Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

M&M, Will too soon be yesterdays

Divorce made in Heaven. 
The Divine Ms. M said no way José . . . have your ever had, or coincidently considered having, Jalapeño Ice Cream? Well Ma i gots to tell yah its some Yummy in da Tummy -- spice and the varieties of life is some gooood 4U2 :)!

In fact I realize in retrospect it was me getting the extrusion and very handsomely done by the Emerald Eyed Sphinx who in scything me cell by cell and putting me, Humpty Dumpty, back on the shelf. She's given me more reasons to keep-on-keeping on. Sorta kinda like Jesus said; "shake the dust from your sandals & move on bro . . . " Or/& Lao Tzu implied; another wise guy or prophet of another kind; "Get up and wipe the pie from your face and boogie . . . or . . . Keep on Trucking!

If the Lady says no, you gotta love her in any way acceptable  2 U & her. And thus the love affair is redefined and more viable then ever before as friendship more better defined. Since the confusion like The Smurf in Macy's Day Parade is down up, blown apart farting helium and the parade goes on and on death has no dominion in such love as ours. 

I consider God definable in the following way, with kudos to 3M Co. & their Post-It Notes. Add a bow and more than a nod to Les Krims and His Mom covered with them -- otherwise naked. 

What & why I write makes me laugh, not at M or God, of course, but at myself. The same antics I get into up to in grocery lines; playing with children, their parents, especially foxy moms and always the Checker or money snarf or Credit Card Wiper. 

Of course it has cost me money in groceries left behind but I don't mind since my life as I redefine it, moment by second, is so much fun! More often than not, since I shop with the poor, being poor myself, I remember now that the family behind me got that neglected Fruit Cake & banana bunch as a bonus for a second bow. I just love parting the curtains for the second and third bow with the audience hysterically laughing at my wake. 

Silent, the Sphinx, the very divinely delectable beloved Ms. M is easy to read. In her presence, I being the redundant fool, especially around her, that i am. Rehashed something I thought new, or clever, with whatever is left of my ego being in the presence of the present of God & Ms.M! Then by her Grammies know she already read it.

As per practice as usual sleeping only when tired or otherwise not preoccupied playing Post-It Notes or imagining myself have sticky face with either M or God sharing an ice cream cone; or whatever the lightning and thunder is electrocuting my attenuations/mind. . . .Never forget to exercise your mind! It pays dividends the Stock Market knows nothing about since they only play with material commodities and money gambling oblivious of consequences.  

Your mind being six pounds of tofu is nothing special but how you use it may keep you alive as long as I've lived. And intend to continue doing so should God allow--the creek don't rise--and someone in an Escalade don't run me over making a breathing flesh eaten dummy ala Vice President Bush and President Cheney of Howdy Dodgy Time TV fame; at least in my lexicon they the dummy and ventriloquist.

This is just another Post-It Note from the trenches of Real Life not that faux life on cable they make you pay for while giving you all the enema ads paid for by very rich wannabe Commander-&-Chiefs in a time of endless war between the poor & the rich. I don't even listen to NPR. They're having Fun Fund Raising Days and also talking about the war between politicians and we the poor cannot contribute; is than any excuse for the Depression we're in?

 . . . I ventured out in the dusk celebrating the closing of summer anticipating the coming of ice disproportionate to we the poor since many of us can't keep warm; being old and poor is difficult.

Somewhere betwixt and between then and now I wrote a poem . . . won't share it here & now but save it for another Post-It-note defining the holiness of love.

However like this dusk, The day & light, M&M, Will too soon be yesterdays and all time Sundays, a celebratory day of eternal rest? . . . some days are like that reminding me of how difficult it is to love a woman and others who near beat you to death and wonder now wandering into the night will I ever forget "Love your Enemy?" . . . since it seems in God i have none.

"Children show me in their playful smiles the divine in everyone. This simple goodness shines straight from their hearts and only asks to be lived." --Michael Jackson

121002 17:00 Lunch with M
©2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

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