Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Friday, August 31, 2012

Mirth is natural by nurture not but defense at times snake eyes gazing deadly showing neither tear fear nor pain absent suffering not. 

I did bait mother as I do all women at times merely to make them laugh outrageously suggesting we have sexual congress RIGHT-HERE-RIGHT-NOW amongst the people i work with mostly if not all women at the times of my trick at hospice knowing me well they laugh since I flirt more often than not -- with mom as well or too (towards?)

Yet her laughter was seldom and then only in derision to suggestive phone calls, we worked together long after I should have left, she would say; "I'll eat anything I can put a fork in" or "knife" or "screwdriver" or "drive screws into" . . . my sense the suggestive submission was oral sex?!

Unjustly accused at a time of knowing my pee pee merely a convenience of incest with my six-year-old sister i being a very young twelve then -- she put me in Coventry = not speaking to me for over a year. Food, shelter, clothing nothing else silence preeminent. Add well remembered hurled from the back door naked in November the cold still shivering me now at 71 the door locked behind me my mind a blank for how long it still is at times allowing me to ponder random things acutely. Neutered in neutral idling wasting gas . . . 

. . . pause . . . aside: M just called to confirm a lunch date. I laughed. Telling her that I'd put a submarine dive klaxon alarm in my personal information manager. 'gasp' Going further, telling her she should hear her singular telephone ring . . . "Souza?" as in HAIL TO THE CHIEF. No it is celestial fit for more than a President, more Impress or a force of nature . . . "I'll hang up here." Laughing again, "I'll see you later." CLICK 

Then while seated on a porcelain throne in the reading room Annie attacked as she usually does in any idle moments seeking my attention. Biting me at times, or when I play snake inches from her whiskers, she doth protest vehemently vocalizing petulantly disapproval threatening me with worse than mere bites but scratches too! Oh well will there ever be too many beloved females including the feminine component of the Windy Spirit who vagrantly kisses me in public so no one notices? The Author of All Things!

Mother, of course, being God Like to me in infancy until too long afterwards castrated me by her behavior including such times while she wearing a tube top would glare at flaming me pulling up higher thus emphasize what I was ogling.

The actual point of this overlong preamble: Curiosity regarding the why and wherefore or what does motivate young women to desecrate their bodies with tattoos? Which in turn compels meditation of Social Media. . .I know I exist and wish more often than not I didn't. . . .yet still here and typing have essentially arrived at a point of needing neither affirmation or praise. It, this writing, being merely an incarnation of a disease. Like a shark needing move or die. But of others some too close to me to talk about I sense the entire thing a shit storm. 

Self Advertisement. 

A cyclone of human waste . . . but . . . then this accurately describes my conclusions regarding all things political especially the flatulent fatuous farting through mouths of pontifical pretenders to the throne white and White House porcelain dumping it all upon us

are we paying for this?


I'll have to wait awhile before publishing conclusive or definitive judgement on why she won't allow me to love her as I see her. Could it be that she cannot see herself as I do? As objectionable as that might be we're still going to have lunch -- terminal? 

As in The Last Big Mac?

. . . oh sweet Jesus in a Good Humor Truck i should 'a taken a nap instead of this!

120831 08:08 snake eyes
© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

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