Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Sunday, July 1, 2012

120701 02:22 anger

Sometimes anger upwelling consumes me & I speculate with a number of fiendish schemes: retaliation. For which I am blessed with now several women who receive my rage and gentle it by their wonderfully humorous acceptance and momentary submission. Not laughing at, but with me, since sincere love is my natural humor.

And forgiving at that.

Being a Scorpio I am, as legion or legend would have me, sensual in the extreme; or merely a horny old goat. But at that, they, this harem of guys, family of mixed gender, redirect my attention from the bottom up, to top down. Beauty external is a prison but of the mind and soul freedom.

It is as if In The Presence of the object/subject of: << 1 Corinthians 13 >> But not by the New Testament am I held enthralled but equally in other places of other traditions can I find similar if not exactly the same message.

By fatal flaw or dysfunction I often have sought a woman in whose heart I could find the healing I can only experience by forgiving, as Jesus said, seven times seventy the teachings of my childhood. Which, without rationalization, at least not now, nor again forever more, since at each turning and turning about I am met with the grace I've sought from other resources beyond the beyond all measure of meaning grace and peace: The King of Hearts littering my path asking that I be something other than I was or even now sense myself capable of ever becoming. . . .
And what exactly is that?

If by any means or measure could I bring you into the grace inherent; that person and place of all healing sought by those who would have you free of fear of anything I would give my life and immortal soul to do so dying if not literally but even that this next heart beat. Be they heroes/heroines by any name their will is like unto the person of Jesus resurrected again and again and again.

Yet I do flirt with the potential of irking the ire of those who cling in idolatry to the image, symbol, ideal immutable the very living presence in all people as an it not a thou.

We as acorns of forgiveness, the last greatest love of all, become tolerant versus intolerant those who indifferent would and do slay us by the millions for pleasure or profit we can become a forest of the Tree Of Life.


Become what we must be; redeemed by choice: Salvation

Beauty and sexuality is an issue of intimacy finally experienced in the upper and better part, than the nether, so briefly pleasured; joy becomes forever. To know thyself is to be healed and transparent fully realized. Salvation is within and always outside our kin but when requested the Teacher is always ready.

Education is learning to think and love, not vocational slavery to assigned roles.

Love not those who define you as merely this or that, a disposable entity; a convenience to them only. I have experience of this and it is no longer belief impossible.

With more than a passing passion or loyal reverence I give laud honor and homage to She of The Emerald Eyes Imperious & Her Court ladies who grew up this little broken boy child into a man finally at going on seventy two seeing in my turquoise eyes lustfully burning a potential for more.

A celebratory end note:

Since the end game is afoot and engaged: to get it up then stand up and fully experience hearing delight and endless gaze anything at all is joy beyond the ending of it for I've learned how to live through dying.

Never really so inclined I will never use a woman unwilling nor as ferociously passionate as I. What we fear or desire owns us and makes limited our choices. Thus I'll never say never and lose. Levels of trust that high are rare but not impossible?

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