Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Friday, August 24, 2012

it's my fault, kill and eat me, or eat me & kill me in the process

Creation, is a myth, woman came first then man . . . needing nothing more than The Emerald Eyes laughing in affirmation . . . man from women came. Then in time men in jealousy changed everything by fraud, lies, bait & switch. The most colossal con game in eternity.

KISS IT! Keep it Simple STUPID! switch every male role to female. But not Jesus

Digression but related -- profoundly. Working in a hospice clinic we become rapidly acquainted, then friends intimate with one another in crisis and never speak the world S. L. O. W. for it elicits chaos like: What an infant left in a plain brown shopping bag, remember those, left in the middle of I95 or 5 from slumber drugged head popped like a grape under the wheels of whatever . . . I'd say SUV but you know I despise them dear vanity mobiles. Kiss my library card, most highly valued plastic in my wallet, the price of vanity is $10,000 average to the CEO of whoever whatever vehicle; name it.

I've more important whales to fry than politicians who like me are merely sprats; forage fish. Who unlike the All of Us who linger blind to our slavery to any everything mostly egos and fear. Wonder why there's no jobs and the jobs that are suck the life out'ta your soul? Ask me, I once had, on paper $1,250,000 inherited gone now, no longer important. My point is that I am as responsible for your homeless hopelessness as any CEO stock speculator President Clinton Bush Cheney arrogant richly rich unworthy the shit it would take to bury their ashes as anything especially "Public Servants" who . . . . well you know my Snarks by now:  

So it's my fault, kill and eat me, or eat me & kill me in the process. In my death let me forgive & bless you your trespass and being lead into perdition in the Cardinal Sin of murder. What I Jack The Giant Killer do with words indiscriminate; a myth as much as Jack Sprat(t) could eat no fat etc. Better yet do my baby half brother first since he stole my due portion of dad's estate he's a hoarder porcine to boot and not insignificantly now has only one testicle as I do now. Retribution? Maybe!

An ass hole is an ass hole by any other name, badge or rank; and bad religious people are the worst, just like me. That said I see Cheney sodomizing the Statue of Liberty actually or merely in my dreams but no where near as bad as his (imaginary?) torture of kittens and puppies putting firecracker in their anus' watching them twitch and writhe at the insertion and then disappearing in a pink mist.

I am, by name, associated with shame indelible. My paternal grandmother gave me, pointedly and specifically, a clipping from The New York Herald Tribune dated sometime around 1922. Detailing a hack politician under the Tammany Hall administration. Democrat by the way. In which, it said, he & wife were haunted by two deranged poor employed to follow then reciting the "Jack Spratt could eat no fat.." implying that he was stealing alms from the poor under his charge. There home was the current site of The New York Stock Exchange . . . i've been told there's a model of the manse -- that is all, stand at ease, but for a moment. Smoke if ya got'tem or not.

The article went on to say another Spratt, on Long Island, had an enormous estate with slaves; you know people of color chopped off toes, whipped; their children sold as produce etc. Dad's wife Georgia was a Family Tree Nut who claimed legacy association with the DAR. I loved to bate her with Marion Anderson's story to shame her pride.

And finally, at least regarding The Name, Spratt or Spratt or Sproat; it is derived from Norse. An adjective or noun meaning something fucking awful; dad died before the translation was proffered. In any or all cases I am the only legitimate Jack amongst those I know of. "Jack" is not a name but a nickname for John or Jacob -- and you can do anything with that you little wish full heart can think of.

I was given a break during the 19' something, something recession in Rhode Island; part time work at full guild pay sans retirement or health insurance. Typical of management greedy to the last. I was then asked if I wanted to return on staff? No. In reply I said, "What you really need for equal rights is a black Jewish woman pregnant consumed with AIDS." The guy who asked had previously told me, as a retired Seal he'd done  halo drops into North Korea and/or China: solo. Maybe, Maybe not, he was, as dad was fond of saying to and about me; "You're as full of shit as The Christmas Goose!" Wisdom being the ability to discern bullshit from sincerity somewhat akin to why I say politicians fart through their mouths. At the point of my demure they then asked me to work nights. The bride of my youth fucked that up by telling them that in no way was I to work nights since she had training to attend leaving me at home to baby sit our daughter. They never asked me back and my humiliation remains one of the reasons that I'm going to take her name off my will, subsequently expunging both adopted daughter and my granddaughter. Fuck Em'

I'll close with another anecdote -- what I lost in my mutilated yet deathless prose poetry or simply gaga over my mind -- there is a Certified Nursing Assistant (nurses are the grunts of the for profit or not for profit medical biz) by name Estella who when queried why she did the work said; "I once wanted to be a nun but fell in love instead and married" -- you see I wondered about her working two jobs, both medical. It is she who said of me "he's no stupid Gringo" -- another story or one I've already used and/or abused. I became curious about the diapers in all images of Jesus on the Cross and asked her who cleans up when someone passes? "I do."

Knowing the ass holes who run this country, overtly and covertly, are just as into power as the Roman's. I intuited that Jesus was humiliated naked pissed and shat himself on the cross to which she said sincerely, "Thank You."

To be touched by the grace of Jesus is both joy and terror, since, I have faith that He invented tough love. The soul fled we clean the remains; the last gesture of love. For the living I've done the same. And will gladly do it endlessly with humility for their gifts to me.

PS Always watch were the money goes and warfare amongst the siblings.

120824 15:49 confidant
© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

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