Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Friday, October 5, 2012

gratitude to PARABOLA magazine for this illustration
“Accept the truth from whatever source it comes.” -Maimonides

Power is a curious ambition prompted more by fear than inspiration breathing the breathe/breathed of Love from the source.

Long before I discovered the quote, opening this post, I would wander aimlessly through the barrage of quotes--on offer--via the Internet. In collecting them I began to form a Self that had remained invisible to me until I applied the quotes as Post-It Notes to my self otherwise naked, alone and making funny faces whenever I’d pass the mirror in the bathroom across from my sleeping place.

I actually don’t have or use Post It-Notes and once again I bless with my gratitude both Les Krims & his mother for their collaboration.
I do, however, use Sticky Notes offered by various sources but in my case, Microsoft Corporation, on my various monitors to note days of obligation to others.

It follows that I am impressed with the similarities of all those we call Prophets, by any gender, creed or race, remain Prophets to me. I, when available, copy and paste their faces or representations symbolic with their quotes.

It follows farther that I love beauty, not merely bodies of woman whose panties I would like to remove after fondling their posteriors across the -- never cotton -- God forbid! -- but satin, nylon, rayon, slippy stuff sliding my palms and fingers grasping gasping in adoration the touch of a woman’s fanny; though I call Annie Fanny I did not until recently realize there was a cartoon figure so named of impossible breasts and posterior. I since I’m falling into a fetish no longer required save when alone and in a mood to masturebate I’ll add that I am indescrimite: the age of the wearer -- I was born a letch, a dirty old man, before I left my mother’s womb; get it?

I live in a community dominated by women who outlive men on average. We boys never grow up or old enough to equal the wisdom of women. The inequality began with the first woman from whom Adam sprang.

That said by way of preamble. It is awkward for me but -- more-or-less nightly -- with or without a cigarette or pants on; or if with them on: summer or winter briefly do I seek where the moon is.

Just awhile ago I did it seeking the moon which has been beloved to many who adore her before time began soon ending. And then it befell me as the thief beside Jesus forgiven, either way I remained a Jew.

A slave to greed, power and crimes against humanity. Enslaved to agendas suggested if not demanded or manipulated/mandated by ‘authority’ to do this or that: e.g. mob roaring for Jesus to be put to death. . . .My problem with where I live is that there are some who fear me and being bored watch me and then despise me with or without clothes, pants or panties. I cannot win with them. I have, in general, stopped trying. Always tempted, I am afterall male. A ram or Lion or both.

When you Love God, God responds making life very simple and direct. God has no one, no hands, no feet to nail to wooden crosses or wear as hood ornaments on gigantic vanity automobiles which are, in point of fact, trucks. Several interesting facts I can elaborate but will not. Any more than: once my trust has been betrayed do I waste my breath on ‘saying asshole’ or ‘F’ face, when I see an SUV. Or as we used to say about Cadillacs: “JEW MOBILE!”

It follows that those who discomfort me are well steered clear of. Since I know myself capable of destroying them by any means or measures and/or die in the process. Not caring a fart for immortality either granted by God or legend.

It follows that I could have easily done the same to my father when he told me of my disinheritance for not having a child (Male Preferable) or children and having adopted a Nigger Child. . . .my heart is beating to keep up with my blood pressure. Yet I would/will go nominally farther. He who uses my common name, by answering to it, as published for forty years in the national newspaper of record: The New York Times. Should be warned that I have less control and good will towards him then as I do the man who told me he was going to cast me out of his apartment . . . i need stop with my list of potential violence. Returning to peace and love which I normally, not nominally, give to all and sundry life.

I can and will use names specific and cost people their employment if pressed. I am a sophist for love, not greed, as I was born to be.

. . . this night while fully clothed I strolled out of the place where I sleep for now on the asshole’s sufferance (daily in question) also possibly being observed by people so bored with life they really don’t have any other reason to live; other than make their neighbors as miserable as themselves. I looked for the, as yet absent, moon and realized that I am of less consequence than a match struck upon a becalmed midnight sea and flicked to hiss extinguished extinct compared to the vagina surrounding all the twinkling masculine stars.

. . . add to which i betimes sense us a virus upon a grain of sand within the mind of god.

Jesus martyred Himself that there be an end to: an eye for an eye. I think, mostly, that when you take another's eye/eyes you disable them from being whole or holy and we have enough unholiness as it is becoming more so.

I am nothing. Yet like all we the ignored, meek, crippled, halt, lame and blind will inherit the Earth once the false prophets for profit have desecrated it to their satisfaction and we will know eternal life in joy and peace while they live the lives they deserve and That My Dear Children of God is that.


. . . put your two pennies in the well knowing them your last

“It is better and more satisfactory to acquit a thousand guilty persons than to put a single innocent one to death.” -Maimonides

121005 21:49 MDT Maimonides
©2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

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