Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Saturday, June 30, 2012

120628 21:35 mercy

Suffering raises up those souls that are truly great; it is only small souls that are made mean-spirited by it.” --Alexandra David-Neel

The more I learn the more I discern my ignorance greater than my knowing & have a concern that I will be forever on training wheels unlike my now long dead son who I remember best having seen him arms folded laughing in rush hour traffic on a bicycle two wheels self guiding innocent of fear

I have had and been held enthralled by bigotries unconscious to me in private against the rich In public especially in service at hospice I have come to a knowing the democracy of death too well reveled In which all become equal rich or poor—meek & Those about to die teach me best the value of life and humility this precious eternal now

Grief has haunted my life from the moment of diagnosis to witnessing his drowning last breath leaving me behind bereft & while my hypocrisies are many the greatest follows I could not accept then the pain lingering until now in suffering

It is said that pain is inevitable But suffering is choice—optional It is not so much that the pain of losing my children plus many other things I believed lost from infancy onward It is better said not that I was internally infernally fearful I would never die and thus finally rest in peace but that my suffering would remain infinite

We are all equal at the end regardless the monuments erected for in time all mountains are made plain as deserts & those remembered are never dead by they who traverse the pain of life with courage reconciling the pain tempered with the joy of having ever loved and been loved in return by our beloved.

I have a sense of bicycles & tricycles transfigured into sailing a vessel solo in life So the training wheels are minus one thus a catamaran where previously I sailed a trimaran Finally will I return to myself sailing a dingy upon my back unknowing where I'm going at night the stars blazing above and I once again returned to the innocent trust of my course through eternity

At the very end my vessel aflame children returned embraced all beloved of The All

120630 06:22 trademark

Inwardly He was a She
Savage lioness & indolent King who baaed adoringly
while eating ewes like Cocker Spaniels legs up outspread Lemming like victims
of Regal Divine Right reality this Oligarchic fiefdom we inhabit

Shrewishly disappearing our employ playfully using all expendable pawned to the
grave tearing guts out national assets imbibing the liquidity our soul's sole purpose to survive

Who is this beast­--God, Inc.?! In drag of course playing with US putting thorns in our soles all who listened in awed silent terror sheheits feted breath horrifyingly
Kissing us bye-bye have a nice life now

120630 13:51

I am not a poet but instead, a doggerel Quote reporter/recorder of sayings collected under bridges, in the orphan end of sing for your supper food lines. Or with/for greater variety the best free food in town known as: DUMPSTERVILLE'S! All provisions supplied and inspired by those who like me have nothing but a bit more which in love they share.

So in some sense lets, just for the Heavenly Hell of It, refer to this as the 1st post as from THE UNDERBRIDGE TIDINGS! and I sole: Editor, Publisher, Newspaper Delivery Boy, and toilet attendant; will rename myself Big John Snarky girly/boy reporter who puts on his panties both feet first as situations might require sans bra only worn on very special occasions.

An exhibitionist I am not, but then what is a boyish looking girly going to do? I already do all kinds of bizarre costume and acrobatic sexual things for John my husband or trick or his tricks or anyone he tells me to DO! Flex my mussels like Gov. Arnold "I'll Be Back" & "I only killed them because they weren't 'nice people' like the retarded or excuse me retired old flabby white assed journalist the dummy with the camera, yah dat one? You know my dad was SS do you suppose it is genetic? Yah I'd like to be President Too.

Why John?

Well let me share with you the legacy of "John" . . . Not John the Baptist, St. John or the erstwhile writer about the Apocalypse called THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS or, I think, maybe, maybe not the John into whose care Jesus gave his mother The Holy Ever Virgin Mary . . . . did he become a Saint before or after that?


Not those Johns but the ones what follows:

A john is a customer for prostitutes who, if in African-American neighborhoods, is called a "Honkie"otherwise simply know as "Whitey.

Something like the income tax & FICA withheld from those pay checks we used to have.

There was a time everything was done with CASH, no pun intended Johnny C.

And I've known times when if the john I have in mind had a hand out the window of an idling Ford Fairlane in 12 degree weather. And I'd been framing, or roofing, four stories above having swept the snow off first. . . .Well I'd bite his hand off--then carefully insert it into his--how to say this nicely?--lower rear orifice? And send him/her home to Congress where they service the CEO'S & those who pay for their reelections. You know those folks who got all Da Money Honey well they emptied FICA and now tell me I gotta go because they can't cover their theft. Whores give a service politicians only service their Slave Masters.

Like the good Jew, not the one on The Cross, no not that one . . . the other one who lowered his trousers mooning his executioner plus murderer of his wife & children, their grandparents, sans tattoos numbered among the 6 million. Well I'm that kind of Super Jew and I'll be back.

“Beware the fury of a patient man.” --John Dryden

@ 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved