Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Friday, April 26, 2013

equivocal perversions

Equivocal to no one and nothing save the interlocutor. Who grades the roads within; scraping and plowing new ingress to my distress. 

“Had She Said Yes” wrote asking 'R U OK?' Chagrined. I discovered other interpretations of prior missives. At the time, after six hours of solitary nakedness, all creative juices roiling, I replied and now regret. What? My honesty? Sincere transparency laid bare.

No reply yet. Yet I am equivocal to the either way of it. Having learned, or was I convicted by experience to never announce a want or desire, especially towards a woman of obvious kindness and inferred trust. Do I not project upon others, the woman within me, with whom I cannot have congress. Consult oracles and flirt with cremation standing up crying eyes balls popping like grapes stepped upon.

What some call 'getting lucky' 'happy endings' or merely getting laid, is for me perilous since that time of castration at twelve by banishment irrevocable. That was The Big One all other traumas pale by compare. 

The dream just awoken from broke me down to the primary flaw: a wilting fern buried in a dark and fetid rain forest of grief. Anticipatory towards women. The switch mercurial between full stop and free flow; exactly what governs whether a seat beat holding you in securely, or allows you the freedom to scratch and itch on you ankle while driving; in most automobiles of recent vintage in America.

I love wandering the mirror maze within, wherein I allowed others to tell me who I was. Annotating each flight or fight, turning or turning inside out . . . do I mean self-betrayal? of course! And for all time thereafter questioning myself fleeing from the shoulds and oughts, the autopilot of culture: secular or sacred. The roads taken and those abandoned: choices.

They now seem, all relationships, to have been boxes full of marbles. But worse. Maracas shaken, cyclonic, in an Afro Cuban Jazz Band. I hear the screech trumpet going above St. Michael the phase and phrases just a few bars before my mind blows.

Sincerely were I able to describe the short circuit inside the circus of my mind you'd know what death is. Looking back and the strings and steams of words above I wonder if my desire, love or mere lust is more than any woman could ever handle; pardon me while I get the chopping knife to remove the source of my everything.


In childhood, well really nearly adolescence, I read H. L. Mencken's remarks about those who habituated the bleachers watching Baltimore Oriel baseball games. Claiming they should 'all be put to sleep like mad dogs.' And forever after, even now, I wonder should I not also join them in the final grand slam? The crack that launched a baseball into outer space winning history's eternal fame.

“Wonderboy flashed in the sun. It caught the sphere it was biggest. A noise like a twenty-one gun salute cracked the sky. There was a straining, ripping sound and a few drops of rain spattered to the ground somebody then shouted it was raining cats and dogs. By the time of Roy got in from second he was wading in water ankle deep.” -The Natural - Bernard Malamud
. . . read the book, oddly the bat "Wonderboy" was kept in a bassoon case!!??

There really is nothing so magical as inhabiting some sort of creativity—the cerebral orgasm of it. Not just once, and only, but the ongoing ecstasy of joy in it.

Why I laugh at the prices paid for Van Gogh these days or Stradivarius; to make such things is to touch God, the money paid is nothing but suffocation.

Then there are those times when I slump into the ordinary of my days. One, simply, cannot sustain a self on coffee, cigarettes and orgasms; or one long continuous orgasm riotous. My stomach rebels and desires coupling with lust carom and ricochet through my imagining and longings for a kind touch or embrace. Only ever really known with my grandmothers hand upon the back of my head.

My Achilles heel?

Kindness I mean.

In my near dotage there are only two women I have had such trust with. All prior remembered best for 'walking upon eggs' with me, while I was skating upon marbles with them!

I will go head-to-head with anyone or anything for a time, until it reaches that point best illustrated, for now or forever, by what it is said that Jesus said, “shake the dust off your sandals and move on.” Here and now I'm thinking the pearls cast before swine is me, little piggy oink oink. I refuse to use anyone as I was abused. Yet like a Samurai can kill without a second thought. Thus I am dangerous to myself understanding. . . .a Nazi and an Angel tussling throughout eternity. Leary of Saviors sensing we, not only I, must not trust the redemption/absolution to anyone. The bottom line regarding which prophet or wisdom figure I read is: That which I seek is inside--extant and inherent. Age has yet to make of me a castrato singing soprano. Add. I don't know how the Red Priest (Vivaldi) did it with all those nubile girls?! I am a fool but not so foolish as to claim redirection of my lust into words as he must have done with music; that divine language best speaking of all I seek.

An illustrative aside: The last time, before M, I was suicidal, I found a cat and loved him like nothing else in this world. And then moved in with a woman I presumed to be the ONE. He became jealous and peed on everything. A long time after this began, his marking everything, a thousand or more dollars spent on medication, etc. I gave up and had him put down; witnessing his death and the look he gave me in dying. I would rather knit a cobweb with my entrails, opening myself with a butter knife, instead of doing that to another life, now thinking of my daughter dying alone in custodial care.

At war with myself, in mortal/immortal combat, I resort to another woman I trust: Anais Nin; a great memoirist. Weaving in, via intuition, several other threads and streams addressing my conflict(s). The honest truth is that I give away my power, too easily, to women presuming them capable of making me not half, or enough, but whole. Only now occurring to me they in their turn may expect the same of me?

Given the opportunity several times in life, I stated, either published or implied; Savior your self. In the community of two, both being fully integrated making something else, greater, if not fabulous. Ideally yet by reality impossible to my quest. The only vessel, or chalice, I know capable of such passion is God. So regardless Ava Gardner, M or “Had She said Yes” I will remain celibate.

