Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Thursday, June 28, 2012

I'm back Johnny the Lunatic for love

120628 23:39

preacher teacher man wannabe not me standing naked Times Square Monday mourned the new epoch begun panhandling the attention of the penniless their unlived lives of no interest this bridge me between then now what's to come I lust for their souls or soles to clean no miracle worker healer just a teacher to tell and show summer vacation free the what why & how
a sad bad shoe shine boy all black with polish am i barefoot

Great Tradition this preaching upon soap boxes in other times places no birds adoringly resting upon my shoulder neither either ligature scars no stigmata naked no diapers required the humiliation intended after all what's da madder penis or vagina no prissy popes but poets muscular for me Willy Willie Billy Shakes Rumi Walt of the Green Leaves of Grass

Too be certain confident of my conviction should I live having enough heart beats left or The Lunatic Fringe Fundamentalist “Christian/Islamist” I ask nicely & politely WTF is the difference?if They don't blow out my brains first.

Should I could I can I maybe may can not or merely won't take or be taken by another lover wife or whatever maybe a toy boy love is not penetration but mere friendship 'Where two or more are gathered . . : Will the I AM be there! M&m or St. Teresa of Avila & St. John of the Cross or St. Francis & St. Clair never conjoined except in chaste friendship Don' know bout Heloise & Abelard never read their book mother recommended too busy with Kafka

Then there's M&M, me & m. Whatever. Now. Wow M@W sight gag. Should we never see each other again the lover she made me will give all the love there is within unconditionally As she did me A pean encomium eulogy laudation paean panegyric in loyalty loving one and all no exceptions allowed but how or why would I allow, in a nation with armament enough weapons for every man woman child dog and cat times seven times sever times eleven is this my ideation of Heaven or Carlton Heston's now moldering cold dead hand (s)? He was an actor like Rush Limbaugh a paid performer for those whose main purpose in life is to affirm the right to be selfish Where is William Buckley when needed lamentably dead to correct the course to perdition. I was told by W. read upside down she told me so and I trust her emphatically.

Sufi mythic legend the 'devil' was told by God “Be gone forever never to return in My sight.” The 'devil' so loved God loving as I do M we'd together or light years apart in death or life be light years together dancing from black holes to nova stars. Sticks & Stones may kill me but names now without apology seem interchangeable Who loves whom what why when how little much what is endless compared to Be Here Now? I am a man who loves men and while I do I long not for them sexually my Brothers, this Band of Brothers WE become noble not ignoble in denial for I so love Jesus and God equally too. Even more than life whatever it is before during afterward

I am not that little boy who upon finding the dead baby pigeons rictus of hunger risen heavenward collectively the covey of them I did not consciously pray then as I do now for me for us for the 'devil' Whomever but the question why is still unanswered. Maybe when face-to-face or never I must in free will decide the fate of love manifest incarnate merely in me whatever the cost leaving behind forgiveness the ignorance of Lunatic Fundamentalist of any & all stripes & sorts & conditions Lest I kill instead of Love and by Loving make love possible to one and all understood.

Gape this Mr. Inc.:

A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing.” --Oscar Wilde

. . . I seemingly adore words singly coupled or more They impact my soul and sole the like of which I've never know before M set me free to soar amongst the stars or merely the sun my wings waxed not melted yet But then I started outlining the experience conscious or dream having the Jerusalem Cross branded upon my lips even now tingling . . . yet like God I suspect knowing all religions I know none adequate the task to define what is love possible in an insane world?

M says tolerance is possible while I lunge and lurch the restraints my drown blinded loving adoration of Her covertly singing screaming silently but what of the intolerant bigotry injustice? Those sent to war spindled and mutilated on both sides a meaningless loss a competition a pissing match of those who never fought and profit the most . . . Harry said 'if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen' Maybe maybe not perhaps we do all the wrong things for reasons we will never understand here now or latter on should the be another place a time for us I know Buddha said My sense at least I don't want to do it over again, not again and again, I seek the peace of nothingness
We all seemingly are the body hands arms embracing one another each God equal in mercy anticipated at life's end Living incarnation imperfect yet potential nearly so empathy empathic as JC implied I infer convicted Love Your “Enemy” knowing his/her pain equal if not greater then ours But the I must at times speak of real flesh & blood matters be not so heavenly minded and no earthly good for such time remnant not rapture but ruptured It is really all about you then US then when gathered WE . . . no end in sight.
Sometime I'll start talking about Solomon justice and choices inspired by the unnameable many names of what is good; The Thou--The Who never the IT. Maybe maybe not Who am I but a buffoon like those I decry no one ever living spoke exclusively for God they all did in their way and time growing where planted @ that this little boy will always be a genius audience for all of it passively squatting on the sidelines merely enraptured by the love notes I praise Blest either way never either/or but and/both . . . wondering in closing no longer wandering the desert tagged the sins of all mankind a goat a sheep a lion combined? Or a Phoenix or snake like lizard. God speaks to and though all of us occasionally let us in living or death be communion

                                                       words like magma not Maya irrupting

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