Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

120808 03:53 riot
I have no need to incite riot since those who have stolen our lives do it by themselves. My spies, actually friends both of random or long standing, tell me there are incidents of spontaneous trashing symbols of pride like expensive cars in Germany. The others, coworkers, their children and on and on indicate by choice or declaration the end is soon upon us.

At the moment I would seriously consider castration a blessing to avoid the pain I’m in. I have the best physician available yet between her and her overworked staff things are falling apart for me in terms of attention, medications, and dismissal by fools in congress mandating self protecting legislation to hide their crimes with everything monetary.

Why bother?

For you, for us, the marginalized. Had I all the wealth I would dress in rags and ashes to survive what is coming, no prophecy but knowing the people as I do -- neither threat or promise -- inevitable.  The number of children dying daily has slowly diminished but not by nearly enough. I have a pale and once pretty face or so I’ve been told yet I identify with all life of any and all races, creeds, snakes and snails.

All indications aside I am not of/for/about God but something else I cannot identify yet by extrusion and the attention of a homosexual manager, a Nazi in his faux power to harass the elderly, I sense by becoming less and less consequential that I grow more insightful and less concerned for myself and Annie naked in the streets by his tender attentions than I am for not simply the elderly but all of us.

Pain and death have a begging middle and ending eventually death releases us from the mutilation by greed slowly marginalized into slavery. The greedy have used the method of slow strangulation keeping us by half, then thirds, quarters, then eighths sixteenths alive until now.

I wish I were clever enough to write this as science fiction or faction but I’m not nearly good enough to do than. At the same time knowing insanity too well by any evaluation or definition I wish I were wrong and completely out of my mind. Yet knowing Alzheimer's and dementia in all its phases degrees and kinds and eventual grotesque ending I know our eventual fate inevitable. We the meek will inherent the earth simply because we will have no identity and being unburdened by poverty pass swiftly through the eye of the needle impassable by wealth.

There is a place for us but not for them who will for now be eaten alive. Be kind to them for they know not what they have done, worst they don’t care. The power beneath or behind THE POWER are black arts, cooking the budget, the statistics concerning who can or won’t work. Then too there are the black armies of thugs. The kind who could burst into my front door and kill myself and Annie or make both of us drool or be mindless by injection -- instant heart attacks. In everything I write I write fully conscious that by the previous administration I could be called an “enemy combatant” and merely disappeared. Death is inevitable and it would be a kindness, perhaps, for Annie and I to self immolate on the Supreme Court steps? Or hang ourselves from the door knobs. How could I do that to Annie? We’ve had a brief but wonderful life together and as all love must end sometime why not now?

I sense our souls already saved and that is enough for me.

I’d give my stateroom on the Ark of the New Covenant simply that no one else suffer the horror ahead. Perhaps the young will learn soon enough to forestall the consequence of endless greed. If we stopped using credit cards the economy would cost 10% less in short time but at that we are sandwiched between two kinds of thieves: those who have and want more; and those who have not and want anything they can steal.

As for Annie, she’s a rescue cat, I guess I am one as well, who cares.

Could it be that I am a private scout for the dark wrathful army of God? Oh sweet Jesus driving a Lexus taking on an iPhone do I love to play with words.

© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

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