Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Thursday, August 30, 2012

truth i give you -- mine

Joy is experience of the Presence at all times in all places. The world and heavens conjoined whole & holy. This wealth is ours. All life’s and cannot be taken by extortion or death. Do no murder. Simply for that which we kill kills us; not in whole but by degrees and slowly.

When pleasure rules it controls the recipient; pleasure ends or dies while joy never ends or dies. Too much of anything: sex, pleasure, rock n’ roll or death is boring. Quality versus Quantity and gambling or gaming is simply another form of divination. Or playing solitaire and cheating. 

My words are poor, faint directions to what you can experience within by experience or faith not belief. 

If you do not assert your right to live life exclusive to your choice. Then you, as I was, are a slave to having anything other than your Self. 

Faith = experience. Belief = ideation/ideas feeding nothing but fear. 

My thoughts and conclusions are meaningless to you but my intentions are meaningful in that I ask you to love yourself. That’s the joker in the deck, isn’t it? What is Love?

Love cannot be defined in the abstract. Love must be lived -- lived with and for: I/Thou never I/It since if God is an It than also am I. 

I intensely dislike and am now bored by theology; a bit less than by politics, power or pleasure. I am neither cynical or skeptical but know the cost of pleasure too well. And the wealth of joy immeasurable is growing minute by minute. If I accept or submit to your faux “god like” pleasure in killing me of my ‘death’ then I place the burden of justice upon your soul. And my soul can never damn you for I know the Judge.

Choice has consequence; or what some call Karma; so near in sound to dharma or epiphany.  

Be careful of how you read me since I am devious in that I have introduced the words of our now “enemy” since by definition submit is the derivation of Islam. Acceptance is, for me at least, and only now in this life, how I define why I can and may write these words. My childhood prayers being answered as asked; please be real and known to me . . . what is the meaning and purpose of power or any and all things. 

What I now know in part I will soon know whole face-to-face with the origin of all things. In that prospective event I find peace now and forward. I have regrets which I cannot avoid or deny; thorns in my naked feet accompanying me in every step. While I’ve become accustomed to the pain the suffering, is at times, unbearable. My slander and actual crimes against children peers who attacked me or simply were different from me. I could rationalize the cause and effect but refuse to do so since in that choice I cannot find forgiveness or mercy or love. And impermissible to me is that I did wrong for right reasons or right for the wrong reasons. Such conclusions I must accept from the Judge.

For you and for myself I’ve opened a Pandora’s box filled with, not one but a trillion, hydras. To me that is merely the process of creation and healing. Unafraid I know my fears more effort than the confrontation & accountancy.

In the deaths of others I’ve seen peace in them. Their bodies left behind. Souls gone on. In faith I know this will be true of me. At least, I pray so. Let it be in me. Let it be in you. That is what and why I write. We are emigrants in life returning home in death. Blaspheme is not slander of what is holy accept when against yourself. Idols are things, as are cults, ideals that have no life save in mutual intoxication.

. . . i ask your prayers, or good will, for M -- she is in difficulties -- in healing me I am unable to heal her in this my truth helpless without your and/or God’s will for her


120830 04:08 joy
© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

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