Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

120703 00:35 Free Shoot

. . . as a wee lad I was never fond of tests . . . .
In fact my favorite introduction to poetry was Nick Cats exiting the Old Greenwich Elementary School 'boy's' room with his fire engine red wool extra long tailed shirt stuck out his fly. Where he had preceded me in a desperate attempt to memorize what was to be recited in the next five minutes: The Gettysburg Address . . . a prayer for America never applauded then or now in the sense his prophetic plea “for, of, by the people” never made the Hit Parade then or now as we drown in greed.

Inculpability by a different breed of Republican who instead of being 'liberal' is 'conservative' not of the Union 650,000 died for . . . am I that political? Or am I just running you butt off to the dictionary attempting to increase your vocabulary . . . you know babe I adore words and the difference between them gets really sexy—even the one word poems of “rage” “forgiveness” “confession” “love” or “war crimes trials.” I know, I know, and I know again the latter was three words I think most often of about the previous crop of Republicans and the ones who want to do it harder baby make me come­--up more broke than the last crew did.

Back to the “boy's” room so I sat there frantically studying my pants around my shoes and in comes the custodian; “Are you okay in there?”

Apparently he thought I'd drown; expired by any measure or means? 
Who me?!


I'd been in there so long the class was almost over . . . mums the word bro.


Here I am now; still don't know my elbow from page one and ain't even know that for sure.
Fact is I adore reading it—The Gettysburg Prayer­--now, and frequently reprise the greatest politician ever walked this God Given Green Free Earth, immortal, where once you could eat without terror of Alzheimer’s, drink the water sans a glimmer of fire in any part of your body and go out to eat without fear of addiction to sugar, MSG or any mysterious additives not announced on the labels. You know the little sticky things on apples and such. What the F! are we doing to ourselves enslaved to; emancipated my dear friend in Lincoln's Bed Room soon vacated?

What's you point Wolf Man Jack you snarky shark soon extinct?

Just grieving. My vanity crushed, the first time in years I had the courage to try resurrecting the talent I thought I was before I went blind in grief the diagnosis of my son's impending death from Leukemia. But invoking that issue, the Brand of a grieving parent, seems now cheap given the perversion of Iraq, where like me, We, didn't even WIN, PLACE OR SHOW.

Crapped out, busted, double down failed . . . The Cowboy President with his two ANNIE GET YOUR GUN, six-shooters, double barreled bankruptcy.

Feature Shooting (the 'hometown' contest I failed—Google Free Shoot)
@ Feature Shoot Group Show: Hometown

. . . Pretzel Guns shock & awe a blase: no Salt, no nourishment, just twisted intentions and aims; like the barrels shooting himself and Uncle Bob, manipulating howdy-doody-dodged-a-bullet-james-w-johnson, oligarchically jaws and posterior twitching via an ingress point below the belt­--do I really need to explain 'fisting?' What part of ventriloquy don't you understand?


Fancy that!

In real time they'll kill me for sure; I've never had this much joy & laughter or coupled fun, with or without, clothes or a camera on before. May not be much to look at, nothing to see, soon disappeared but “Taking the A Train” uptown to Harlem I've abandoned my day job and am ready to die, born in America, a true patriot am I.

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