Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Sunday, August 19, 2012

"Hell bent for election" says it all

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Politicians are psychotic by birth, therefore not evil; yet their indifference to all things emotional and uncontrollable make politicians useless. Among the wise, and by this I do not imply or infer that I am wise, it is said that there is a self governance: sovereign and above all the laws of men. For me this is consequential in many degrees and kinds, situations and choices, experienced minute by minute and to me the resolution by thought alone is not only anathema but and abomination -- In my lexicon: an actionable offense against life, love, liberty or merely against God.

In a simplistic sense all men -- remember I use men in the generic sense meaning all of the species of man and woman or merely all sentient life -- we all think to varying degrees about whether to wear yellow or red anything: panties, ties, socks. This is not a life lived on any level but pragmatic. As indicated in other posts: we are capable of a fabulous range of experience and power sacrificed to those who exclusively experience life through thinking alone. Intelligence is quantifiable yet love is not. Of power I would chose love over anything else and thus when confronted with a lose/lose situation chose love, sacrifice and mercy . . . I no longer pray for the courage to die in grace but make grace my goal in all things.

Before my collision with probable death by pain, castration, humiliation I thought I was receiving, randomly, 'love notes from God.' For which I have no proof save in the choice to be not only celibate but willing to, in death, make my assassin curious about love.

Might is not right for it is without justice or mercy; an obvious expediency to politicians and control freaks. And I -- as a sovereign self grown massively strong in faith, somewhat akin but never actually like that of those who have been my hero/heroines from nigh onto birth and now near death -- chose to die instead of live under the rule of indifference to any and all things especially love, mercy and life.

"Hell bent for election" says a great deal about what we are ruled by; those who arrogate profit from governance should, by general terms, merely be put to sleep at birth; retroactively aborted. That is before they pull the trigger and expunge all mankind and the earth in self righteousness a form of intoxication akin to all those we deem our "Enemy."

We are an emigrant population occupying a land, not owned as we claim, but merely inhabited by a race of people we call Native American Indian who had/have no ideation of ownership. Who in their turn were emigrant from other places and times thus 'owned' by immanent domain, this land we now pollute, rape, pillage and destroy. Like Hitler's Third Reich keeping the 'inferiors' in concentration camps become death machines.

"In God We Trust"

I have no concordance with the motto demonstrated by behavior and choice. Yet as a child of God would ask; when will we become the potential magnificence implied in The Bill of Rights or the Constitution of The United States. The current Supreme Court is skewed towards conservancy, not of liberty, but for profit and status quo. Thus morally and ethically bankrupt.

When Howdy Doody & Uncle Bob have their brief moments, together, or individually, before the court of God I pray they will not be dismissed as The Angel of Death (Josef Mengele) did: the shower/oven or slave labor.

For those unfamiliar with me: Howdy Doody is G. W. Bush & Uncle Bob is Dick Cheney. Both, in my estimate, war criminals and there are others' including Democrats who voted for the rape, pillage and burning of Iraq without provocation.

To conclude: I am not insane, We Are. And I for one will continue to pray for us.

. . . for reference material please seek and read; paying close attention to who wins and who loses coupled with where the money and power go. There is no recovery -- God & Nature do no revisions.


--from a child in love with God and in whom I do trust

© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

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