Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Sunday, September 2, 2012

This anxiety we feel is mostly attributable to fear; yet fear as change is the nature of the Universe in which we have citizenship; not visible to the naked eye but true nonetheless. We can have peace falling off a cliff taking a bite from a strawberry growing wildly on the way down. Give no one and nothing authority over your peace once found fixed and immutable in life or death.

Not what I intended to write about but a farther reflection on a comment made regarding a partner's abandonment at one of three sites I post on; I neglected to ask if children were involved. 

Though raised in chaos, it being normal to me, I learned to wait the unknowing to resolve. It never did and while, at times I am ecstatic there are equally so times of the snake who silent waits watching the unfolding analytically. My parents divorced when I was, roughly twenty-eight. I remember my questions then; why anything associated with the 'family' of origin, my name, my training, my future, the future of my then family gone now. 

The odd part of writing is the act writes us a new perspective on everything possible. Add at that it writes us anew. Old definitions understood differently; night become day then rapidly night again unreasonably. 

In a reminder to myself I kept Wikipedia's Henry George page open beneath this I write upon. It is not who we know, bend over for or blow, but who we are as defined by ourselves alone. Humiliated I have learned humility; the intention, I understand found in the Serenity Prayer. Which for me is most often not a plea for a grant of serenity but thanksgiving for having received it. 

I had no kindergarten instead thrust an infant into Post Graduate Doctoral Degree Program at The School of Hard Knocks & Terrorism. Still wondering why I am not a terrorist? I've learned to control my rage and express it differently deftly knowing when to walk away; hopeless the cult of America. Or as dad said of himself during the war; he defended it (America) with a Bassoon. 

We must in some sense learn to pick our battles; if lost in order to win the war between entropy and life lived in mercy and love as self derived. Politicians are accustomed to being shat upon and thus are immune remaining hammers seeing the world in terms of nails. Of need my engagement becomes more subtle armed with the wisdom of Lord Acton, Henry George; the list actually endless since I see power in many kinds and degrees and would disarm my 'enemy' with, as Al-Qaeda has, with our vanity. (Oh boy could I have a field day with this thread: the wrong time, place and reason why we are bankrupt morally ethically and financially. Farther we are stalemated by issues of pride, competition, lies and false promises in both parties the issues crying for attention.)

It is difficult to reason with an abandoned grieving woman. Since she like me or all we who now live in poverty, Our Nation become The Third World, see no future in terms of commonwealth. But instead prancing smirking gloating politicians and bankers who purchase their positions with money stolen from us while guaranteeing their future in Fat City. They win, we lose and lose more and more daily by their bickering over how many dollars does it take to fulfil someone addicted to power and wealth? The obvious and candid answer is "MORE!" Which is the primary definition of addiction. 

In crisis: adapt, improvise, prevail; the situation is rife with an opportunity to learn. Stand up, move forward to a new definition of peace and the world we want. Of happiness we never may get what we want but what we need.

120902 22:00 peace within
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Caroming off yesterday? Time is of no concern when preoccupied with other priorities although I did reduce Himalayas upon and within my kitchen sink; cooking dinner. . . .e.g. for a change. Forever and more isolated alone rejected abandoned abandoning myself in reprisal. Yesterday was a refresher course reprise what happen during the Introduction to Hospice where after I fell mute for a year or so apparently not the situation this time the impact was greater. Far so.

Initially three years ago or so who's counting? I fond myself a home, the first in eternity. A family and community I'd never known before and best more better yet friends other than the only and best ever M. Should I, could I say, M after Me for she made me so. And Best, The All. The Author of Everything sans organized institutionalized entities purporting to be religious? Merely business. Serving themselves so what else is new? 

