Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Rectitude reminds me of rectum. And in turn reminds me the Double Down Cowboy President who bankrupted America. Has there ever been in my memory any good come from the Bush Family? Jeb is my hero for marring a Latina. For which, I believe, his mother finds him anathema if not actually blasphemous. 

If I love Latinos it is because not all my work was in the fast lane. My concern was not for wealth or fame but simply to keep moving with a camera across the highways and byways of America. In the course of which I discovered, and true to my inclinations talked to, a considerable number of 'Latino Children' athletes and Presidents of Honors Societies. All bright, fluid, imaginative and compassionate for people of any and all colors especially what we will be in a generation or two: brown.

Not pink lunch meat like G. W. Bush and those he nurtured at our expense. My ideation's tend towards Vincent van Gogh not the enormous pig: J. P. Morgan his memory distasteful but not loathed. If I laugh, and I do frequently -- for no apparent cause, it is from my personal misunderstanding of everything at one time or another; even now. 

The rectum of memory was by all appearances a worthy tax paying member of my neighborhood. By happenstance one night his front door slammed his daughter in tears sought our front door. Upon entering briefly said, "He threw me out because I became pregnant!" She then disappeared into the night never to be seen or heard from again. Thus when I hear news or editorial stories regarding thirteen year old girls enslaved to pimps and receiving who knows what treatment for profit. Well. I see my ass hole neighbor and a growing exponential list of other pretenders. Their cupidity is emblematic of the virus AIDS or Ebola to me and we who actually live in the viscera of life not in locked gated communities of obscene cost. 

Obviously I enjoy popping pimples of vanity . . . including my own. Impossible I know but still I long sometime in the latter future to walk with Mohammad, Moses, Jesus, Confucius, Buddha, even my wife once she's dry cleaned of her silence . . . or is only towards me since I am obviously defective and mentally ill? Who knows the vagaries others except by their behavior? 

I may predecease M, or she me, yet there will remain long after the departure of us, some remnant of compassion, empathy, generosity for others. Not cynical or skeptical but in faith positive. Not sure yet? Well know you have a soul within that soon to die watery body carrying your consciousness of all issues. What then? I don't know for sure but it will be an escape from this Hell those in charge have made of our collective lives; our commonwealth. . . .Our collective Wisdom.

I admire the last opponent in what is soon to be voted on; next term in the White House. The current Republican is in all his charm and handsomeness a fraud to me for a host of reasons I refuse to engage. M simply walks away when I become 'political.' What!? This little old Tasmanian Devil! 

Who me?! 

What me worry?

The Greenwich, Connecticut, USA, School Board will forever regret their censorship of my education. The food chain of education is limited in what it teaches ala no child left behind since it seems by scuttlebutt that they, the current student body--the ones yet to drop out, are just as rectal as their parents and our leadership. (aka Anal Retentive)

I'm a deferent breed neither Capitalist or Spiritual but best self-described a snark.  i fear nothing have enough and while unable to describe where why or how we go after death sense it blest. Maybe not for me however in that at times my colossal rages compel acts of imaginary extreme violence towards those whom otherwise, as Jack-The-Giant-Killer, would merely expose their endless greed and addiction to power. More obscene than a mother hooked on crack cocaine selling her children for bizarre medical experiments. 

Were I Religious I'd seek the church in the bodies and minds of all people. And should I lamentably be burdened with governance I'd seek the council of the electorate regularly not merely once every four years. Governance or Religion both seem participatory not a cult or a product subscribed to.

Be well dear reader go out leaping forth to infect all with the virus of love. . . .being greedy in that:)

Sex never was nor could ever be nearly as much fun as writing this<: font="font">

120902 08:27 rectitude
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

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