Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Monday, June 18, 2012

120617 08:38

absent empathy, compassion, forgiveness, mercy life would be intolerable
there is not enough of eternity nor heart beats in infinity so there must be
Heaven for all of us Predator & Prey the Sslain & Slayers too Forgiveness is
strength beyond and above all human measure whatever is Heaven for beyond
our reach but within us Here & Now

Once a politician always a whore for the price of any trick paying their reelection price remaining in the Self Congratulatory Country Club of Acclaim/Fame/Obscene Wealth this is our principal export to all the world who should be appalled -- Congress having congress with itself, us and their pimps . . . and now the World & Life leaving us extinct.

Measure for measure i judge myself with equal if not greater severity
leaving god out of the equation for the moment let us remember Donne
what happens to one happens to all and the bell tolls for us this anxious time
all die but in dying will they remember they never lived?

In a chance passing remark I noted that there were more women then men volunteers
at hospice service to which She replied; "Men have little or no compassion or empathy. Some can learn but few do.

Then I recalled the men I served who remarked with obvious curiosity, "You're a volunteer here?!"
Humiliated by the manifold gifts bestowed by those about to leave this mortal coil I am usually
shy about mentioning my covenantal communion with those one-and-all who serve as well and better than I. It is a privilege to serve for which I sense I could be kicked to the curb at/for anything at all reasons. Least of which are these humble words speaking of not only Our but All Fearless Leaders World Wide whose vanity is crushing us and our nest this pretty blue planet we call home for now.

& Yes, of course, it was She who suggested that I serve knowing me better than I knew or know myself now always in her eclipse. I frantically attempt to grow as with The Author of All Creation's Love to contain not drown.

It is a call and response sort of relationship wherein are found these 'love notes' all the time now not coincidence or synchronicity but such events obvious to me:

“You can do very little with faith, but you can do nothing without it.”  --Samuel Butler (Author)

120618 00:42

for me for now forever more who knows it seems as if retrospectively I've avoided in disbelief the now obvious It is not so much avoiding the responsibility of acceptance or deflection so much as it is my longing that we starting with my family of origin then by marriage and in those losses all others who suffer Altruistic perhaps but sincere for now forever

Recently I heard poetry described as about what was not rather than what was accomplished fact. Reality insistent the guts of life is not so much what happens to us as much as what we happen to life; call & response. & Life is its own reward ending in death to arise again?


Of course and that it took me nearly 72 years to realize it's reality, well that doesn't qualify it as wonderful or valuable but it to me; maturity.

"It is the manner of gods and prophets to begin: "Thou shalt have none other God or Prophet but me." If I were to start as a God or a prophet I think I should take the line: "Thou shalt not believe in me. Thou shalt not have me for a God. Thou shalt worship any d_____d thing thou likest except me." This should be my first and great commandment, and my second should be like unto it."
                          --Samuel Butler's Notebooks (1912) self censored "d_____d" in original publication.

I found the two Samuel Butler quotes today. It could be argued -- a betrayal of my actual mashup mind coldly analytical, objective, and mystical, ecstatic -- that the finding preceded the response. Actually it is the other way round. And THAT, in all times past, terrified me. I ran away. But you simply cannot run away from the Source. Many attempt it but all who do are addicted to some sort of crippling alternative; greed comes to mind, cocaine, and on and so on.

I am unfit for human cohabitation with anyone; it is nearly impossible with Annie; my companion and a cat at that. No Hat:) & to be with The Source I would give my meager sanity, eyes, ears, sensuality all that defines me at this and all moments before.

Politicians adore secrecy since it allows them license to dick us around kill our children steal our homes and our very own lives. Where they Kings or Popes they'd say it was divinely bestowed authority.


I am "inappropriately" self-revelatory not because I am mentally ill but simply in that there is so little time left for me, for you, for us as a species. My disappointment with the former administration their being in bed with Exxon and so on is at times reason enough for me to long for retaliation. That old saw: An eye for an eye didn't work then and won't work now. As it seems JC & The Source implied Love is the only alternative. And in love we forgive one another forgiving ourselves for even considering the alternatives I am aware of.

Transparency is desirable, the only modality of healing. Honesty, or as they say in AA, "you're no better than the secrets you keep." By inference/implication yourself and all others.

Helpless with laughter I'm recalling "THE SHADOW KNOWS" a serial radio program popular in my youth. Sincerely THE SOURCE knows and being God is vastly more forgiving than I ever can be.

Merciful. Period. . . . and never made slaves of anyone as Mr. Butler so succinctly details.

120618 01:43 final

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