Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Sunday, July 1, 2012

120629 0519 you too Thurgood?

The M&M Chronicles + Betsy Gardner not in a tutu but running shoes
© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

"None of us got where we are solely by pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps. We got here because somebody - a parent, a teacher, an Ivy League crony or a few nuns - bent down and helped us pick up our boots." --Thurgood Marshall


You too Thurgood?
This newly discovered
that now remembered Tradition

Paying forward gifts received unconditionally given
feasts Moveable submission acceptance received attended consumed

Mother to son father to daughter sister to brother

Sister/Sister Brother/Brother in orphanages More Please plum pudding

no black bird pie flapping yappy

Stranger to stranger young to older Older become younger by

girls conciliate through Men/Women with younger boys asexual mentors
boys & Men Woman & girls

Trust must begin somewhere near now long past opportunities
the gifts of those who Care exceptional instead of Take or Steal more common

Manifold love acts of transformation Hope embraced going forward
enkindled loving one another @/&/4 in intimate friendship no other benefits
The Source riotously laughing now a smile/simile replicated metaphorically
instead of weeping
We Free Healed whole & complete

I give with fondness and gratitude forward what I have learned the kindness of strangers from
The only serenity trusted my solitary hours of thanksgiving Joy The next longest day praised & adored 4 evermore light years telegraphed shortened to quark +2/3 or -1/3 seconds fuzed

Words defined turning fireflies to starry cosmological glorious accepted the crown our inheritance turning upside down inside/right side out Wonderingly brimmed overflowing a vessel we never empty infinite going forward two rivers flowing together forward scintillating tintinnabulous

Touch me now different between feline & woman being Not now but why Is
Just touch me always hear me follow me more nearly dearly clearly not sexual but affectionate not contractual but ever expansive across the starry starry day dawned priceless paid in friendship 4 ever more better 4 giving is cubed a trillion times over & again rejoiced 4 no other gratuity
Eschew Objectification

120701 18:17

I'd need a pole long enough to vault the heavenly moon and beyond to express my gratitude for so many who before me a glimmer was conceived wrote spoke and lived truth. But of those peers who are more so than me I in mendicant motley kneel toe bells silent pointy toes in revery and Thanks Giving the affirmations show me when I so loathed myself. Blind confused and wanting to leave prematurely Oddly speechless mute

this must have between lip and cup slipped down my front into my what shoes? I'm barefoot!

120701 07:13 The Underbrige Tidings
© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

@ -Capitalist Ten Commandments see please

I am conscious of intentions and ideals held secretly that I must now reveal. And though I am but one within my community, the place where I have finally grown to maturity; experiential self-derived and defined; it is not for me, our you but us: the new generation and perhaps the last that can have a hope of life glorious and not merely survived or endured. . . .”. . . in quiet desperation.” --Henry David Thoreau

Oddly I laugh at myself quite easily, both privately and publicly, since humor is disarming both mine and the corporate ideals divisively being sold to us.

Initially I began this thread, or string of thought, wondering if I adore, what I know of poetry -- limited a best -- only for my confusion about punctuation specifically. Where in poetry it's no bid deal.
This transformation began when I realized that William Shakespeare, or as I fondly refer to him, now and then as Billy Shakes, spelled his name three different ways, so my concern for both spelling and sentence structure . . . remember please the tyranny of ideals versus the real . . . what happens in terms of flesh & blood Truth.

No one is perfect, only That the Who, explicitly real and interactive I call for convenience, or convention, merely, God. And obvious to me now this 'experiential' encounter is had by many less assertive of expression versus aggression 'my way or the highway.'
Because it makes me laugh I'll user the parable of sheep and goats, or simply those who take and they who give.


Kiss, as in, Keep It Simple Stupid.

The difference being a person who seeks money: What you see is all that you get.

A person seeking love, mercy, empathy, kindness, forgiveness in generosity giving more; every time pushing the envelope farther; gets more.
The former has lots of useless cold hard cash or whatever medium of exchange is desirable: sea shells, bananas, coconuts, grain, gasoline whatever sitting idle.
The latter receiving the never empty cup always overflowing or the 'holy grail.'

Interesting thought: I never or seldom sense Jesus wearing sandals preferring to go whenever possible bare foot and thus I trust, essentially those I know who've known the pleasure of chicken shit between toes in childhood.

