Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Monday, September 3, 2012

Desire a Conundrum same old shit different day

120903 06:54 desire

Savior yourself by the absence of savor for desire or hate; for these alone will own you forever.

Once returned to the innocence of a child each moment becomes a delight fulfilled by teachers who seek your best will and within this--enough--you will be wealthy beyond any measure in life or death.

Within each day infinity is expressed/experienced as birth, life, death, resurrection and gratitude all the days celebrated cyclically. And within eternity well known no fear, no envy, no need for the love you give without expectation of acknowledgement is pure of ambition for yourself given in goodwill for the other; the thou.

This peace I give you to use inhabit and incarnate passing forward to fertile friends. Who in turn will pass forward their self ownership and though the world may disappear we will remain forever friends. Towards this remember “Intelligence is not the same thing as wisdom.”

120902 09:26 conundrum

A conundrum is this life i have and have not as lived. Well trained in abuse of all kinds, I can do nothing with the abuse of myself as elderly. Living in an elderly dedicated campus of apartments I sense myself singled out by one individual who initially seemed a friend; perhaps I exaggerate supplanting my warmth for his? In any case recently he served me with pre eviction notification, a legal and actionable document associated with me so long as I live locally dependent upon HUD augmented rental apartments. 

In my current rental agreement nothing was mentioned regarding monthly inspections experienced as home invasions by one-and-all I speak with. And due to three consecutive difficulties: with income tax misattributed to me, the hacking of my Yahoo email contact list and finally his threat perceived by me as abuse. I have made radical adjustments in participation in this isolated elderly community. Add to which I now avoid his presence as the plague. 

Interesting in itself but added to the theft of my perceived/anticipated due from my father's estate I am virtually destitute. But by far wealthier than most here having a modest cushion swiftly evaporating and upon need I have no alternative other than to kill myself or live on the streets disabling my writing and photography since there is no security there; sleeping under bridges. I judge no one as evil save myself for the devil of my rage and were I to act upon my rage it would be summary: his death or mine. Conceptually ending my prospect of living after death in peace but, perhaps, forced to return and try again my ideals exclusive to me -- my truth. 

So I am hypocritical to myself. Yet without solicitation hear the confessions of others who feel the same way here. What to do. Indecision was formerly a fault of mine, a dysfunction, remedied by many degrees but not in kind; my assertion to defend myself against aggression. It is obvious that we as a nation kill and then ask questions; or sweep the entire issue beneath the rugs of history. I would be otherwise loving forgiving merciful towards those who have stolen all my material wealth and now in faux authority would steal my shelter. Since you are the future and I the past or nearly so I sacrifice my transparent process towards ideals most materialist consider indifferently. At the same time all too frequently imagining tearing out the spine of my half-brother or my father already passed and/or the property manger who shat upon my life. . . .Actually in my face.

I take no pleasure in publishing the simple sense I have that where I live; Las Cruces, New Mexico USA is a known capitol of violent abuse towards children, the elderly and wives. Juarez is forty miles south of this otherwise, to me, idyllic place. Meaning there have been drug gang related murders here as well. 

I have been advised to keep my mouth shut and suffer in silence since all the bureaucracy is dedicated to protect the rights of those in power; not the poor. Sounds like America to me. What quacks, wattles and swims in money is that which is advocated by Ayn Rand and the now nominated Republican ticket.

Is there any prospect for justice? Not for me. Not in this life now. And for those who go "postal" a Rhode Island phrase covering manifold acts of public violence perpetrated by civilians against civilians unarmed though enough are owned to arm every man, woman, child and pets seven times over. M will kill me for this. I hope not but know her armed and dangerous when provoked. 

Public Servants? They in general only serve those with sufficient funds to guaranty election or reelection double dipping from public funds and the wealth of those equally addicted to money and power. Emphatically a win/lose prospect.

Sorry I've failed you and deeply aggrieved I've failed myself. Perhaps I should be put to sleep like those habituates of bleacher seats H. L. Mencken advocated long ago and since my mantra regarding all real or imagined failures even now.

© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Controlling the Electorate

a few thoughts from Thomas Szasa -- relevant?

"People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates."

