Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

120703 05:51

So where are we?

I wake up after an hour or two submerged, wherever I go in dreamland, bright eyed and bushy tailed. Like I put my tongue into the electric light socket. Big toe in the toilet. The best part, precious to me still, in another light socket; on a radically modified Christmas Tree cord with another appropriately sized socket and let it rip bro; gone. . .
but arising again
Thomas Alva Edison (another non sleeper) did I tell you why the Garden of Eden is in Ireland?
Seems when Eve, given virgin birth from Adam, first saw him she said; “Hello O'Toole!” to which he replied grinning now he had a friend to play with replied; “Top o' the morning tee you Oh 'Hare!”
Then God asked Adam, “Do want you want to pee standing up or sitting down?” Adam being the first little boy who never grew up the prototypical male chauvinist pig said, “Standing.”
God turning to Eve, talking over His shoulder to Adam grinning said,“Fine.”
“Eve since Adam chose first I'll give you the prize, multiple Organisms!”
. . . she's still smiling down on the Emerald Isle, the happiest female in the cosmos.
Even now . . . &

She may have been insane. But I loved her so; then & more so now. She's long gone. I buried her. Using at her internment; the last sight of her, tightly sealed in an airline regulation Refrigerator looking coffin, all glowing white with gold handles. . .

Reading for her the Service for the Dead from the Episcopal Prayer Book, licensed to do so in Rhode Island not Maysville, Kentucky where she was born. With her mother and father and an empty grave for me. He daddy blew his balls of with a shot gun taking 20 days to bleed out. He a lay Methodist Circuit Riding Minister.

Don't ever tell me please.

. . .driving her to a point--the ferocity of my love seemed--to escalate her rage higher giving her scaly wings, translucent, the Sun shining through, the higher harder to plummet from into me harder than a Peregrine my scales floating lazily to . . . no mist of blood . . . no sign of me, no impact zone, no beak or teeth to place my dog tags between, no place for toe tags. Yet I like the Phoenix Thunderbird arose again again gaining strength again more nearly hers terrified more violent each time beginning in that 58 hour dry birth Christ Hospital like the undead come back again & again. Resurrected reincarnated as some new threat fabricated for her to become whatever she needed to be to feel safe, loved, whole a woman tortured for being one. Me hermaphrodite balanced between passion and cold analysis unblinking no tears no plea looking into the soul of her.

. . . her mother's remains beside her her father too she remains waiting for me to
enter the empty spot somewhere beside her to reside dead by smoldering to strike not dragon dead body all I dared to worship ever otherwise; The Fargo Shredder

120703 19:46 July 4th eve

The poem does not end where I terminated it. I chose instead to truncate my tapestry of concerns for those of us who are victimized by the projected dysfunctions of authority. Essentially I fell asleep and groggy attended a previously arranged obligation; and am buttoning up this for publication, the salient parts of my intentions seen from a different perspective analytically.

I do after action/engagement reports on every encounter. What is sometimes referred to as a postmortem or autopsy. The Buddhist call this being mindful. The process implies no specific goal, it is a process of self clarification, making corrections a person then is able to fear nothing and no one. When attacked or challenged there are three options. Stand still, step forward or step back: A classic ode is structured in three major parts: the strophe, the antistrophe, and the epode. Classical Greek Tragedy attempting to define definitively the divine. Another way would be: adapt, improvise, prevail. My favorite: John Dryden's “Beware the fury of a patient man.”
To love your enemy is to acknowledge their right to exist as they wish to be with respect; acceptance and/or submission the inevitable. If you have fully, mindfully, entered your soul/psyche/self consciously without sentiment or wishful thinking you will then be able to love your imperfect self perfectly. And your 'enemy' who is also a child of God. I know God, by any name, is real. Odd those two words Israel but that conceit started a very long time ago and is impractical on a planet all ready 3 billion people over capacity to sustain. I know were are not cancer were act by choice and fear to act as if were are.

They who slay you do so because they fear you.
I purport not to explain for or against or about. My focus is on enabling you to heal yourself. One of my favorite 'poems': Do no harm

120703 00:35 Free Shoot

. . . as a wee lad I was never fond of tests . . . .
In fact my favorite introduction to poetry was Nick Cats exiting the Old Greenwich Elementary School 'boy's' room with his fire engine red wool extra long tailed shirt stuck out his fly. Where he had preceded me in a desperate attempt to memorize what was to be recited in the next five minutes: The Gettysburg Address . . . a prayer for America never applauded then or now in the sense his prophetic plea “for, of, by the people” never made the Hit Parade then or now as we drown in greed.

Inculpability by a different breed of Republican who instead of being 'liberal' is 'conservative' not of the Union 650,000 died for . . . am I that political? Or am I just running you butt off to the dictionary attempting to increase your vocabulary . . . you know babe I adore words and the difference between them gets really sexy—even the one word poems of “rage” “forgiveness” “confession” “love” or “war crimes trials.” I know, I know, and I know again the latter was three words I think most often of about the previous crop of Republicans and the ones who want to do it harder baby make me come­--up more broke than the last crew did.

Back to the “boy's” room so I sat there frantically studying my pants around my shoes and in comes the custodian; “Are you okay in there?”

Apparently he thought I'd drown; expired by any measure or means? 
Who me?!


I'd been in there so long the class was almost over . . . mums the word bro.


Here I am now; still don't know my elbow from page one and ain't even know that for sure.
Fact is I adore reading it—The Gettysburg Prayer­--now, and frequently reprise the greatest politician ever walked this God Given Green Free Earth, immortal, where once you could eat without terror of Alzheimer’s, drink the water sans a glimmer of fire in any part of your body and go out to eat without fear of addiction to sugar, MSG or any mysterious additives not announced on the labels. You know the little sticky things on apples and such. What the F! are we doing to ourselves enslaved to; emancipated my dear friend in Lincoln's Bed Room soon vacated?

What's you point Wolf Man Jack you snarky shark soon extinct?

Just grieving. My vanity crushed, the first time in years I had the courage to try resurrecting the talent I thought I was before I went blind in grief the diagnosis of my son's impending death from Leukemia. But invoking that issue, the Brand of a grieving parent, seems now cheap given the perversion of Iraq, where like me, We, didn't even WIN, PLACE OR SHOW.

Crapped out, busted, double down failed . . . The Cowboy President with his two ANNIE GET YOUR GUN, six-shooters, double barreled bankruptcy.

Feature Shooting (the 'hometown' contest I failed—Google Free Shoot)
@ Feature Shoot Group Show: Hometown

. . . Pretzel Guns shock & awe a blase: no Salt, no nourishment, just twisted intentions and aims; like the barrels shooting himself and Uncle Bob, manipulating howdy-doody-dodged-a-bullet-james-w-johnson, oligarchically jaws and posterior twitching via an ingress point below the belt­--do I really need to explain 'fisting?' What part of ventriloquy don't you understand?


Fancy that!

In real time they'll kill me for sure; I've never had this much joy & laughter or coupled fun, with or without, clothes or a camera on before. May not be much to look at, nothing to see, soon disappeared but “Taking the A Train” uptown to Harlem I've abandoned my day job and am ready to die, born in America, a true patriot am I.