Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Sunday, August 19, 2012

wishful thinking

120819 12:07 suspicion
As is often the case I see not what I wish to see but that which is.
Save, of course, regarding women. Of, and for, whom I have learned, after a lifetime of trial and error, to no longer see them with desire or lust. . . .but of equal value to me.

Happily though, I am loved and love a woman who in trust and intuition, possibly empathy as well, drew me from my grave, in a well by-the-way, by my by then mossy locks. And in metaphorically kissing my amphibious lips turned me not to a Prince but merely a full grown man in love with a woman. Several have tried but fatally failed the issue of trust.

God! How I love to write, what may be for some, if not most, doggerel, though I known not how but why.

Auguring downward into the bedrock of my faith and upwards beseeching aid, a long spiny tendril of steel, possibly a miniature of The Tower of Babble but only of one voice . . . & no fracking allowed. Then came the following from someone I trust, respect and often peruse; Henry David Thoreau whose, quite by chance did I discover, follows:

"We are always paid for our suspicion by finding what we suspect."

Typical of my training in the school of terrorism, gratis dear old Mom, I was suspicious of a slanderous condemnation akin to, never explicitly so worded accusation, but transposed for greater acknowledgement; "YOU HAVE SHIT FOR BRAINS!" Well, yes, of course, I can be at times scatocephalic and to extreme and ridiculous extents. Have I not yet demonstrated that explicitly in these pages?

Yet I write not to hear myself think, speak, or acknowledge myself as having a right to exist since I already know and accept that as established fact.

Let us speak for a moment of my suspicions regarding all politicians who excrete waste materials explosively -- orally. Or like, as dear old dad would have it, frequently saying of me; "You have diarrhea of the mouth!"

Obvious to me, but possibly obscure or oblique to you, my family was very -- apparently excessively so -- scatological.

I seldom defame the intelligence of our leadership; though they act as school children embroiled in a Mexican Standoff at the OK Coral. I merely mentioned, in conjecture, that they are psychotic. Which in pragmatic terms means they are by act, deed and word incompetent to lead a gaggle of geese to market.

I had, once-upon-a-time, through several agencies personal, a respect for the current president which he aborted by insisting upon first editorial rights to any and all written interviews rendering him the supreme ass hole of all time . . . at least in my experience and expectation  . . . why does he not simply shot journalist on sight? Or, instead, follow more nearly the lead left him by the previous administration of declaring all opposition as "Enemy Combatants" without Habeas Corpus to languish for decades imprisoned. Smells like, wattles like, quacks like a duck to me akin to sharia " . . . law is only applicable to Muslims."

What's next boys and girls: clitoridectomies -- the excision of the clitoris, usually performed as part of female initiation rites, mainly among certain African peoples, but also sometimes used in various societies to curb sexual desire; female circumcision.

Instituted to 'protect' the electorate The Thought Police threat meters must be spinning by now. Yet in complete innocence I still ask why does it seem that democracy has been supplanted by something so similar to what Al-Qaeda desires of the world?

And, at that, if we incorporate the cooking of accounting, the lies regarding election results via Diebold Election Systems, the simple translation from Depression to Recession . . . oh well . . . the abuses are fantastic; the list of facts endless. We live not in a democracy or oligarchy but a business designed to collect as much money as possible and damn the consequences. Unethical/immoral? Of course: Any means to and end in itself.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad no more represents 'his' people than Vladimir Putin, Russia or Mitt Romney could and Barrack Obama can given his sabotage by the Democratic Party members who resent his not being an "old school 'professional' politician" and Brown to boot. Being 'brown' will be normative in a few generations if the species survives this tyrannical greed for power.

My issue however is not with the kickbacks, thefts and obvious corruption but a vastly more important issue to we PTSD and Co-Dependants. Who after lifetimes of abuse, sexual, emotional and psychological humiliation, victims one and all, really should object to being called mentally ill.

There is no politician worth the scratch it would take to bury his ashes knowledgeable enough to judge your, or my, competency. Yet through indifference to actual need deny aid to those who served adequate aid to survive the rigors of war; physically or mentally. And of we co-dependants well obvious we are dismissed, unless acting out, re: Aurora / Dawn of the New Age

Of all the resources, institutional or social, the most effective and lasting is self definition by total honesty and self investigation as in; The truth will set you free. Otherwise you will be enslaved by fear forever. . . .First you dance with yourself as good and grotesque then decide which part you want to live and die for. Do no harm to yourself, another, but especially the demigods who wish to prove their thesis by killing you.

For what other reason are politicians by any means and measures closing down the free education proffered by the World Wide Web?

Some day, if there en0ugh heart beats left in this graying flabby old man, I will publish a list of resources, more-or-less free, and readily available. That I think will not only keep you alive but enable you to become the glorious self you already are to me. Since those in charge seem to divide and conquer by fear and intimidation, lies essentially using the craft of advertising and media manipulation. I suggest that you learn to be grateful for what you have and ignore what you have not.  We are aggrieved and legion. . . .Follow the long patient path, solely your own, to wholeness.

Be well until next time we meet. Save yourself.


"It is not the fact of liberty but the way in which liberty is exercised that ultimately determines whether liberty itself survives."
--Dorothy Thompson

Wisdom expresses neither creed nor gender
era or epoch but hourly change in the river 
of time's constant change Not chaos as experienced 
by one participant in the eternal. To idolize a 
single aspect frozen in time is to freeze the 
reader intoxicated by fear & ignorance the 
inevitable change of everything cult

120819 1703 date

© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

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