"Psychiatry is institutionalized scientism: it is the systematic imitation, impersonation, counterfeiting, and deception. This is the formula: every adult smokes (drinks, engages in sexual activity, etc.); hence, to prove that he is an adult, the adolescent smokes (drinks, engages in sexual activity, etc.). Mutatis mutandis: every science consists of classification, control, and prediction; hence to prove psychiatry is a science, the psychiatrist classifies, controls, predicts. The result is that he classifies people as mad; that he confines them as dangerous (to themselves or others); and that he predicts people's behavior, robbing them of their free will and hence of their very humanity." --"Science and Scientism", p. 115


I am familiar with the abuse of 'psychiatry/psychology' to control the electorate and suggest that the last paragraph applies equally to politics since Political Science is in many ways merely crowd control.

i'm casting my vote early & often

i'm sensing-thinking-feeling-intuiting 
the Really Big Show is coming
step up to home plate and vote
the Ethiopian descendant cannot change is heritage
and the baboons cannot change their spots in the
lineup of greed & selfishness
are well financed by those
who stole the economy 
sent jobs to Asia pocketing the difference
also off shore
promising new jobs franchised selling
of lemonade 5 cents a cup of which they
get 99% profit since not only do you
have to make the stand out of a cardboard
box but buy the cup and make the lemonade
from your meager remains
naked in the streets
of America, Inc.
more better yet all
women will receive free
Clitoridectomies at birth
becoming Stepford wives
minus brains barefoot
& pregnant forever made so
by boars more equal now

120903 05:28 really big show
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

oh sweet Lord Jesus rodeo cowboy on a leaping motley Komodo 
in their

120903 04:26 savior

© 2012 by Jack Spratt 
 All Rights Reserved


“No one provokes me with impunity” 
(nemo me impune lacessit) 
--Motto of Scotland 

The snark in me at times wants to dismember those who stole my grandmothers earnings button by hem reattaching their sundry parts while sustaining them with coin of the realm then to hell with my immortal soul i'd go . . . no prophet am i but the current Republican fare if successful will cause a civil war in which not 650,000 will die but millions rendering extinct the entire planet . . . are the Chinese funding them? I wonder? They already own the country why not enslave the people as well?

120903 03:42 provocation
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

A Pilgrim in Progress I by nature am seductive towards all women and of M unsuccessful so far. Perhaps, could it be we solitaries are by unspoken dedication sacrificial in that sense; knowing to surrender to pleasure would experientially eclipse us both? Useless to any other.

Of clerics and sisters religious too do I approach with a wannabe me too, or as well, they who I honor more than most vocations in life. God & Heavens forfend a woman desired should in desire or kindness yield for then again I'd have a tar baby on my hands; more nearly a well like grave into which I'd fling myself dying to all intentions for awhile then grow to resent my slavish attachments. Leaving eventually to find myself blissfully alone and glowing in joy the solitude in which I write or cogitate the meanings of all things especially life and love and liberty. Oxymoronic am I -- I so love that word the latter part and implied plodding first. Oxen being more acceptable than the snake I am. I still grope M with my eyes and she knows knowing everything. Sometimes we are very young she eleven and I chasing her through pear orchards in dreams and imaginings barefoot laughing.

Until recently my masturbatory fantasy women were young slender small breasted birds but being eclectic extended to all women, colors, types, ages and sizes. Before Saturday's learning the degree and kind of sexual harassment a new naturally gregarious nurse asked innocently, "how are you?" I think now that she being a part of the family knew my recent flirt with death and loss of a testicle but that aside I replied; "Not bad for an old man, want to try me out?"

"Oh Jack!"

The consequences of her potential protest not only costly but a record of being a sexual predator life long sentence. I am usually more subtle. Essentially with women for whom I have no lust other than to affirm their being beaten down and neglected or so I imagine or intuit. Instead of women seeking my services sexually I am hit on by men or was so in my youth. Zero interest in random dalliances with anyone, male or female, I was kind thanking them for their intended results and attention. Encounters of the thoughtful kind are welcome anywhere anytime. Thankfully impotence or death will soon take me away from such play.

Resurrection or reincarnation seem to imply virtually the same. I do role play wondering what Jesus do with the same temptations? Sex and sensuality dominate my senses yet slowly with M's training I've come to adore more the penetration of souls.

My cycles of rest seem shrinking and remain enough for now in anticipation of merely being dead forever too soon my interest, curiosity and longing to read unquenchable. Yet I imagine "my father's house has many mansions" all as class or reading rooms? The best instruction being for me is experiential at that doing no harm. 

If I love someone it is not like fly paper but skin. Simply referring to 'my wife or daughter' allows them nothing of freedom from my thoughts and prayers unconsciously expressed by breathing. Yet they are distant from me and grown in their own ways unfamiliar . . . and that is well because were they with me I'd know nothing of what to do with them to entertain or be a proper host. It seems I learn to practice what I preach in the most arduous and difficult ways--you do know me well enough to know I am at least a teacher and a best a wannabe priest? All bread and/or fruit of the vine is sacramental to me as is or are your lives and attention.

Somewhat chagrined at this confession I'll let it go since personally I want to go as far go is; to find the boundaries of The All. And should she read me my volunteer director, THE BOSS, would kick me to the curb. Little fear in that since she seems to despise computers and I am shy about 'my writing.'

Be well not for me but your own sake.

120903 01:59 eclipse of the son
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved