Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Thursday, May 23, 2013


An observation about solitude and creative/artistic endeavors. I have no literary friends with whom to qwery the good or ill of what/how/why I write. Leaving me with my head in the toilet singing lullabies to myself. A masturbatory exercise.

Considered from another point of perception, these being the happiest days, hours, minutes and seconds of all. Are expansive to places where no person has ever traveled except in their heart.


Why would I risk losing that to be with a person when I, at whatever hour arise, besot with dreams, messages, dialogs, ideas and ideals? There has never been for me someone as affirming specific to what I’ve written since a friend looking at a painting of mine raised his arms horizontal and screamed. Cause and effect intended, later I was see him crushed beneath a car straddling his motorcycle looking at me as he died.

Reality is far more fantastic than imagination.

The Interlocutor is silent, for the most part, lending me clues as serendipity, coincidence or synchronicity; what has sustained my solitary singing in the commode.

Inspiration: being breathed into . . . and Pamela Joyce I love calling her that there will be other terms of endearment later on but for now . . . my love for her, however expressed, of needs is adequate. Add. Of course I’ve always been incapable of expressing either love or the need for love effectively anywhere near my sense of its majesty . . . that is until I began to play in orchestras and bands, then paint, the photograph and now write. Which initially was a method of finding sanity in an insane world; i.e. No one listening to me — me learning not to listen to myself. Early on learning not to ask for, nor expect, anything; taking whatever was given . . . like many if not most or all — scared by the experience. My writing this, as most everything else, is addressed to those of us, who like me were or are lost without voice or comprehension of what to do with abuse, rape, death, mutilation or merely loss/grief.

Recently I have used J. S. Bach and “fisting” to analogize the experience of Pamela Joyce’s response/reply via insertion or play within my self. Rude, crude, inadequate to the fantastic lofting she gives me: specific to my intentions suggesting an interest in more.

In a way, a sense, I could die this moment ecstatic in her love. She in me. And, we’ve not yet kissed or embraced outside dialog . . . simple conversation.

At first meeting there was lust of course. But more. Some ineffable intuition that she was desirable on a multiplicity of levels and facets. Now my feelings are; then, now, and future, there is more. For which I would fight to gain. I have a reason to live outside my solitary self and a sure conviction that there will be more than anything I could possibly imagine or makeup . . . something so vastly beyond: attraction, lust, consummation, boredom, death.

Of suffering and death we both know too well from hospice and in ourselves. This moment too precious to waste. Being so. This minute becomes eternity and an endless eternity until Face-to-Face with what comes next

130523 MDT 15:23 pace quickening

© 2013 by Jack Spratt—All Rights Reserved

ain't no

ain’t no jack-in-the-pulpit, pussy-toes, posey, poesy, poet (ry) writer but red poinsettia knocked silly by it: knotweed! Clubbed senseless where I growed!

Poetry that is.

Genius will live and thrive without training, but it does not the less reward the watering–pot and pruning–knife.” ~ Margaret Fuller (born May 23)

. . . and so it goes right here in River City FOLKS gotta tellya we got troubles and we got joys! Choose which ones you gonna pay and play or pay/play attention too.

Long-long-time-ago-more-longer-than-I-wanna-remember; he was a student in my Adult Ed Photography Class a Navy Air Commander Pilot then friend he and his family adopted me and I remain their child; a member of the family. He did archival matting, mounting and framing of photographs. Specifically those of Robert Mapplethorpe (One-Man Exhibition Museum of Modern Art, NY, NY, USA) and I had the dubious then – but privilege nowto have seen the originals up-close-and-personal.

Fasten your seat belt we’re going in!

Not for the faint of heart!

Pamela Joyce & M, & I believe — have faith in — am confident God — all touch me intimately within . . . maybe soon physically too RE: P? But less important than ‘fool-in round’ is the intimacy between/amongst friends. Transparent, more than naked, souls dancing, singing, poetry, prose, moaning in joy love actually manifest. Manifold & incarnate — life inhabited absent reserve or precondition . . . and gender ain’t got nuffin’ to do with it.

Violence is the NEW PORNOGRAPHY of whichseeminglythere is never enough to slake addiction to it. While the prissy prudes of us call imagery of people acting as if they were having fun/recreational sex; PORNOGRAPHY! . . . is the video of a legless child bleeding to death or so starved they seem pregnant pleasing?

