Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Sunday, September 2, 2012

This anxiety we feel is mostly attributable to fear; yet fear as change is the nature of the Universe in which we have citizenship; not visible to the naked eye but true nonetheless. We can have peace falling off a cliff taking a bite from a strawberry growing wildly on the way down. Give no one and nothing authority over your peace once found fixed and immutable in life or death.

Not what I intended to write about but a farther reflection on a comment made regarding a partner's abandonment at one of three sites I post on; I neglected to ask if children were involved. 

Though raised in chaos, it being normal to me, I learned to wait the unknowing to resolve. It never did and while, at times I am ecstatic there are equally so times of the snake who silent waits watching the unfolding analytically. My parents divorced when I was, roughly twenty-eight. I remember my questions then; why anything associated with the 'family' of origin, my name, my training, my future, the future of my then family gone now. 

The odd part of writing is the act writes us a new perspective on everything possible. Add at that it writes us anew. Old definitions understood differently; night become day then rapidly night again unreasonably. 

In a reminder to myself I kept Wikipedia's Henry George page open beneath this I write upon. It is not who we know, bend over for or blow, but who we are as defined by ourselves alone. Humiliated I have learned humility; the intention, I understand found in the Serenity Prayer. Which for me is most often not a plea for a grant of serenity but thanksgiving for having received it. 

I had no kindergarten instead thrust an infant into Post Graduate Doctoral Degree Program at The School of Hard Knocks & Terrorism. Still wondering why I am not a terrorist? I've learned to control my rage and express it differently deftly knowing when to walk away; hopeless the cult of America. Or as dad said of himself during the war; he defended it (America) with a Bassoon. 

We must in some sense learn to pick our battles; if lost in order to win the war between entropy and life lived in mercy and love as self derived. Politicians are accustomed to being shat upon and thus are immune remaining hammers seeing the world in terms of nails. Of need my engagement becomes more subtle armed with the wisdom of Lord Acton, Henry George; the list actually endless since I see power in many kinds and degrees and would disarm my 'enemy' with, as Al-Qaeda has, with our vanity. (Oh boy could I have a field day with this thread: the wrong time, place and reason why we are bankrupt morally ethically and financially. Farther we are stalemated by issues of pride, competition, lies and false promises in both parties the issues crying for attention.)

It is difficult to reason with an abandoned grieving woman. Since she like me or all we who now live in poverty, Our Nation become The Third World, see no future in terms of commonwealth. But instead prancing smirking gloating politicians and bankers who purchase their positions with money stolen from us while guaranteeing their future in Fat City. They win, we lose and lose more and more daily by their bickering over how many dollars does it take to fulfil someone addicted to power and wealth? The obvious and candid answer is "MORE!" Which is the primary definition of addiction. 

In crisis: adapt, improvise, prevail; the situation is rife with an opportunity to learn. Stand up, move forward to a new definition of peace and the world we want. Of happiness we never may get what we want but what we need.

120902 22:00 peace within
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

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