Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Sunday, July 1, 2012

120701 07:13 The Underbrige Tidings
© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

@ -Capitalist Ten Commandments see please

I am conscious of intentions and ideals held secretly that I must now reveal. And though I am but one within my community, the place where I have finally grown to maturity; experiential self-derived and defined; it is not for me, our you but us: the new generation and perhaps the last that can have a hope of life glorious and not merely survived or endured. . . .”. . . in quiet desperation.” --Henry David Thoreau

Oddly I laugh at myself quite easily, both privately and publicly, since humor is disarming both mine and the corporate ideals divisively being sold to us.

Initially I began this thread, or string of thought, wondering if I adore, what I know of poetry -- limited a best -- only for my confusion about punctuation specifically. Where in poetry it's no bid deal.
This transformation began when I realized that William Shakespeare, or as I fondly refer to him, now and then as Billy Shakes, spelled his name three different ways, so my concern for both spelling and sentence structure . . . remember please the tyranny of ideals versus the real . . . what happens in terms of flesh & blood Truth.

No one is perfect, only That the Who, explicitly real and interactive I call for convenience, or convention, merely, God. And obvious to me now this 'experiential' encounter is had by many less assertive of expression versus aggression 'my way or the highway.'
Because it makes me laugh I'll user the parable of sheep and goats, or simply those who take and they who give.


Kiss, as in, Keep It Simple Stupid.

The difference being a person who seeks money: What you see is all that you get.

A person seeking love, mercy, empathy, kindness, forgiveness in generosity giving more; every time pushing the envelope farther; gets more.
The former has lots of useless cold hard cash or whatever medium of exchange is desirable: sea shells, bananas, coconuts, grain, gasoline whatever sitting idle.
The latter receiving the never empty cup always overflowing or the 'holy grail.'

Interesting thought: I never or seldom sense Jesus wearing sandals preferring to go whenever possible bare foot and thus I trust, essentially those I know who've known the pleasure of chicken shit between toes in childhood.

Perhaps I jest just playing with words? Not an egoic as in: “Render off limits those fertile lands and plants by which the masses might enjoy leisure, acquire natural freedom, secure refuge from our Free Market, or stumble upon revelations of a non-egoic, cooperative, and spiritual nature.” --Capitalist Ten Commandments

The power of Love is fabulous. Whereas the power of the State and/or Church -- Religion & Governance, Inc. In general is impoverished by fraud generated by greed for more power and control; a bottomless pit and abyss gimme more never enough.

Call & Response – Ask and Receive – just not an Escalade – the average $10,000 profit sans mortgage interest add another 150% is whatever the price of vanity for what is essentially a Chevrolet.

Think about it. The man who says he want's to represent American is as vain as it gets got there by putting you out of work. Who now lies through his smiling teeth telling you lies about more jobs all gone off shore as both taxes and profits to multinational corporations who now actually rule “The World” and who fucked the puppy or pooch in the process.

My favorite quote of the past few weeks: “Eschew Obfuscation” –Anonymous
Don't understand?
Tough titty baby learn or be a slave forever.
Learn to read and understand what you read or suck the swill off the TV and be not dumb but simply ignorant

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