability to have merciful compassion or empathy to slake their greed so obscenely demonstrated serial masturbation rape execution of life indiscriminate endlessly reprised rehearsed their audience fellow addicts no end in sight.
Fight Club?

Congress having congress with itself contemptuous a carnival freak show to call them whores is to applaud them since whores perform useful functions noble in fact and deed so call the daily news a circle jerk with a few little girls giggling on the side lines.

We will be known for the number of Strange Fruit we've slain through our celebrated perversions powerfully displayed Frank Buck with his shoe upon the Elephant
I wish the Native Americans had had the Big One to counter the Mayflower.
&/or habeas corpus vacated.

Perhaps maybe maybe not the practice of aborting the family and fortune of those caught in crimes against mankind free market capitalism socialism for the Rich & Famous unspeakable acts against nature should be expunged forward and backward their gene pool eradicated as I'm informed was once practiced in old Rome and then by the KGB. To invoke or provoke such harsh strident extreme measures would give me no slack since I'd be the first taken by what Judge? God? No I trust God's mercy for my follies and circus acts as I must yours.

. . . times they are a changing and we're blowing in the wind
We were never told by Our or Their wisdom book authored by god? To stay snug in Safe Harbor as a ship of fools or an ark of the New Covenant we must sail on until there is freedom for all. We are One body a corpus of divinity not criminals.

120615 06:33
love notes
to love is to love forever
becoming love
in turn
for all
most of all for the Beloved
who loving us all
adores us

She is me
I am her
we are communion
with light
darkness ahead
holds no fear
we are hospice
we love all