Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Thursday, October 4, 2012

121003 21:37 dreams

"Your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions."


Joel 2:28 "And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. ... ... I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: ...

Acts 2:17 "'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit ... ... pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; ...

Alluded to but not explicitly stated is the apprehension of spirituality in all that I write. What is now a conviction expecting death at any moment; indifferent.

Reality being what it is; remains talked about as being either Created or Evolved. The two definitions are at odds, and in a sense invalidate one another; terminally. Yet if we examine our experience: nothing changes; life remains the same. Dominated essentially by the choice of fight or flight when something or anyone imperils our being alive.

Fear and pain serve a purpose for without them you would not know what or when to remove your hand from the stove at full burn; losing your hand; possibly self-immolating. Death.

I could easily use my dreams and visions as a resource for poetry, a novel or two, perhaps a Philosophy, motive for Scientific investigation etc. Yet I write what I do, doubting that I do it well but, compelled to do so from my experience of being in harms way all of my life.

Change is the nature of the universe thus nature itself. Experientially it is chaos and most systems of governance or religion are vehicles of comfort and protection against fear. And are fearsome in and of themselves since they are directed by authorities who present themselves as capable of defending us -- at the same time exacting horrific profit from doing do.

The alternative is what has become an obscenity: the sales of snake oil remedies and false systems of belief that in their origin were true but have become contorted with greed and ambition to be King/Pope/Judge/whatever: lends the poser/pretender/elected to be in charge and control. In order for you to be safe you need to pay taxes, sacrifice your children and/or self or in other ways pay for the illusion of safety.

I, being now old, remembering my fear, pain and suffering coupled with the deaths of young friends in youth, adolescence and then my biological and adopted child’s death. In the latter case it was not physical but emotional death in that she abandoned me irrevocably. Laws of probability imply that I will never see any of what remains of my family before I die. I am at peace with that; as I am now reconciled with the many beloved who left me behind alone.

It is natural for us to be born singly and die alone commonly born into a family. We take on our families issues, ideals, ambitions and censure, discipline and laws. Often this circumstance is less than idyllic; experienced as a trial ending in death: the child, the parent or both or all three at one time.

It is my ideal, based upon my experience, to help, or guide others to heal themselves. To suggest a course correction away from the inevitable agony of being maladaptive. The rules of our father’s and mother’s coping mechanisms are antiques in a time of catastrophic change. Everything changes. The nature and facility of war, for example, has evolved from sticks and rocks to the extinction of all life instantly.

On a local family level a woman becomes a mother and changes from individual to an instinctual role of protection and the father, normally or ideally, provides food, shelter, clothing etc. The couple, now a family, is obligated to provide for a highly dependent child and this is where the problems begin. Children are not for us as pets, they are for themselves a new life able to choose, if given the chance, a life radically different from their parents.

Read within your heart what the self-fulfilling prophecies, scripts, fates, intentions drummed or beaten into you were
121001 02:08
. . . . It was within this moment that exhaustion overcame me like the hood placed upon a Gyrfalcon head and I slept the sleep of the dead knowing not whether I would arise again not caring for in God’s Love I Trust

. . . and now even now if I must will I burn myself to death on the steps of the Supreme Court to protest the ways of America in this World too soon to end at our hands & this alone will be my sole prophecy for We The People of God and The World Created all life by adoption mine to Shepard for a time  . . . the mythology of me is mine and will not share since it is for those who lead to justify our actions in the world and i merely an old man with a cat willing so soon to die to prove my love of God who speaks in my submissions to Him . . . Our Father who art in Heaven . . .

Greed and vanity have become the new ‘normal’ in America; of which none can have enough . . . the children cry for more, more, more and theft is celebrated. The time will be obvious to me and as a journalist I will alert The New York Times for whom I have worked and who know my name . . . the place is irrelevant since you who do not trust will never know what hit you, where or when you are held in ridicule in the court of public opinion via my theatrical self-immolation. My word is my bond and sufficient unto itself.
121004 21:55 To close - Finally
On a feeling level, what I sometimes snobbishly call experiential, this time between now and my next rest has been trans-formative. I have been attracted to two women in the past few years and in case I experience something very new and oddly powerful leaping to the conclusion THE IS THE ONE! The first was overwhelmed with my eroticism and eventually I gave up. The second time was a young woman visiting a friend . . . so young she could not be a “feasible” mate; besides which she had four children -- I adore children -- yet love the child in me finally loved and accepted not matter how unacceptable I actually am; at times to myself as well as those I love. Odd. God hasn’t struck me down or deaf, dumb and blind to writhe helpless in guilt and shame.

What I now sense had happened was what CG Jung implied by integration of the male and female aspects of each soul, which, of course being a soul, is more angelic than what holds it for a time in this life.

I will close with this: I am now writing in a manner that suits me just fine: anecdotal--discursive. Exactly as I would speak to you if we were friends face-to-face. And if that were so I could instantly tell if you needed me. Or I could prompt you into healing someone who need you to do so.

M told me, finally, that she intuits this in all her patients. Farther that it is obviously buried in all that we talk about all the time; at lunch after water aerobics: healing.

The illustration for this post was gleaned from PARABOLA. I cannot afford or won’t spend the money for a subscription but they send me the most wonderful teasers.

©2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

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