Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

a fraud & hypocrite am I

Miles to travel by light years and in death more light years upon light years infinite. Curious about everything; the origin and meanings of love & life; all things inclusive; not just exclusive to God. 

I've spent so much time in transit: cars, walking, flying, boats/ships/yachts/dinghies; that I have come to sense myself in conveyance, when I fly commercially, on my way to Auschwitz. Add to which the Storm Troupers are now patrolling the isles. Regardless of style or class it's all to the Gates of Hell i went and now go. Back and forth since infancy wiping away any sense of home across America; a windshield wiper in a hurricane I passed.  

A fraud & hypocrite I became in early youth pretending to be okay just to survive. It took decades and enormous effort to now be less a chameleon than I was the day before. By needs the Gates of Heaven are where we finally lose our ego and gender identifications. Like those days of yore; personal valuables piled before the showers gaseous discharge or the bodies starved and worked to death piled as cord word awaiting the crematoria. 

Crimes by my parents against me forgiven but never forgotten since to forget is not to see the rape of America. I have lists of those who stole my mother & grandmother's work for pennies per button or stitch. Plus my father's estate stolen or gift to my ass hole half brother. 

Like them Bankers are the bane of all recorded cupidity. Please, if curious look up: avarice, profit & loss, electronic elections; greed. My shit list of assholes grows daily and exponentially; inclusive of the usual suspects Stock Brokers/Speculators Politicians regardless of rank from the top down, either party . . . by any basis of comparison my hypocrisy and fraud are inconsequential.

My point is that the word ass hole can be spelled asshole meaning scatocephalic or asshat the current and future posture of the congress of baboons. Please include the Judiciary in the mix since The Great Black Stain and War Criminals Clinton and Bush now Obama have driven us suicidally more so into the arms of the collectivized and institutionalized thieves Incorporated the Banks Of America. 

Could it be that the Sanhedrin had no bitch about Jesus as/being related to God but balked at his crimping their Temple profits selling sacrifices and needed a really Big One for THE BIG SHOW?

Today I was informed by my doctor's office that they had prescriptions for me to pickup? It seems the shitwits in Santa Fa (The Medical Board) decided that it would be better for me to go there than use a telephone or fax machine; to drag my weary, broke, flabby ass to the doctor's office ignoring the possibility that I might have enormous difficulty economically (no car, bus to far to walk in this current heat, unable to hire a cab and so on and on and on). Oxymoronic isn't it (shit + wit) what wit? The should all die of AIDS slowly in agony crawling to the pharmacy please; a little justice here!?

See them smiling indifferent all dressed up awaiting the shower/oven combo too. 

Do you now understand a bit better why people go postal, berserk, running amok in theaters showing movies dedicated to empower/entertain the helpless & hopeless? Essentially people with no future regardless of political lies. This is a depression; depressing isn't it.

120829 19:29 fraud & hypocrite
© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

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