Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Friday, June 22, 2012

120622 18:54

Something this way comes towards me Not ominous but wondrous A rhythm sensuous sinuous sibilant rattling of a snake arisen to dance with me And I have no fear for I know the bite will not slay me so much and irrevocably change me for the better unknown and unimaginable

As the natives say from whom we stole their religion and land to be bitten is to know an ecstasy beyond imagining before I die and for the resource I will seek my end when diagnosed with cancer or whatever rather perhaps than the eating of train. Rattle Snakes are more readily available than the the trains around here especially the young most venomous in spring more noble than the third world medical care here so pricey humiliating

I a sailor home from the sea my oar planted become a tree then the Phoenix arising to immolate again and again yet higher each time flown what they here before me long ago called Thunder Bird An odd totem for a mendicant migrant with hydra ideas springing from my scalp

I long thought women more interesting then men stemming from the original mercurial more explosive than nice woman who give me life yet now I see that it was she not in fear but simple adoration for to me she was of course gorgeous but then all sons more-or-less remember mom so—and sexy too But then sexy looking is not sexy doing the telling is in the pudding and now I recognize myself lately adolescent turned in my old age more wise than I was foolish for so long until now when women seem burnt to a cinder from long being a receptacle or convenience for little boys who never grow up

Odd this daily death resurrection a beginning again anew reborn a virgin birth no woman required though I adore one unreasonably who a trebuchet hurled me from my perch upon the tree of snug harbor more nearly towards The Tree of Life enfolding us as the cosmos above and within traveled

One afternoon leaving behind my day at hospice I stood transfixed at what I presume wishful thinking or magical exposition two birds in aerialist mating display up down sideways then flight in opposite directions breaking away possibly a disagreement but exquisite nevertheless

This date 20:43

I seldom speak ill of the dead though there is often cause since their deeds affected me and my life as lived now. However for the most part I have forgiven them seeing their abuse as teaching me well the need to assert my right to be treated as human.

That said I now shift my attention to recent posts regarding the contents of heads of state or nearly so; Senators and Representatives. Those who have invoked not only THE THOUGHT POLICE but pandered to commercial interest of the few who in fear of monetary loss have censored our free access to the Internet therefore representing exclusively their reelection desire as funded by those who bought our future and the future of all who would learn and desire to be free from oppression from the tyrants who did this to us. They are not only shit heads but criminal at that.

A pig dressed in an Armani suit remains a pig, greedy eating anything, while selling their children into prostitution and all other forms of slavery to aggrandize themselves. We are governed by corporations not politicians as they were once known. Politics is the art of the possible for the majority of people not the few who steal our lives.

"When society requires to be rebuilt, there is no use in attempting to rebuild it on the old plan."
--John Stuart Mill

"Not ignorance, but ignorance of ignorance is the death of knowledge."
"Now the intercourse between individuals and between social groups takes one of two forms, force or persuasion. Commerce is the great example of intercourse by way of persuasion. War, slavery, and governmental compulsion exemplify the reign of force."
--Alfred North Whitehead

. . . if you have read this far and not been placing a contract upon my life
In the spirit and fact and full disclosure—transparency. I am late with my morning custom of annotation the current crop of quotes discovered and recorded by me daily. Therein I find inspiration , solace, knowledge but most importantly: wisdom. I do confess it is a form of divination explicit to me, my thoughts which I in turn record, of late, in publication. The practice and process is entirely random but astonishingly rewarding. I did find the fifth commandment: Honor your Father and Mother and though oh shit! Curious I began to follow hyperlinks and discovered:

Dr Samuel Johnson, in his A Dictionary of the English Language (1755), defined honour as having several senses, the first of which was "nobility of soul, magnanimity, and a scorn of meanness." This sort of honour derives from the perceived virtuous conduct and personal integrity of the person endowed with it. On the other hand, Johnson also defined honour in relationship to "reputation" and "fame"; to "privileges of rank or birth", and as "respect" of the kind which "places an individual socially and determines his right to precedence." This sort of honour is not so much a function of moral or ethical excellence, as it is a consequence of power. Finally, with respect to women, honour has traditionally been associated with (or identical to) "chastity" or "virginity", or in case of a married woman, "fidelity".

In closing I'll remind you: “There is no honor amongst thieves.” & as for myself I am not so heavenly minded that I am no earthly good especially to those oppressed, abused or merely enslaved by ignorance

120622 05:56

we who grieve now or overmuch in past times will if by choice grieve beyond our deaths and then meet there in a place for us of which I intuit but do not know for now

I know they nailed his feet I was there then when He passed beyond me I wept my cheek upon the nail in his feet cold the nail and his now bloody dead toes

Yet now even now forever He loves loved will love me as I love Him before then and then and now

There is no exclusion from the maelstrom of life That place in the placental tranquil sea from which we are exiled into if not chaos at the very least constant change transformation challenge & those who promise peace as jobs happiness security can never deliver anything but lies and sadly are by birth defective in that they may pretend but have no empathy for anyone other then themselves I have no right to judge them and no true ability to draw the measure of their souls only The Creator of Us can and will do that

But from measuring the height width breadth and God help me depth I see myself at times cold clinical cynical as Josef Rudolf Mengele to name but one form & choice of deadly indifference I am capable of but choose not to pursue

Obvious now to me is my choice to seek Love in all things hideous or glorious and will to forgive my mutilator by choice Such is the peace I now know my grief reconciled yet not forgotten It is a wealth true and worth more than being anyone else I know in The Universe since I know the boundaries of me explored and defined The what and why I write is merely to encourage you to find not That Place but the place within you that is such a Love as I know defined by you alone.

The Place for us is now and then when we meet Face-to-face Truth.

They who mislead us and destroy us making impossible life lived in liberty of Free Will must be held in our loving empathy—Do no harm.

This meditation is based upon two principal thoughts: Jesus indicating John said, He will remain if I say he will. (My sense and possible misunderstanding of the passage) And a traffic sign which to me indicates Zero the number of God and two eights the number of Jesus and the horizontal arrows lateral It could can and will always go both ways; to me the nature of Free Will and Karma's choice . . . the Zia symbol you'll have to look up it too is significant

I am neither religious nor political but unreasonably in love with the Power of Love maybe maybe not insanely so could be why not