We are the church and temple of the Holy Spirit unnameable by the orient. By occidental only same/same transliterated an more material but that's the problem isn't it. Of governance we are the poor fucking civilians who employ politicians to keep the nation in order. I wish I were by 1/16,000th cleaver enough to have coined that phrase (US Army rank PFC) "Poor Fucking Civilian" but it was handed to me by a Sergeant instructing why and how to stand Honor Guard for the departing Commanding General of Fort Dix, New Jersey . . . as in he, The General, was being promoted/demoted on his way off base.  But we are their employers they who tell us what a pain in the ass we are, how useless, we the ciphers of their gambles chips lost from whom our Social Security has been stolen to fund pork barrel reelection schemes. Funny, and odd, that nature did not cooperate; nor did the economy their calculations ended in fucking the pooch to death. . . . say 'woof!'

My point wasn't a snark attack but an entirely other more important issue. After joining the ranks of hospice volunteers I fell nightly humiliated by all I received merely for transporting a pitcher of iced water. I still am. 

Making dinner I did pray in gratitude to/for the chicken cooked and dismembered and the fact that I still can stand and deliver; at my age never a sure bet. I take nothing for granted especially seeing the next dawn or M tomorrow. 

After the seminar I was privileged to speak with another male, so few we are, who upon relieving him, at a field patient's home, I'd had then an abiding sense of his integrity proven again yesterday. Expected and proven by and of the women. It is odd in my history to have him as a friend and confidant. 

With either or both it's not give until it hurts; it is give until the giving becomes it's own reward. At that: riches beyond counting -- memories of wealth unimaginable. . . .Those who pass and we who remain until our time at the turnstile of life. . . .more than rot decay and moldering. . . .something vastly more glorious but for now unknown. Be in life that which you wish the World to be and Heaven, or whatever, begins at your toes.

. . . i know now why i cry and laugh so when writing it makes my heart keep beating

Try to remember if you are the leader to feed your troops first, make sure they are dry and warm bedded down their socks dry and no athletes foot; always last in line until in chaos lead from the front by example. . . Otherwise expect to be fragged.

120902 20:03 ricocheted
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

(Looking forward then backward at Now. Experiencing. Sensing-thinking-feeling-intuiting parenthetically once I was scattered now whole. Why? For engendered that which is and always was within guiding a sovereign self not exclusive but in All. A law proactive v. reactive informing to go or not go where my regrets and anger indicate but to stay my hand in peace proffered absent fear or envy. 
Just Love & Faith Incorporating myself. 
Be not illusory to your Self seeking bliss without responsibility)

120902 15:52 looking
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Rectitude reminds me of rectum. And in turn reminds me the Double Down Cowboy President who bankrupted America. Has there ever been in my memory any good come from the Bush Family? Jeb is my hero for marring a Latina. For which, I believe, his mother finds him anathema if not actually blasphemous. 

If I love Latinos it is because not all my work was in the fast lane. My concern was not for wealth or fame but simply to keep moving with a camera across the highways and byways of America. In the course of which I discovered, and true to my inclinations talked to, a considerable number of 'Latino Children' athletes and Presidents of Honors Societies. All bright, fluid, imaginative and compassionate for people of any and all colors especially what we will be in a generation or two: brown.

Not pink lunch meat like G. W. Bush and those he nurtured at our expense. My ideation's tend towards Vincent van Gogh not the enormous pig: J. P. Morgan his memory distasteful but not loathed. If I laugh, and I do frequently -- for no apparent cause, it is from my personal misunderstanding of everything at one time or another; even now. 

The rectum of memory was by all appearances a worthy tax paying member of my neighborhood. By happenstance one night his front door slammed his daughter in tears sought our front door. Upon entering briefly said, "He threw me out because I became pregnant!" She then disappeared into the night never to be seen or heard from again. Thus when I hear news or editorial stories regarding thirteen year old girls enslaved to pimps and receiving who knows what treatment for profit. Well. I see my ass hole neighbor and a growing exponential list of other pretenders. Their cupidity is emblematic of the virus AIDS or Ebola to me and we who actually live in the viscera of life not in locked gated communities of obscene cost. 

Obviously I enjoy popping pimples of vanity . . . including my own. Impossible I know but still I long sometime in the latter future to walk with Mohammad, Moses, Jesus, Confucius, Buddha, even my wife once she's dry cleaned of her silence . . . or is only towards me since I am obviously defective and mentally ill? Who knows the vagaries others except by their behavior? 