Perhaps I jest just playing with words? Not an egoic as in: “Render off limits those fertile lands and plants by which the masses might enjoy leisure, acquire natural freedom, secure refuge from our Free Market, or stumble upon revelations of a non-egoic, cooperative, and spiritual nature.” --Capitalist Ten Commandments

The power of Love is fabulous. Whereas the power of the State and/or Church -- Religion & Governance, Inc. In general is impoverished by fraud generated by greed for more power and control; a bottomless pit and abyss gimme more never enough.

Call & Response – Ask and Receive – just not an Escalade – the average $10,000 profit sans mortgage interest add another 150% is whatever the price of vanity for what is essentially a Chevrolet.

Think about it. The man who says he want's to represent American is as vain as it gets got there by putting you out of work. Who now lies through his smiling teeth telling you lies about more jobs all gone off shore as both taxes and profits to multinational corporations who now actually rule “The World” and who fucked the puppy or pooch in the process.

My favorite quote of the past few weeks: “Eschew Obfuscation” –Anonymous
Don't understand?
Tough titty baby learn or be a slave forever.
Learn to read and understand what you read or suck the swill off the TV and be not dumb but simply ignorant

120630 10:10

PTSD is ___________________________ : fill in the blank.

PTSD is "Enjoy how sweet, how thoughtful, how kind I'm being on your birthday. Because tomorrow it's back to the same old crap." --Melvin Helitzer: fill in the blank.

PTSD is “Oh, I'm so inadequate. And I love myself!” --Meg Ryan: fill in the blank.

PTSD is ___________________________ : pass it on and on and around see what happens

This represents and idea gleaned from collecting quotes today; can't remember the source or author but it still seems a good notion.

I have taken to getting up walking around taking the trash out etc. Just to keep from growing roots to my computer & chair. In addition I moved several small appliances and neatened the counter top a bit. While doing so I began to ponder the potential of offering myself as a lay councilor, free, to PTSD victims?

At times I sense, or intuit, I've little time left to live, long or short, this life now questioning: do I really want to give myself to others that extensively?

Returning to the computer, creative issues and chores, I began to rewrite today's post with the victims in mind very elaborately which I am now wondering about. I saved both versions the first with emphasis on M&m. Version #1 seemed complete and I, prior to chores, thought I might post it first. In version #2 I think I skewed the flow so extensively it no longer makes sense.

120701 09:41

. . . Can't remember what I did but the published version was rewritten – I keep notes now and the evolution in progress – an outgrowth of keeping a personal journal. A discipline I have reinvigorated to not lose completely the speculations and conjectures, confessions, obsessions and gaffs: all relevant. At least to me they are.
Privacy is destroyed/aborted, stolen by so many different sources of greed, to advertize things unnecessary. The measure of a soul is what it is inside, not so much what we say but do. And Adverting is licensed lying . . . some if not all, at the very least finest minds are aborted by slavery to others need to institutionalize selfishness making it the Law for All Mankind.

Those who keep hoard, those who give get more.

God's creature is one. He makes man, not men. His true creature is unitary and infinite, revealing himself, indeed, in every finite form, but compromised by none.” --Henry James

"Tis man's perdition to be safe, When for the truth he ought to die" –Ralph Waldo Emerson

A random and wondrous thought, could it be that in collecting quotes; the wisdom of others now past and gone, that we who inhabit the now left behind, this small turning of infinity can equally find the future in those random and singular coincidences within which that personal the who we call “God” is found? And if this be so as Einstein suggests then synchronicity abounds, unfailingly, within each refracting self sought autonomously­--inwardly. As I was taught we all are unique as snowflakes flashing spectral all the light of THE ALL seen cast upon the darkest nights of our souls in love or agony.

The I care in this is merely that I must choose between being a servant to a few while neglecting the many; my ego be damned.

In some sense my thesis is correct that PTSD is grief exactly like mine the childhood survived for what?

I adore words and authors too, originators who by fame acclaim and syntax, for various reasons singular, remain members of a chorus whose sole audience is genius best proclaimed in that their spirit remains quintessentially ever living . . . and so too those who remain disremembered, dismembered, spindled and mutilated they too are praised. And we broken and mended now will form the new governance blest for forgiveness.