Celibacy like marriage is a renewable bond daily, if not minute by minute.
Besides which I am half way there; having only one testicle left and no prize when I had two.

Largely, all that I have ever asked for has been fulfilled experientially. 

Be true to yourself. 

- The Rolling Stones
“You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need”

- Aldous Huxley
"Chastity - the most unnatural of all the sexual perversions."

"Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what man does with what happens to him."

 . . . obviously, here, “man” applies equally to both genders. As in the whole commonweal, the entire family of our human kind.

- Paul Tournier
“Acceptance of one's life has nothing to do with resignation; it does not mean running away from the struggle. On the contrary, it means accepting it as it comes, with all the handicaps of heredity, of suffering, of psychological complexes and injustices.”

“Nothing makes us so lonely as our secrets.”

130426 14:30 MDT equivocal perversions
© 2013 by Jack Spratt – All Rights Reserved

freedom value it

To sail cat's paws half way cross Narragansett Bay with a dragon fly resting upon your shoulder is to understand the meaning of freedom. In those moments turned hours, find love beyond speech. We were, he? her? and I? One. Driven by the wind.

In the worst of times, doubt would abort my everything, and all my thoughts as being unworthy of having habitation within me. Occasionally I still visit that dark fetid state; but know it now for fleeting instead of being burned at the stake.

I am the worst assassin of myself. In a nation given to killing anyone/everyone for making ripples in the pond of conformity.

I discover myself filled with myths and metaphors, omens and portents--tared and feathered with them. Or, at the very least, cockle burrs clinging to the whole fabric of my days. I am apprehended by my sense love resides within each, every and all of us. Waiting to be let out. Thinking now of Francis remarking that perfect love is to cross the dark night in November raining soaked through knocking at the gate of his home and there being no answer. Could I be wrong in my advocacy of knock, ask, say yes, and it will be answered? Since I now sense, experience and live what is within knocking my heart asking to be let out.

Empathetical, I wonder what it was like for the young women beheaded in neighboring Juarez Mexico. The AIDS orphans of Africa, India and China. The disappeared and those found divided into many parts spread across abandoned fields.

Submerging into rest I asked what it is to advance human consciousness and saw a Chinese Dragon dancing at the head of a celebratory parade while its tail remained motionless. Then a pile of plates stacked highly and the top most blown away while the base stationary. War is profitable while peace is not; the 1% gain while the serfs bleed and die. The 1% colonize our minds with fear taking wealth from health wholesale. Even love making is politicized.


Predawn, falling from my perch, I soar over the abyss of my gratitude; the vast array of those whose kindness grew my wings.

Of instinct, courage is the better, not fear. About myself I know the pros and cons as in confidence games: charlatan, swindler or mountebank . . . why I so freely call what I see in others fraud. Possibly I should or ought not to do so since it works both ways: to love as I do. Is, I sense and experience, in M, a curse. But being a beast of burden I take it as it goes; from day to day, minute by minute and know the nature of love is reverence requited or not.

To have or have not, to be or not to be . . . do I inflect, impose or infect with my love. Momentarily astonished; to realize that the loss of my children compelled the adoption of all children; regardless their ages. To irk the ire of the pretentious is a pleasure and play for me since they factory farm us. Much ado about nothing. Public servants abound serving themselves exclusively. Seemingly, the fox rules the hen house deciding who is next to consume. You cannot love someone into loving themselves, but that is precisely what she does did continues to do to me. But then, there are these precious hours alone! Loved as God loves us all unconditionally.

Like the assassinated women of Juarez, in whose memory I am possessed, I must ask, is it worth being myself? From first to last, regardless the torture, length of dying slowly or swiftly. Sacrificed upon the alter of American greed for escape the indifference of our leadership. There seems a remarkable similarity between the fanaticism of free market avarice and that of those who would destroy what we think we should export to the rest of the world. It ain't all mom and apple pie you know. Who's a terrorist now?

At the risk of being stomped like a cockroach I'll say; after one thousand and one “dates” with M, our relationship defies all definitions I am aware of . . . thinking of Francis and Clare, Teresa and John of The Cross . . . chaste making marriage pale. Lovers of another kind.

My version/vision of what I believe Jung implied; the great marriage is inside. And at that its only value grows if only given freely away.

If I make neither literary or literal sense remember these are only notes on a life work in process. Finding a reason to take another breathe.

. . . could it be I am addressing myself, the eejit who never knew what poetry was/is? Too pragmatic to try and fail? After all, in all things, I am as empathetic to the predator as prey.

And so the parade goes on and I wonder less why those I adore forgave their executioners. All monuments erode but love grows.

To close: A memory seldom considered; mother gave me a book about, but never read; Heloise and Abelard. I was then an adolescent and consider now her bequest of that, implied/inferred, greater than her quarter million dollar will stolen from me by the gamblers on Wall Street. . . .My fault really since I thought myself too stupid to attend either fortune. Possibly why I find myself in a frenzy to know myself differently? Sincerely, I am torn between a desire to dismember them joint by joint, then resurrect them to do it all over again. And merely forgive them, as I pray God will. And mom, forgive me the loss of your wealth.

“The perversion of the mind is only possible when those who should be heard in its defense are silent.” - Archibald MacLeish
"The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves." - William Hazlitt

130426 01:57 MDT Value of Freedom
© 2013 by Jack Spratt – All Rights Reserved