I may predecease M, or she me, yet there will remain long after the departure of us, some remnant of compassion, empathy, generosity for others. Not cynical or skeptical but in faith positive. Not sure yet? Well know you have a soul within that soon to die watery body carrying your consciousness of all issues. What then? I don't know for sure but it will be an escape from this Hell those in charge have made of our collective lives; our commonwealth. . . .Our collective Wisdom.

I admire the last opponent in what is soon to be voted on; next term in the White House. The current Republican is in all his charm and handsomeness a fraud to me for a host of reasons I refuse to engage. M simply walks away when I become 'political.' What!? This little old Tasmanian Devil! 

Who me?! 

What me worry?

The Greenwich, Connecticut, USA, School Board will forever regret their censorship of my education. The food chain of education is limited in what it teaches ala no child left behind since it seems by scuttlebutt that they, the current student body--the ones yet to drop out, are just as rectal as their parents and our leadership. (aka Anal Retentive)

I'm a deferent breed neither Capitalist or Spiritual but best self-described a snark.  i fear nothing have enough and while unable to describe where why or how we go after death sense it blest. Maybe not for me however in that at times my colossal rages compel acts of imaginary extreme violence towards those whom otherwise, as Jack-The-Giant-Killer, would merely expose their endless greed and addiction to power. More obscene than a mother hooked on crack cocaine selling her children for bizarre medical experiments. 

Were I Religious I'd seek the church in the bodies and minds of all people. And should I lamentably be burdened with governance I'd seek the council of the electorate regularly not merely once every four years. Governance or Religion both seem participatory not a cult or a product subscribed to.

Be well dear reader go out leaping forth to infect all with the virus of love. . . .being greedy in that:)

Sex never was nor could ever be nearly as much fun as writing this<: font="font">

120902 08:27 rectitude
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

I defame myself with regularity seeking the bed rock foundation of why I live and for what will I die? It follows that I discursively dismiss all earnestness in no hurry towards death though death is panting down my neck and the heat at times disconcerting. My history is boring to me since I know it well, the why, how, when and what for deconstructed and reassembled whole never just parts or, a part or two left out. 

I am 'political' only in that I am interested in the use and abuse of power as force, extortion implying slavery. See the fine print on your auto loan! Or in all, or any, dealings with Bankers or their minions; do so at your peril for you will awake in chains, manacles minus toes. . . .Your wife, family, home, education of those children, also sold into slavery, and zero future. 

My ground of creativity is you, your flesh and blood reality. Add whether or not you invoke all faculties: think, feel, sense, intuit judge only where and what you will do, by free will, anything. Yet what we as America, now a third world country, export or so intend is false liberty, a vote that has not in one hundred years or more accurately represented the Will of The People. 

The voice of reason, compassion or wisdom is not mine exclusively. Neither by self-ordination, pontifical or pretense; or as a legend in my own mind. 

Fuck me! 

Find yourself, your own bed rock foundation; live, love, think, be all of it; not just your personally vested interest. My generation and the one closely following knew a different world than this hell we inhabit. Never perfect merely more personable possible and less by far crowded than now. I am neither a prophet, perfect or do this for profit of any kind. Yet do so merely because I love life and you are IT. 

. . . in the squat tag sense. 

If I at times more often than not use and abuse poetic licence molesting the art and craft of writing about which I know nearly nothing formal it is an attempt by conjecture to raise your consciousness and questions about everything . . . nothing including yourself should ever be taken at face value. My true sense in this regard is: we are born, we eat, procreate and die. All fluid estates momentary in time. There are no institutions or monuments that will survive the trial of infinity. . . .Be here now! 

Emigrants one-and-all our job number one is to preserve and protect our nest, this home, this pretty blue only-one-ever-planet. Anything else by way of competitive goals and ideals is bull shit by compare. 

Rhetoric telling you that you are merely 'just this or that' or 'we can lead you to security' is fallacious -- merely lies including mine since it is what you hear not what I say that matters to me. Don't talk. DO!