Oh! God forgive me! . . .Or Jesus homeless asleep beneath a bridge covered with newspapers for warmth aflame incinerated by passing 1%ers for their amusement? Roaring away in their “Fing” Escalades!

Moving right along, Upward hopefully not downward.

FOLKS! . . . I gotta tellya when Pamela Joyce wrote me last this AM she touched me in ways implied by Robert Mapplethorpe’s images of men fisting . . . initially about the sex between not between men I was appalled. Nothing about sex or men/men/women/women disturbs me. Sex, to and for me, is celebratory: touch taken to its next level more specific and personal.

I think now Len Hartnett (Archival Products, N. Kingstown, RI) wanted my opinion, stunned not knowing people did that — akin to discovering a related to me child was chained in the attic for want of mental health care — I was silent. But in reply, now, understand better why some only know love as pain.

She, of sorrowful eyes, after telling me she only “Liked Bad, Bad . . . Very Bad, Boys” said her dad had used her sexually from age six until that form of affection — being the only attention or expression of fondness/desire/approval/acceptance that she had any right to live/was worth the salt in her bread / so to speak — Well FOLKS gotta tellya it stopped the minute she sought him out for more publicly.


In turn I will absolve you and pat you on the fanny knowing you will heal, not by me, but between God & Yourself. As I have been healed & growing following, nearer, seen more clearly, DAY-BY-DAY . . . otherwise all bets are off: i’ll make poetry, fiction, faction, prose, screen plays whatever because it is my nature and nurture to communicate . . . anyway as writer, photograph, comedian: Imp Clown i am R.

. . . & I will bless my assassin(s) knowing there is God somewhere within them lost buried beneath zealot/fanatic like the man who with phallic sniper rifle shot the abortion doctor in his home . . . merely meaning I pray for both continually
. . . if hell bent for election to hell i’ll go knowing the reprise of my evils

. . . do most own guns for penis envy like Sports Utility Vehicles? Sortakinda merging agression/assertion in one whole idol.

Be well beloved knowing god bless/blesses you as he/she does us all

{Notes} I’ve been around the world too many times, in various conveyances, but mostly airplanes. Which I now understand are more like flying coffins than ever: buried alive, sardines packed for profit — but upon survey they are merely, to me, more like cattle cars carrying starving Jews to Nazi Internment Death Camps — yet ever much more so.

We only value, it seems, what we lose afterwards.

It is not my discomfort, distress, boredom or death I am concerned about. For in truth I’d do anything asked by either God, M, or P save cause harm, injury or death to another: Annie or ant.

I know death and suffering well thinking now of that costume jewelry people wear He wear a diaper not for modesty but for the simple fact that in death most excrete bodily fluids and solids . . . why did I think of this now . . . hugging His bleeding feet of course.

Be well and careful what you consume; any ingress

PS Pamela Joyce when you pick me up at the airport, if you run over me, and back up to do it all over, again harder; i’ll understand you like your SUV & I don’t want to walk either.

130523 MDT 07:46 ain’t no

© 2013 by Jack Spratt—All Rights Reserved

latter future

Beyond the Beyond, sometime in the latter future, maybe billions of trillions of years, but who’s counting, by what measure, from now: the language and those who speak/hear it may be gone but the experience of joining Creation will remain. Or mainly what tommorrow will be, of equal measure for me—the many years implied—I’ll be for another what I imply Heaven; that is. Or Whatever will be—will be—of us: two people becoming one and then and then and then.

Pleasure flickers, joy remains ever-after, complete whole holy. Remember nothing of me but of yourself remain beloved & love is preemptive while law remedial; what is given grows.

Sooth teller only of myself. Able to change nothing: myself—the collective—the Universe—except my perceptions of its experience / the verities hammered within and upon ‘me’ / veraciously / voraciously / ferociously—Ruth beloved.

"It is astonishing what force, purity, and wisdom it requires for a human being to keep clear of falsehoods." - Notes from Cambridge, Massachusetts (July 1842) published in Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli (1852), Vol. II, p. 64

Beauty, to me, is not in the eye of the behold but the “I” of experience. And my mission: the equality of the feminine of God or any woman as child, adolescent, nubile fecund or not, or crone. Experience the wisdom inherent absent the form in which it comes to you or as sought.

