Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Friday, August 24, 2012

10% is good as far as it goes your mind however has vastly more
& given that we collectively or individually are using less then the
millionth part as we are taught by those who covertly rule over
us as per their conscious/unconscious intention design/desire to
fleece then dick, eating us to their profit -- Hadn't intended
this a poem or at the very least in poetic form so I may at will
change format capriciously.

. . . My point dear reader is that a child born with a golden spoon in its mouth versus one fed with mud will, obviously, know nothing of the others experience and therefore expect of the mud eater to sacrifice his/her life to feeding the indifferent non feeling lacking any empathy child born with the golden spoon Anything and/or all it desires claiming a divine right to do so That is their nurture nature and the origin of "only the strong survive" a generalization the "Divine Right of Kings" their succession. I have no fear in proclaiming my personal conclusions since for the greater part the "King" have enabled the sucking you hollow by amusements beguiling to into allowing them to suck you hollow of both mind and self; what is in other times and places called a "soul." Otherwise why would the few spend so much value/currency stolen from you to convince you to vote for anyone or thing?

Since few -- read -- vacated by The World Wide Web. In THE KING OR KING'S COLLECTIVE INCORPORATED concern the Internet has become a treat to their bottom line; your slavish addiction to all they propose for your health & welfare or well being. The Commonwealth of all life. . . .Disappeared by smoke and fun house mirror distortions, perversions, lies, miscounting, psychological manipulations or merely secretly pick pocketing the amulets and fetishes: homes, cars, energy, children's health and education their futures any and all things a parents should, may or can be responsible for.

 Watch as they slowly smother it with censorship first for 'intellectual property concerns' the showing, for profit, of pornographic violence inherently obscene, lacking any HAPPY ENDING! But the indiscriminate genocide/holocaust of all deemed degenerate, or enemy, mostly the poor; who in desperate need of potable water, general health concerns for their children, arable land, etc. -- by -- implication are about to invade your crib, rape you, your wife, the eat or kidnap for slavery your children -- then steal your life via sadistic lengthy torture.


Exactly what the Kings are about 24/7/365 or 366 on leap years. . . .DOING IT TO YOU!?
. . . or merely doing you all the time for the past eight to ten thousand years.

Well remembered: a reply to a contributor to Screw Magazine published in Playboy: "Fuck you Very Much." What I recommend you write or type in the blank 'WRITE IN OPTION' on any or all ballots offered to indicate your precise edict/verdict/opinion their intentions and behaviors to date.

In my conviction television is both an enema & an evacuation device. Filling you with, variously, what ever they wish you infused with: Lies mostly. The potential is endless & absolutely bizarre. Think terminal orgasm since in your addicted drug addled state of mind it will be momentarily celestial ecstasy!

Google's Chrome browser coupled with Wikipedia can inform you better than anything else. It is quick and constantly policed for fraud, unlike television, lacking any income from vested private interest. Keep it simple; look up simple words at first: love, democracy, greed, hoarding, oligarchy, tyranny blending them with notes taken from your personal life's experience from stem to stern this ship of state or canoe of one afloat in eternity.

Think for yourself. Live free or die. Ignore all else including me who writes the diatribe doing no harm but publishing mere conjecture freely on what remains free of The World Wide Web. Forget not the free access of Public Libraries administered by people fiercely independent knowing the meaning of free speech & intellectual property

Don't be well, be better, taking responsibility; participating in what you want from life.

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© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

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