Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Friday, March 8, 2013


Pell-mell in all my wildest aberrant and perverse imaginings never did I conceive of a resource such as Wikipedia. Add, it could be, the best is yet to become, more better.

While it is generally true to the simpering, supercilious, censorious legislators incapable of catching ambulances. Lunatic fanatics for their addled addiction to power and notoriety seeking to contain or disable the World Wide Web. Sighting perversion and destruction as an excuse; always possible and available there is, as well, an education in something beyond pleasure sexual and destruction by mass means.

Therein lays the fountain of knowledge leading to wisdom beyond the facts detailed above. An eclectic education available across all boundaries. Comprised, if you will, by individuals whose difference meld into one spring gushing vertical unto infinity. Would we allow such to be controlled by those incapable of finding their posterior with both hands to kiss it goodbye. Simply to remain in office. Assuring themselves gratuitously and endlessly of their security to quite or quell a force able to render them unnecessary while revealing their fraud and perversion of the commonweal.


I think not since in my experience the flood is on. No ruler, president, C.E.O., politician, pope or priest is safe from those who think: freedom! To hell with them and their “shoulds & oughts.”

. . . at times I have tried to typify the behavior inimical, as ‘those who take versus those who give.’ Yet. Better it could be those who’s intentions are inhuman versus those for whom humanity is the tapestry of God, or good, or better: best. Or, possibly simply stated: The Antichrist incarnate. To be sure a collective and not one individual. Helter-skelter: I’ve got mine up your’s.

Oh sweet Lao Tzu & Jesus bouncing about on pogo sticks, I love playing with words.

. . . kinder, possibly, it would be, to simply say all politicians are venal; generous towards themselves only.

. . . another advantage in using Wikipedia is finding relationships between the author and context. Finding those who interest me beyond the moment and what to read next on or off screen.

These steps to freedom liberated from the criminal class ruling us is what I notice most when seeking the number of hits I receive. Mostly from Russia!?! Add, at that, more for Eric Hoffer. Happy to be of service, I could have chosen worse, introducing him to those more enslaved than we.

The most valuable and prized plastic in my wallet: my library card. . . .where, as with hyper-links, I am chilled, thrilled and oft clubbed senseless . . . could it be that once I expiate my sins of omission, commission and self indifference . . . perhaps then I might attempt fiction and poetry no more daring do than what I have done but more fun and laughs.

. . . for now I write for me, not God or you, since these are notes on a life and self in process for which there is no end as objective ambition or in death. Possibly defining or describing making available the three: God, Man & Self. Yet, oh yet, this sweet humiliation of a life unable to read, hear, see and celebrate all those I admire. Could be, maybe not, possibly, impossibly best spent this one and only precious life so like yours.

. . . to be mentored by the best, obviously, one must read. For me the discovery of those I follow in their courses towards sanity and sobriety lend me a sense of unity and purpose where none else is to be found in this world and or time otherwise. Remedially: “When a child is uprooted, it seeks to make a center from which it cannot be uprooted.” - Anais Nin made sense of what where and when I began taking notes. Add Eric Hoffer’s; "The wise learn from the experience of others, and the creative know how to make a crumb of experience go a long way." . . . so little time and much to do; are we not all dead men walking? Rather a deeply lived life apposed to one broad, shallow, long, a wafer instead of a feast.

Be well beloved becoming best yourself.

130224 04:44 imaginings
© 2013 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

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