Sadly I realize that I describe the man broken, passing a decade ago, to and for whom if allowed I will dedicate this to; O.B. Who knew Einstein with fondness. His passing from Alzheimer now epidemic in our land greater by population proportionate than anywhere else world wide a cancerous cost induced by chemical and genetic manipulation all aspects of our food chain.

'Mental Health' is not a category permissible in any political cost benefit analysis. Governance defined as free market capitalism, communism or socialism or any other defamatory definition other than collaboration is a ship of fools which we the survivors must turn around before we all drown. Could this be The New Ark populated individually one-by-one healed in this dying sea greed at flood tide?

Addendum an after action: 120630 06:22 trademark “Inwardly He was a She . . . “
Ah. Yes! I began with The Peaceable Kingdom a black & white illustration wood cut by Fritz Eichenberg and it was transformed from Jesus to the opposite of what Jesus would do, or so I imagined making it political in this time and frame of reference. I've kept the notes: each iteration for my own records what will eventually be put in the dumpster when I die a process I now laugh about.
Additionally, a fan not a devote of Meyers-Brigs & The Enneagram, Jesus was modeled as the ideal person balanced perfectly between male/female, all the functions aligned. However I am avid and fervent versus zealous or fanatical for you; your being whole, you must define Holiness on an interior basis and act upon that realization. In life no one is perfect even if having Jesus or Buddha implanted as an ideal.  120701 14:51 final © 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

120701 02:22 anger

Sometimes anger upwelling consumes me & I speculate with a number of fiendish schemes: retaliation. For which I am blessed with now several women who receive my rage and gentle it by their wonderfully humorous acceptance and momentary submission. Not laughing at, but with me, since sincere love is my natural humor.

And forgiving at that.

Being a Scorpio I am, as legion or legend would have me, sensual in the extreme; or merely a horny old goat. But at that, they, this harem of guys, family of mixed gender, redirect my attention from the bottom up, to top down. Beauty external is a prison but of the mind and soul freedom.

It is as if In The Presence of the object/subject of: << 1 Corinthians 13 >> But not by the New Testament am I held enthralled but equally in other places of other traditions can I find similar if not exactly the same message.

By fatal flaw or dysfunction I often have sought a woman in whose heart I could find the healing I can only experience by forgiving, as Jesus said, seven times seventy the teachings of my childhood. Which, without rationalization, at least not now, nor again forever more, since at each turning and turning about I am met with the grace I've sought from other resources beyond the beyond all measure of meaning grace and peace: The King of Hearts littering my path asking that I be something other than I was or even now sense myself capable of ever becoming. . . .
And what exactly is that?

If by any means or measure could I bring you into the grace inherent; that person and place of all healing sought by those who would have you free of fear of anything I would give my life and immortal soul to do so dying if not literally but even that this next heart beat. Be they heroes/heroines by any name their will is like unto the person of Jesus resurrected again and again and again.

Yet I do flirt with the potential of irking the ire of those who cling in idolatry to the image, symbol, ideal immutable the very living presence in all people as an it not a thou.

We as acorns of forgiveness, the last greatest love of all, become tolerant versus intolerant those who indifferent would and do slay us by the millions for pleasure or profit we can become a forest of the Tree Of Life.


Become what we must be; redeemed by choice: Salvation

Beauty and sexuality is an issue of intimacy finally experienced in the upper and better part, than the nether, so briefly pleasured; joy becomes forever. To know thyself is to be healed and transparent fully realized. Salvation is within and always outside our kin but when requested the Teacher is always ready.

Education is learning to think and love, not vocational slavery to assigned roles.

Love not those who define you as merely this or that, a disposable entity; a convenience to them only. I have experience of this and it is no longer belief impossible.

With more than a passing passion or loyal reverence I give laud honor and homage to She of The Emerald Eyes Imperious & Her Court ladies who grew up this little broken boy child into a man finally at going on seventy two seeing in my turquoise eyes lustfully burning a potential for more.

A celebratory end note:

Since the end game is afoot and engaged: to get it up then stand up and fully experience hearing delight and endless gaze anything at all is joy beyond the ending of it for I've learned how to live through dying.

Never really so inclined I will never use a woman unwilling nor as ferociously passionate as I. What we fear or desire owns us and makes limited our choices. Thus I'll never say never and lose. Levels of trust that high are rare but not impossible?