Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

120627 19:11

Something calamitous comes slinking/slithering/stomping towards me, or we, the Us all, beloved of God Parented. 
Nothing so bad as estrogen, perhaps an element worse, now prevalent in all potable water giving little boys like was once I: breasts and a vagina?/! To know Jesus a girly boy balanced equally is divine. But somehow the evil, or more nearly—unjust are: 'no good.' I sense is that the Incorporated have become a governance unaccountable in monopoly pretend assertion but actual aggression to what end? “In god WE do not Trust”

Perversion. Unending jobs promised. The value of money nonexistent. Our idle rich masturbating with we the poor living fetishes eaten uncooked or enslaved.


Profit empowered is imbalanced not collaborate: An end desired by any means.
More, gimme the money honey I want it all OFU go die someplace outta my sight indifferent. I'm addicted to money it gives me security and I trust nothing else; pleasure and more is never enough.

In this our time of life soon extinct, for the administrator, these steward estate agents, must of need perform increasingly obscene unnatural acts, crimes against nature & mankind, criminal, covert and secretive!/?/!

):? Indeed
Indifferent to even their own children; or all life, regardless of form or origin. Begotten not made life needs water. Which, without, more precious than all the gold in this universe we minority inhabit but so gladly despoil, all life as we know it now will end. As for me I die slowly from consuming mystery meat of all kinds, looking like a cow, a fish, a chicken chemically induced to grow for profit factory farms. They, Gloat, THEM, Smirk, Inc. covertly factory farm our selves on social media measuring treasuring any means to manipulate us mostly through fear/terror to give them our lives our soul treasure.

Have another cigarette Jack. You are just as full of shit as the Christmas Goose described by dad. & Inc. Begging to end he thought me insane, perhaps rightfully so.

Then who or what will propagate the coming generations and what will it or they look like? Cockroaches, crocodiles or rats!/? Then what meek will inherit this our home briefly for life is such a complete package we must endure without hope or prayer the evolution revolting in prospect.

So bizarre we are now spiritually intellectually--unethical immorality. All the Cardinal Points compass magnetic changing fields & in lesser points as well poorly & indifferently we march into oblivion rendering extinct us the we the all who like our forefathers despoil this cardinal null point eternal in the infinite. Will God remember us? History? Certainly not for all history is written by the conceits, delusions of grandeur and vanity of the victors. We are lost, maybe, perhaps not, for now the remnant rags of time ripped raped by greed. Being white with a black soul identifying with the Native American and Africans better than what I am: complicit in crimes against all others for my profit too. Consuming obscenely their blood, sweat and tears.

Ignore me please. I a clown, an exact replicator of father's merry jest towards mother competed for. Her Spinx face silent nose still there not out of joint; unless enraged otherwise. Her tears copious in private never seen or seldom so in public—we dad & me or eye? Writhing up walls running circles on the ceiling laughing barking like dogs meowing howling ignored.

Of course!


I wanted to make love, not to but with mom sans any or all other rationalizations my fondness for her panties the only aspect of her I dared touch. & now even now I know to penetrate her body a minor accomplishment compared to penetrating her apparently enraged heartlessness. Yet I loved her then love her now as Spinx or the woman who told of dad wanting her to be “The Virgin Mary & a Whore.” Stone cold sober like the Angel of Death I can be like she given my birth. Mengele, Josef http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josef_Mengele . . . move over Honey I think you've met your match conjoined buddies with Hitler in tutus tutti bambinos slain.

We collectively export the leadership deserved having voted or not voting at all for Assassins, Inc.
I will be assassinated for this as are those who hug trees daily world wide. Obviously Rupert Murdoch finds real, or true news reporting, repugnant since it lowers his bottom line. There being no profit in prophecy on death swift or tortured slow black opts anonymous incorporated zero life inclined for the caring = the indifferent their just do rewarded?

My legacy is anonymous. I am nothing. Always have been. Will always be. A mud person or mutt as the neo-Nazis decry. A stray redundant surplus life to be put to sleep like Annie was before we became companions. . . .Who will take care her as she takes care loving me. Gone?

Not divine. No wannabe Messiah. Just a very patient old man aggrieved the loss his children , family of origin biological, friends, lovers, wives: imperfect and a failure. No grave to mark my dust blowing in the wind. Merely a grain of sand though I see beyond the horizon shimmering an oasis kingdom of nothing to see nothing to do too important not to save?

Though like some, prophets they were: Martin Luther King, Jr. or the original, no Junior either/neither just Luther., Dietrich Bonhoeffer, of course obvious: Jesus, Gandhi. Less so but equal in my esteem Mother Teresa. And more those anonymous who gave instead of stole. I pray: God grant me the serenity to leave forgiving my assassins. Fully conscious I want to die not drugged senseless blindfolded and oh yes please if by your will one last cigarette. A hot fudge Sunday with nuts and cherry on top will I give thee now. Pretty Please?

I am not Chicken Little for the sky has already fallen or Poor Peter & the wolf, Inc. ate him too. Of Mohammad should we meet either place heaven or hell for me is heaven like the 4th of July? Coney Island. I love people not crowds herds of them acting irrationally the Sabbath day everyday now for me lived an eternity daily born lived dead and buried returned the next or nearest light the dawn that may never come again.

As for Jesus should he/she return would be picked apart for souvenirs such is our longing for divinity actually within and other than outer imagined idolatrous. As for me now beloved brethren in God all family by adoption mine long gone Be well and if eaten alive be so salty as to be never forgotten those who pretend to be more equal than us here and now. "Free Market Economy" = Stalin the death of 60 million.

Obverse not perverse regarding the mother of me I perhaps love too ferociously to be allowed further life. But then as in all things & time by God's will I do abide, at least for now but soon or then? I would contend for us an advocate for love not hate no more nor harm be done.

Amen and amen. Rejoice in all things I say rejoice! – The divine St. Paul
Amen again. By need or commission we forgive as we must the rapist as well as the raped though it be us so despised.

About the image—not mine­
Michael Jackson b&w Beach Pix

Every working day is spent experimenting, fiddling, mixing chemicals and going for something new,” said Michael Jackson
For the past 5 years, Jackson has been creating a body of work titled ‘Other Small Worlds’ based on visiting and recording a single beach in South Wales – Poppit Sands. “My work on Poppit Sands beach has changed over the years. I find that I am seeing things now that eluded me before and what was of interest to me 4 years ago is no longer of much interest to me now. I suppose that I am trying to find something new with each visit – and that rarely happens.”

Using a 1970’s camera, lens and particular times of day he explains his motivation as “Just an amazing feeling, to be there and to look down and see tiny worlds appear before my eyes. Then to hear the whirr of the shutter and to know that I may have captured it forever. It is a very personal and intimate experience.”

His work has been acclaimed internationally and published in numerous magazines throughout the UK, the USA and Australia. The Poppit Sands/Other Small Worlds series has won three finalist places in the Hasselblad Masters Award (2008, 2009 & 2010) and is now in its sixth year. Jackson is based in Wales.

Gratitude for Feature Shoot, a Google project I enjoy daily

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