In an ineffable sense what we rape, murder, steal, destroy does the same to us becoming the victim. What goes around comes around and in truth nothing is hidden forever. I ain’t da JUDGE but curiously sense I know the one of whom it was said ‘vengeance is mine’.

Humiliation become humility in me.

It has always or nearly so been near impossible to express either my love or ask for it in return. Looking at the tree I am wondering at how the branch’s grew why that direction that extent. Bemused that at my age antiquity I still grow fractures in the sky silhouetted mirror wisdom leads into infinity . . . forgive me please my analogies comparable to His resurrection in each and all of life potent potential but it started this recent growth with sitting across of my beloved M the Sphinx of green emerald eyed infinity who rolled back the rock covering my intransigence . . . so she is nearer god to me . . . watching to see what will happen . . . if so and then . . . Pamela is Jesus calling forth this Lazarus now singing, “Let’s Dance”

I ani't nothing at all and don’t care a fig what you think of me, what I write, my sense of grace. However I care deeply and sincerely what you think of your (precious to me) self. Love that is, real. Confident that should you love yourself all bets are off about the future: mobetta.

I love these two women equally M&P yet one, in essence says; “no way Jose.” “Had She Said Yes” P for Pamela Joyce in saying yes is now dancing we together—for both I can only say thank you for sharing the Universe with me as your audience. Laughing, clapping, sighing, twitching, crying for sorrow and joy, dying, reborn again.

What more could a man want? GOD! Well of course.

130523 MDT 05:20 latter future

© 2013 by Jack Spratt—All Rights Reserved

annie mammoth

Annie my beloved baby wooly mammoth and I will be apart for the first substantial time beginning tomorrow Randy’s Birth Date. Her retching awakened me briefly, fell back to sleep, then thought of her as so beloved and the opening; her loving me then shot from bed and here I am.

Long nights journey into the light, described my sense of mother’s birthing of me, and she, Pamela Joyce spoke love to me that indicated our soon meeting another birth that is. Advent of new life, resurrection, reincarnation, rebirth, whatever, or born again—I could go on and on—kicking and screaming—my exodus from the placental sea what lies ahead.

With oddly rare flicker exception I’ve looked forward to meeting a woman who I’ve loved but limited by my sense of her equivocation for nearly as long as I’ve loved M . . . a long story I’ll really tell you sometime, maybe, in the latter future.

If there is one, a future, for you, me, us, all or merely Pamela Joyce and Jack’s joy. Forgive me my trespass or offense but I’ve been singing in the womb for ever. No echo there and only now I sense the audience actual factual real two hands clapping loudly. By one’s and two’s walking forward.

To sing my song I must write since it is my nature and nurture to do so, not for me, but us. No putting on airs or the Ritz just what is volcanic emerging from within.

Unashamedly weeping I write what occurs to me, not the dream but the awakening joy. The recognition that the women I love best, all of them, begining to end, and it ain’t over yet! All have titanium spines as sharp as razor blades potent of death by rage.

Dare I call “God” ‘Whatever’? Would I do it all over again to be here this moment of joy? Yes of course! Life happens and I’m part of it. Couldn’t change the course so far but there within is something awesome cometh sibilant sliding towards me you us all that is just awesome and blest. The Best Ever!

Ain’t no Poet but maybe could be me can awaken in another, just one, or several, the poem of love in our hearts. Sung.

If I fail falling forward dead meat it’s okay since the song goes on and on. Song and dance musical the best ever celebration and prayer for life ever more.

My dreams, especially this one, the details eclipsed, are often unspeakable ineluctable inevitable but incommunicable for simple the awe inherent within them. Erased.

Could be, maybe, maybe not, but I’ll run with it anyway. Since the distillationwhat I writeis just too much fun. No “News at Five” details but if you listen real close you’ll hear the details within your own, news, that is. Reading your heart.

Watch out for solemnity humor is better.

Be well being yourself


Maybe, just maybe, we, the few who do rampage, do so simply to end the madness within.

130523 03:49 annie mammoth

© 2013 by Jack Spratt—All Rights Reserved