120902 05:08 new who
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Could it be that We are the new now Nigger in the cord wood? Or merely Jokers wrapped in the viscera; blood, guts & souls of All Those who abroad we destroy for our Benefit?

120902 04:01 nigger
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Trouble ahead can be assessed in honesty and sense of personal participation. Mangled by yesterday I returned home from a long, long day at hospice: mandated training in sexual harassment & elder abuse. Which obvious to me is the sport of our culture. Fully conscious, growing more so minute by minute, my choices, what I self-defined as 'teasing.' Having left for the event thinking a satirical poem "Hitting on the Help." Were I not 'charming' it would be indicative of a jerk's choice and behavior. 

Journalist, my self, and many that I know personally--and well--can be provocative in the extreme; saying and doing anything to get/gain entry through the armor of inertia. True of me in Spades. But then too of all my heroes: all definitions type, degree or class: by gender, race, sexual proclivities and creeds; did so in different ways in their time and even now coupled with new life emergent . 

Love is not. Cannot be defined exclusively by sexual prospects, choices or activities since in time, soon after the honeymoon, or first encounter, sex becomes as exciting as plain brown wrapping paper. And by this I mean not sex toys, pornographic materials or drugs to enable or enhance. 

Homophobic by varying degrees for a lifetime I published yesterday a post indicative of an alternative conclusion. Infer, or imply, what you will or must, I remain as I was before the claim and now as I am proud to become better integrated as a man finally grown to a new 'age of majority.' 

I imply that we must become conscious of the Why & What we do honestly and transparently. For me & my future, sexuality is not just on the back burner simmering but declined, completely, off the menu of life. Not never but highly improbable; unworthy the effort since the cost is fantastic in all dimensions & directions. Add being true to myself -- I prize, parse and triage every second of these my final days . . . there are only so many heart beats given to any one life.

I take no pleasure or joy in belittling America since doing so better describes my estate before yesterday. To myself; I am ashamed and guilty for I've lost the best part of many relationships with people I have empathy with, for and admire. Sex with any one is vulnerability and consequential; even if not covenantal. . . .anathema & blasphemous to me personally. 

At this point I am compelled to assess exactly who I think my 'audience' is. I am very astute in objective assessment of my enemy or prey. At that remaining a clown in love with Love and all Women encountered regardless of age -- infant to crone. Primitive reptilian I embrace all with a forked tongue before I engage, entwine or bite. 

By far the greater issue presented in class was abuse of the elderly. Abuse of any kind is rape of body, mind, estate; especially human rights. Given my history I was near tears though out recognizing my failings and altruistic intentions -- the limits and excesses of both. In recognition of my own truths, at this age and before, I know my most sensual parts between my ears and heart and of greed my wallet now empty. Furious with this culture and myself for what passes as discourse, dialog and debate tendered to the lowest common denominator -- fear and greed. For safety. None of which have any credence. None at all. In a universe dedicated to change and creation. 

Why and what I write is for you. You're becoming. Not just better but the best you can be. If that falls loosely in the category of 'Human Development' so be it. But there is no end to what we can become together. No limits since to love one, is to Love ALL ideally.

I entered the class experience a little yellow rubber ducky and left a great white shark. 

Whole or holiness is merely a beginning; a posture/position momentary, tried by reality & truth every-day-in-every-way. From the tinny seed of life grow trees potentially enormous like the Tree of Life embracing the Universe. 

PS "Whether they give or refuse, women are glad to have been asked." --Ovid

. . . Yet if you truly wish a relationship: walk slowly, speak softly and welcome the person not just the body desirable first. Know well the difference between aggression and assertion. And if I can teach you to love, why or how, knowing as well my familiarity with death then I can teach you why to die for Love. 

And if you abuse, rape, harm or kill any life your reality becomes death. Not by my or the State/Nation hands but your own. 

In closing. It seems to me our flag is drenched in blood -- of those who died for it and those who died by or because of it.

 00:24 honesty

All are called, few respond, those who do are bestowed with wealth unimaginable, and from whom much is asked, not in return but for others; the commonwealth of life, by The Spirit of Truth.

02:57 All

© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved